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Hey all,

I just finished this remix for OCR and really, really, wanted to submit it... but, I haven't heard back about "Calling the Water" yet (from Zelda OoT) so I'll be a good little member and wait... the 2-3 months it could take... before I can submit again... :roll:

But I wanted to make a stream available for members of the forum and any fans of the Chrono music. Follow the link pop-up; and feedback is always welcome.

AmR - Destine (Chrono Cross - Life~Faraway Promise)

Like I said I'm new to OCRemix.org and hope to contribute as much as is liked and also hope you all like my Diegan style of Trance.

AmR ][


Well, newbie - Welcome to the WIP boards (actually, I see you've been doin' some reviews and such here - great!).

Listening to your mix...

Very nice soundscape. I enjoy the genre, and effect you've got going here. The instrument choice is pretty good, for the most part (although there is this one instrument in the texture that bugs me a little - not that much, though :P), and the form is easy enough to follow. Mixing is very nice, etc. etc.

However, at the same time I'm pretty sure this wouldn't stand a chance in OCR. Musically it's wonderful, but there isn't nearly enough source in here. Generally speaking, the rule of thumb for the judges is 50 - 70% source material is the requirement - this has something close to 20%. Mind you, I really like the other 80% that you have - it just won't do for OCR, that's all.

Write more, though - I like your stuff, and if you put more source in it you should do well, here!


Good point about source. This track is difficult though because the source is only a three chord sequence, four at best (Gmaj, Amaj, Bmin) so I was wondering how many times you can hear that progression before you feel too looped. The melody is pretty basic. I had to alter and rearrange the whole track to properly fit within the 6min time frame and still develope correctly. It's sad to hear that you think it isn't OC worthy. It is a really loved piece in my performance set and I get asked about it often.


Yeah, don't take it the wrong way, though - it was a great song. The only problem was that it wasn't 'video game' enough for a video game music site. It's a shame, but there's nothing you can do about that. I don't think you wrote it for that purpose, right? You wrote it to create a great song, and to that purpose you did a fine job.

I'm surprised you say that the source doesn't have enough in it to keep it going. That particular source (Chrono's theme, right? I forgot, atm, and my headphones are not plugged in) is quite complex melodically and has quite a varying harmonic structure. Hmm... When you write your next song when you move on to parts that are full of original material try to base the new music on the source (melodically take tidbits from the source and move it around to make your own related themes; harmonically perhaps use some more related substitution).

Now you know, though - when you look for another source to remix try to keep in mind how much source you'll need in the mix itself if your gonna write to get posted :-o. I wish you the best!


I thought I'd get bored with the intro really quickly, but it kept my interest, unlike most songs with a similar style.I like the fade out and very minimal restart. The layering and instrumentation beginning at 3:12 are sweet. Very mellow, overall. Excellent work.

I don't know that I agree with Gario on the lack of source, but he would know better.

Really, my only suggestion (since you seem happy with the overall feel --> I would have said to punch it up with rhythmic variation) is to use a violin sample/synth/plugin that sounds more "live".

I think it's great so far.


All with a grain of salt.

I think I'll put more than 6 hours of sequencing into this mix. I seemed to have forgotten that as gamers where are very critical of the games we love. I missed an 8 bar melody in the song which makes me feel stupid... :banghead: but I was doing this mix live through Ableton so I can't really argue... listening to it makes me think similar thoughts. It is just hard to choose to work on a video game song in ProTools HD when studio time is expensive and we are in a recession :razz:.

But on the flip-

Yesterday this song was #12 in the charts, so not OCR worthy, but gamers still love it!


Updated mix

This is 5 more hours working on the remix, 11 total.

:: Changes ::

Totally revamped most transitions.

Added a second bass line to support the first (I felt the bass was missing in the 1st mix).

Added back 16 bars of source missing from first bounce!!!

Reworked the drum line.

Added in wider, faster Hi-Hats.

Dropped out the square lead and made it more orchestral.

Re-Mixed every fader.

Re-Mixed both drum machines (MPC).

Placed EQ on master fader to boost song shine (10 kHz and up).

Added 100+ points of automation across the entire session.

:: Problems ::

Having a couple of tempo and lead issues that I already know about, but these are caused by the size constraints and the fact that I'm working the tempo at 135 BPM (any suggestions?)

EQ-ing is needed on the lead orchestral melodies so every instrument has a place... "tighten-up the mix."

I still feel that the drums need another pass, not engineering wise but rather arrangement wise, more ad-libs on the drum patterns I guess is how you'd say it FL-lingo.

I know how to fix the problems mentioned (say one) I just didn't have the time in-studio today, and I don't like mixing on my control surface at home.

