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So yeah, it looks like propellerhead has been working up to this kind of thing for a while. Anyone else think this looks cool? Personally, I have to say since it doesnt look like it adds any vst support that it kind of looks like a rip-off. The interface looks neat and comprehensive, but it looks like just another add-on to Reason than an altogether different product.

Voice your 'pinion here.


It's a bit odd they tout this for "musicians" instead of "recording engineers" and yet the mixing board is directly based off an SSL that only recording engineers would be familiar with. Also... requires a dongle??

Anyway, I welcome Propellerheads' contribution to this market. The more competition there is, the better.


The automatic audio tempo following is interesting, but otherwise it looks like a homebuilt 64 bit version of SONAR 2.0 to me (which also didn't support VST).

My gut reaction to the clip is that it's still too complex for very casual music makers (apparently their target market?), but not powerful enough to compete with other sequencers on the market at the $300 price point. What they SHOULD do is market it as a live-recording-centered competitor to FL Studio in the $100-$200 range. That could make some waves.

I get a chuckle out of the marketing though. "smug engineers" :)


In its capacity as a $150 upgrade for people who already have Reason (OMG now Reason can do audio!), it could be a success. The lack of VST support could prove crippling in trying to compete with other DAWs, though. With Reason, the lack of VST support is acceptable when you view it as basically a plug-in suite -- Reason is expandable because it can be ReWired into DAWs; with Record, you're basically boxed in.


Looks pretty nice I guess. I don't think I really "get" this product- don't these features already exist in every other major DAW? The time strectching seems nice but I thought Live does the same thing (I don't use Live though so who knows). Seems like the whole point is the easier to use workflow, and I do appreciate how ease of use changes and speeds up the creative process.

Well, I guess I'm not the target market so I'll just sit back and see how its recieved.


Only major innovation I really saw was the time stretching, which is freakin amazing, but other than that it looks like a linear recording DAW. For $250 what seperates it from all of the linear ones that have been around forever, cubase, sonar, live, etc. What is the matter with them and hating VSTs, it doesn't make sense, they could sell twice as many copies if they just integrated that.


I was actually gonna write something about this. I think its really awesome (especially for reason users). as a standalone, yeah I dont see it being very popular, but as a reason addition its incredibly awesome. I signed up to beta test, so I'll let you guys know what I think :P

Looks pretty nice I guess. I don't think I really "get" this product- don't these features already exist in every other major DAW? The time strectching seems nice but I thought Live does the same thing (I don't use Live though so who knows). Seems like the whole point is the easier to use workflow, and I do appreciate how ease of use changes and speeds up the creative process.

Well, I guess I'm not the target market so I'll just sit back and see how its recieved.

The timestretching is way better than any other app I've seen. Ridiculous realtime stretching with NO artifacts.

The timestretching is way better than any other app I've seen. Ridiculous realtime stretching with NO artifacts.
I didn't see where it said it was realtime. Unless you know otherwise, I would assume that the timestretching is just like any other app (say SONAR) where the pitch/tempo stretched stuff should sound *ok* realtime, but generally artifact free only on export.

I was mainly impressed that it would automatically stretch the audio, whereas in SONAR you'd either have to make each individual audio clip a "groove clip", or "slip edit" each clip to match your new tempo.


Ok, yeah I missed him saying "realtime" the first time I watched it. I'll still hold on to some of my skepticism though until I see an actual demo of it sounding that clean during a tempo automation with the online stretching algorithm (not after export).

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