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The Distant Worlds concert just a couple weeks ago was pretty awesome. I'm sure the occasion probably drained a few people's budget and/or will to travel. But...

There is a Video Games Live performance coming up very soon that I'm surprised to see no mention of! Just this Friday (the 10th), they'll be at the Wolftrap in Washington D.C.

Anyone going?


List of attendees

djpretzel & the future Mrs. Pretzel



Mr. MAGFest


Nick the Newbie

Big Adam


Gamer Symphony Orchestra


Grant Kirkhope

Mark Cromer

Sid Meier





What kills my budget is the trip home. Either I pay through the nose for a quick ride or I pay through the nose and sit in the depot overnight. It's difficult to do this sort of thing anymore without staying somewhere. You guessed it: I don't drive. Then again, this may be limited to Baltimore.

However, in this case, the reason against is much simpler: I work on Friday. :( Have fun.

Job interview, so I poo on you.

Distant Worlds is playing all Weekend. If you can go, you should totally do it. Seeing Nobuo bounce around in the One Winged Angel song is an experience all its own.

So, we gonna meet up anywhere? And is OCR representin' at this event with a table & all?

No idea, but I'm sure we'll figure something out.

Also, IF YOU WANTED TO BUY A T-SHIRT OR HOODIE FROM US DIRECTLY TONIGHT, mail me (larryoji@ocremix.org) with what you color/size want, and be sure to bring cash.


Awesome time! Thanks a lot to Matt (Zeiram) for hooking me up with a quick ride back. I got to stay for the meet-and-greet and get the OCR guitar signed by several composers & developers, plus earlier we had several MAGFest & GSO peeps sign the guitar as well. Of course, the show was fun!

I'm planning to be in Atlanta again, so I may head out to the Augusta, GA show in late September. Thanks to Jack Wall for the heads up, so now I've gotta get out there. Glad to see everyone tonight!


Sad I missed some of the others there, but the concert was a fricking blast! How about that Guitar Hero segment? The crowd went wild.

Personally? I loved the Castlevania encore amongst other sections. I've loved the soundtracks to that series for a long time. And seeing the Video Game Pianist live was something else.

AND SID FREAKING MEYER. I love me some Civilization, so that was a huge, pleasant surprise. Just a great time in general! :D

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