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OCR, 8 Bit Weapon & Nokia! Reset Generation ReMix contest!

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Now these prizes are burning holes in out hands, so it's FINALLY time to announce these winners and dole out some swag!

Running it down, 3rd place receives...

  • An 8 Bit Weapon t-shirt, to show your chiptune love!
  • A signed limited edition of 8 Bit Weapon's latest EP, Electric High, in a real 5.25" floppy disk!
  • Your choice of an OCR t-shirt along with a pair of OCR stickers, so you can fly the colors!

And the lucky winner for 3rd place's swag is mysterious German newcomer ko0x with a lengthy thumping club mix of the Reset Generation theme "Macro Boogie"! We're likely going to pay this this weekend during our music set at San Japan, so nice work giving us something to use!

Next up is 2nd place, which earns the competition's runner-up spot. They walk away from the competition with...

  • An 8 Bit Weapon t-shirt, to show your chiptune love!
  • A signed limited edition of 8 Bit Weapon's latest EP, Electric High, in a real 5.25" floppy disk!
  • Your choice of an OCR t-shirt along with a pair of OCR stickers, so you can fly the colors!
  • A limited physical edition of OC ReMix's Final Fantasy VII album, Voices of the Lifestream!

2nd place goes to OC ReMixer and British import Tepid (Philip Schwan)! His ReMix of 8 Bit Weapon's "Tricky Game" entitled "TRIX" showed off a lot of creative sound design as well as some old school hip-hop flavor. No word on if his entry was titled after the cereal, but great job nonetheless.

The winner of winners receives the whole shebang courtesy of 8 Bit Weapon, Nokia and OC ReMix...

  • The Nokia N81 phone (a US$399 value) with 8GB of memory and Reset Generation installed!
  • An 8 Bit Weapon t-shirt, to show your chiptune love!
  • A signed limited edition of 8 Bit Weapon's latest EP, Electric High, in a real 5.25" floppy disk!
  • Your choice of an OCR t-shirt along with a pair of OCR stickers, so you can fly the colors!
  • Your choice of 1 more prize out of the OCR prize pool below!

  • Cakewalk SONAR 7 Producer Edition (NFR)

  • Sony ACID Pro 6 (NFR)

  • Sony Sound Forge 9 (NFR)

  • Novation V-Station Virtual Instrument

  • SONiVOX Playa Hip-Hop Virtual Instrument

  • A bundle of loops by M-Audio

  • Project Gotham Racing
    (Microsoft, Xbox 360)

  • Unreal Anthology
    (Midway, Windows)

There can be only one winner, and for a contest partnered with chiptune enthusiasts 8 Bit Weapon, it's only fitting that our 1st place winner is VERY old school. He's been around since OCR's very beginning and he's also a Commodore scene junkie so he's got nothing but respect for the track "SID Vicious".

Hayden Petrie, aka Rayza, holds the proverbial gold with a dynamic club-style piece entitled "Kid Malicious". It's got plenty of traditional Rayza sounds & techniques employed while still being something different from the rest of his OC ReMix, so you're gonna be loving it!

As the winning track, "Kid Malicious" will be the first track from the contest to be posted to OCR, while we'll have several others we'll be adding as well! djp will have Rayza's mix up soon along with some congratulations!

Props to everyone for putting their best into their entries! The scores (which we're keeping private) were CLOSE among the top half of the entries, and we judges (Seth & Michelle of 8 Bit Weapon, djpretzel, and Larry) had a difficult but fun time narrowing down the top finishers! We're planning on doing an organized OCR album release of the top 8 tracks, which we'll be getting into more once we finalize some things, so keep an eye out after this weekend for more news on that front.

Congrats once again to all our big winners, to 8 Bit Weapon & Nokia for partnering with us with some amazing prizes, and to everyone for a great turnout of tracks that we'll be releasing soon!

Awesome! Really happy to see that Phil got second (I had some input on that one :-)), and congrats to Rayza and ko0x as well.

It's true, thanks man. It was good incentive to keep adding little touches (a couple of which you specified) to the song to make it more interesting. I'm pleased with the results too, and enjoyed Rayza's mix. Looking forward to hearing the rest of them too.

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