Thanks again Gario for the bitch smack; helped me make an even better mix for the live set now, cheers.

Beyond engineering critiques I'm pretty much setting in for the "done" mentality on this track. I'll give it one more session in-studio and then I'll lock her out.

Thanks again Gario for the bitch smack;

Bitch smack? Wow, that seems a little extreme, doesn't it?

Ah well, listening to the rendition you've got going here, it sounds like there is more source in there. It's not enough, still, but it's getting closer. I'd make the violin sound a little bit more prominent when it's in there - it gets a little drown in the mix, atm.

Let me give a percentage of source you've got going in there... 1:43 - 2:25 (42 seconds), 3:41 - 4:51(I'm not sure that counts as source, but it IS related, so I'll give half credit... 35 seconds), 4:51 - 5:48 (57 seconds) That's a total of 2:14 of source in it (2:49 of source if I gave the 3:41 - 4:51 full credit), out of 6:34 of music. That comes out to roughly 34% of the music that has relevance to the source (~42% if I counted all 70 seconds from 3:41 - 4:51, but that's not exactly source - it's heavily related, though). It's closer, but still not enough to sway the J's on the source usage. Harmony usage generally doesn't count as the source, by the way, as I notice you have a lot of that to try to cover that aspect.

This is a quote from LT (one of the J's for all the mixes that come through here)...

I'm never gonna pass anything with the source tune less than 50% of the track.

This is about as far from the source that OCR lets people go - it was a close call, for them (I'm glad it made it through - it's a sweet song). Source isn't important everywhere - just here at OCR. I'm not telling you this won't pass because of any fault in the music, I'm simply saying that without the source being prominent in the music the J's will not pass it, even if they really like it (and I'm sure they'd love this - it's very well done).

By the way, congratz on the #12 charts placement. It IS a very sweet mix and I personally enjoy it thoroughly, despite the lack of source.


Bitch Smack... :razz:

(No one here likes being told no. I don't really care. You can't hurt my ego...! It's too big! :razz:)

You mapped it out... wow... theory & all... wow...


I don't think I can get the source higher without it getting into my artistic aptitude. I feel using that much source should shorten the song to about 4:00... why you ask? A: I insist on making there at least a 1:00 to a 1:30 of wasted time (not source) because I make EVERYTHING I do/remix DJ friendly. I could make this 80%+ source but I would loose all my "friendly" mix time; OR keep the time and go into a 9min song... but then you'd want even more source, and that would just be too loopy.

I made this mix for a crowd so it will have to stay within the constrains of crowd arrangements :sad:. I have a theme from Wind Waker in the pipe that I really want to make OC worthy. This track is a "something project" that I through out to OCR because of its hype-a-tude.


Track closed out at #2 on the video game charts (www.soundclick.com).

I made this mix for a crowd so it will have to stay within the constrains of crowd arrangements :sad:.
Hey, it obviously works, so I recommend you don't change it to fit OCR (other than making the strings louder - that'll just make it sound better :-P). There's more to music than OCR, that's for sure - just because this isn't an OCR song doesn't mean it isn't great. It did well at soundclick, that's certainly something to brag about :-o.

Of course, if you could get more source, that'd be great, too - but I understand the problems you'd have doing so... Maybe you can incorporate the source into the texture that you've got repeating throughout the song. It could work - it's at least worth a shot, if you want this to stand a chance on the panels.

Nice, #2 there, huh? Great job!

I'm glad you ego is too big to hurt... We should butt heads sometime - see who's ego would win out (I think I'd win, rawr... :<).

Edit: Now your #1 on the Electronica charts with this one. You beat them all! Be very afraid, everyone...


Hey, if you want to submit try PM'ing or IRC with a judge (Zircon, BGC, DS, etc. - they probably would have more accurate advice about the whole thing than I would). I don't think the harmonies included count very well as 'source', but I could be wrong and it'd be a shame to hold you back because of a mistake in my judgement.

Ask them about the source in the song. They would give you a straight answer on the subject.


You all rock !!! :twisted:

I'm going to go into studio one last time on Tues (May 19th) with this baby and pound out better EQ-ing and talk to my man about getting a basic master bounced off the Neve. She will have one more work on before I submit.

Thanks for the, "ya'know... do it!" attitudes. :-o

Gario... thumbs hi.

  • 3 weeks later...

I'd recommend PMing a Judge or chatting to them on IRC before submitting it, personally. My older comments still hold (You know what I'm talking about :twisted:), so it would certainly be nice to know the answer before waiting 3 - 4 months in the submissions inbox to have them say the same thing.

If you submit - I wish you luck, it's still great trance that I would download!

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