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It doesn't really go anywhere...

It just:

Really quiet intro... oh hey look some soft drums... oh nice, a flute... This is boring... it's the same thing and there's a little chiming thing in the background... same old drums... oh look he put a synth in now it's building up!!! ... where did it go there's just a little chimey thing...

It does go somewhere. The whole song is like a really big, straight pathway, with the same trees and same bushes and same grass along the way. And it ends... with nothing. That was a good buildup you had going there but it was wasted when you brought the whole thing down again.


Change it up! Don't just add stuff, take stuff out, create different stuff!

That synth in the ending was a little annoying, it was goin "Da-da-da-da-da-da-da" Really fast and it was kinda weird because the only thing with it was that slow celestia/ glockenspiel whatever.


Seems like the bass drum doesn't have any highs and barely any mids, you might need to change the EQ on it, or pick a better sample. Doesn't sound right with the light snare and the overall light tone.

The arrangement is pretty minimal, you can change chord progressions and leave out parts that you've already used, repeat parts, add more layers of backing (harmonic, rhythm, atmosphere - whatever).

The arrangement is interesting in that it seems like the 0:40-3:00 part just repeats itself for little reason other than length and could be cut without much loss. There's a slow build-up in it where bells come in, there's some changes and pauses ion the drums, but beyond that it's mostly the same as after 3:00. Changing that up should yield a more interesting arrangement. Say, stay on the first part of the source, repeat that while building up, and make a bigger change to the second part of it.

The dynamics of it could use a bit of variety too, not just the arrangement. It's great that soundcloud displays the waveform, you can see where you have breakdowns and where you have more intense parts. imo, those intense parts should be more intense so there's a great contrast - more range.

As for sounds, the overall light-weight vibe this has is pretty sweet. Bass drum doesn't quite fit, neither does the changed/faded in sound getting louder around 3:05. Some irony having a light-sound dark world theme. :D

You have a lot of cool stuff in there, would be great if you'd bring it out more. Give it more layers, emphasize parts of the arrangement, use the build-up to make the listener look forward to when the track hits its high point, and make a high point that makes ppl wanna hear the remix again. What you've got so far is a decent foundation for the arrangement. Make good use of it. Good luck.


Even if I agree with what everyone's said with the mix, I kinda like it. Call me crazy, but I like it.

The bass drum really doesn't fit the style too well; use something that doesn't dominate so much.

The arrangement isn't too interesting, so if you want to go that route you'll need to make up for it with less subtle changes with the instrumentation and such. If you want to keep the subtle instrumentation (which is what I liked, personally) you should change the arrangement of the music more.

The mix is certainly too quite, overall, and the dynamics are rather static. Meh, the others told you that, though.

If the arrangement wasn't so strictly in time with the source I'd love this song; I only like it, at the moment. Make me love it.


I like the chill aspect, you could do more with a "Yazz" flute styled feel.

3 things bugged me though:

-Over all the mix just sounds thin to me. I feel we are using a simple drum machine to keep time... they're just not believable IMO, humanize them, and add cymbals (like crashes and washes - subtle).

-Near the end when you start having all the electronica ad-libs please consider doing a improve of the flute melody. Kinda gage your arrangement like, "I need to make each loop slightly different than the one before." No 8 count should "feel" the same.

-Break down your pads and bring them back in more. The more dynamic these (the pads) are the more diverse your mix will feel, I promise.

I did like what you were doing though, your foundation (arrangement wise) is solid we just have to polish it so it doesn't feel repetitive.

Give us an update!

I only like it, at the moment. Make me love it.

Andy, you could whip Gario till he Loves your track.


Sounds like the same melody as the original game, not much for variation. Would like to hear your interpretation of dark world. Right now its pretty much a soft midi with a kick drum. Spice it up with something. Anything. It helps by making a title for your remix so that you have some sort of direction or guideline

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