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Speaking of the grenade launcher, does anyone actually use it? It seems like a fun toy to play with on low difficulty stuff, but with friendly fire on higher difficulties it becomes highly situational.

It's really useful if you're playing with people who understand what you mean when you say 'MOVE AWAY FROM THE ZORMBOES SO I CAN BLOW THEM UP'.


Luckily, even on Expert, the friendly fire damage from the grenade launcher is minimal. I've hit all three teammates as they ran ahead, right in the middle, and they only took a tiny bit of damage.

Even the self-inflicted FF damage is pretty low on Expert.

Nothing beats a well-aimed clip from the AK or Sniper rifle, though. Those new guns are beautiful.


Ah, the point of impact thing makes sense. I've been a scrub and been playing on Normal with my friends, and I've been generally sticking with Pistols because everyone else I play with goes melee. We're working our way up to Advanced, but it's slow going. The game's really kicked up in difficulty compared to the original. I consider this a good thing.

But god yes, I love the new guns. My favorite's the AK. Lose accuracy, but the thing has so much stopping power against most regular enemies. It's fantastic.


AK with a laser sight is... it's like a shotgun with accuracy. A clip from an AK blasts chucks of off just about anything. Add in the laser, and it's almost a sniper cannon.

But you can really only get it in Dead Center at the gun shop. Kind of sad, I wish the laser spawned more in the other maps.


I may have to try the AK again sometime, especially with a laser sight. I bounce around on weapons a lot, I've noticed. Usually I stray away from the machine guns since I tend burn through ammo fairly quick, unless I'm using the 3 round burst combat rifle. I'm a big fan of blowing big meaty holes into zombies with the magnum, though.


The key to longevity with the M-16 or the AK-47 is to burst fire manually. The Combat Rifle does it for you in a very nice, accurate package, but it seriously lacks stopping power. 3-round bursting with the M-16 is generally sufficient on most targets, and you can get the job done with 2 rounds usually from the AK. Specials are when you want to lay into them with full-auto.

Crouching helps your accuracy considerably with the assault rifle weapons and in my opinion makes it easier to control your bursts for that reason. And provided you're not playing on Realism, follow military protocol and aim for the center of mass.

The Magnum's a lot of fun, but it's really not that useful, in my opinion. At least on the difficulties I've been playing on, it's generally better to go with dual pistols because of the rate of fire and longevity you have. Maybe it's better on Realism?

Speaking of, has anyone really sunk their teeth into Realism? Sounds like a fascinating mode. How much does it really alter how you play the game?


Speaking of, has anyone really sunk their teeth into Realism? Sounds like a fascinating mode. How much does it really alter how you play the game?

no aura around fellow survivor/item, if you die it's permanent for the round. you'll be revived if you have a defib or need to wait the next round to start.

headshot are the only way to perform a oneshot kill, witch will kill you straight.

...follow military protocol and aim for the center of mass.

You know, my Army friend does that when sniping in TF2. Doesn't work out too well.

You're right though about the stopping power on the combat rifle. It's good for picking off the far-off ones in a crowd when you don't want to sacrifice your mobility to the sniper rifle, and you can switch to melee for hordes. AK + sight sounds worth trying next time I play though, for sure.

Realism mode is fun to play when you're looking for something just a little different, and are up for some extra punishment. It's also a great way to convince your friends to communicate over voice more, hehe.

You know, my Army friend does that when sniping in TF2. Doesn't work out too well.

Yeah, really because of game and balance mechanics, in that case. XD

In Left 4 Dead, though, it's a viable tactic that ensures higher accuracy and better ammo efficiency. (Generally. XD)

I heard somewhere that there are more Witches on Realism too. Is that true?


I see. What I had heard was that by just playing on Realism the chance the AI director would spawn a Witch was considerably higher. Didn't know if there was actually any truth to that.

Also what's always quite a surprise is when the Director spawns the third finale Tank right on top of the rescue vehicle. ...And it's not a lot of fun. XD

  • 2 weeks later...

(Not sure if serious pic here*)

If it was a problem for multiple people all at once, which it's not, then your comment might have some validity. But seeing how this is only happening to me, and no one else here (nor on any other board I've been too, searching for other people with the same or similar issues), it would seem to be an error on database management, not the service.

The odd thing is, that in-game, it only lists two of them being unlocked, while on my steam account, it lists 18. I don't know why this has happened several times to me, and not to anyone else.

Maybe they have my account mixed up with someone elses?

*What? It's an overused image meme, and if there were any better, more original ones out there, I'd be happy to use them.

And you people laugh at 360 owners paying for their online service. Well, how's free online working out for you now?

post of the week

i needed a nice laugh


I did nothing wrong. Every incap I did on teammates was deserved. All those zombies had it coming, and the Special Infected kills were in self-defense.

I'm just now seeing a few more people that also have had stats for L4D2 lost. It's still a very small number, but they also seem to be the same people that had it happen before.

This makes me think that it's a database issue. Something about our group of accounts seems to be the problem.


Don't be hatin'. Truth hurts, dawgz.

...Well, that was my attempt at being non-serious. I'm going to bed now...

...Did you ever notice how the word "bed" actually looks like a bed?

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