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I can't say much about the compression and post stuff, but the song itself is, in my opinion, longer than it needs to be. It feels very repetitive, and the change at about 5:20 is refreshing, but it came too late. It's the obvious issue of having such a repetitive source to work with, and especially with this song being as famous as it is, we've all heard straight guitar covers of it. You need to make sure that you get to the original ad more worthwhile parts before some people lose interest.


So? OCR is all about repetition. Sadly. Anyways, this is pretty damn decent. However, it is a tad too coverish. Also, I think that a warm pad or a vox/choir thing would really help to compliment the slower parts of this track. Also, I'm digging the drum beat. Although I think it could out by half a DB more or so. Oooo...I like the 2:00 juncture, very good work, and original! So it's not as cover-ish as I had presumed. My bad there.

Anyhow, this is pretty solid work IMO, it may not make the cut at OCR, lord knows how stringent they are - but I'm diggin' this track nonetheless. Looking forward to your new works :<

So? OCR is all about repetition. Sadly. Anyways, this is pretty damn decent. However, it is a tad too coverish. Also, I think that a warm pad or a vox/choir thing would really help to compliment the slower parts of this track. Also, I'm digging the drum beat. Although I think it could out by half a DB more or so. Oooo...I like the 2:00 juncture, very good work, and original! So it's not as cover-ish as I had presumed. My bad there.

Anyhow, this is pretty solid work IMO, it may not make the cut at OCR, lord knows how stringent they are - but I'm diggin' this track nonetheless. Looking forward to your new works :<

OCR's not about repetition. xD

It's more about arrangement.

It's nice.

That guitar by itself with drums in background is fine, not repetitive at all.

Course I'm bad with production, so good job.

"it may not make the cut at OCR"

Why not? It is a tad repetitive but there's a lot of variation.

He put a lot of effort and it does certainly sound like something on the front page.

Actually, It wouldn't even get past initial review with that insane file size. (16.6 MB Seriously? Shorten it up it's really long. max file size is 6 MB, you got a lot of cutting to do.)


Just wanted to let you guys know that I am a complete newb when it comes to audio production...and every bit of audio advice helps. All I have is a guitar connected through a pod into my computer, coupled with Sony Acid Music Studio. Still learning the finer techniques of recording...this for instance was a straight jam that I critiqued...


Love it, sub it.

He can't, it'll get automatically rejected.


Because it's 16.6 MB large.

And I quote:

"2. Submissions must be 6.00MB (6,291,456 bytes) or less."

From submission rules.

1. Ergo, (trying to be Edgeworth here xD) *slams desk* *close up with speedy lines* THAT'S ALMOST THREE TIMES OF WHAT'S ALLOWED! :tomatoface::tomatoface:


Judge: *shakes head* Overruled. *penalty asplodes*

One of the problems is his bitrate is 320, when max is 192.

Not trying to be a jerk here, I'm just telling you what submission rules say.


its hard sometimes doing a remix of an older source such as zelda or mario where the source you have to work with is under a minute or so. I did a remix of the dungeon theme myself, but mine was heavy/power metal influenced. Mine ended up coming out to 4:13 and i just recently subbed it a couple weeks ago.

I think the hardest part is taking the source and being able to manipulate it enough to where you can create a structured song (ie chorus, verse, breakdown, etc). I actually used the very short discovery theme and the whistle theme to kinda create a breakdown in mine cause i couldn't figure out a smoother way to transition into a guitar solo. Anyways, i think that as long as the song doesn't push 5 miniutes, you can keep it right at 6mb at 192kbps and it'll still sound very nice compared to a 320kbps file.

ALSO, Sweedrix, i've KINDA noticed that you gave up on adding the strings to the gerudo valley mix? You know i can always just keep the strings for the parts after the guitar solo cause those you really seemed to like. LET ME KNOW?

its hard sometimes doing a remix of an older source such as zelda or mario where the source you have to work with is under a minute or so. I did a remix of the dungeon theme myself, but mine was heavy/power metal influenced. Mine ended up coming out to 4:13 and i just recently subbed it a couple weeks ago.

I think the hardest part is taking the source and being able to manipulate it enough to where you can create a structured song (ie chorus, verse, breakdown, etc). I actually used the very short discovery theme and the whistle theme to kinda create a breakdown in mine cause i couldn't figure out a smoother way to transition into a guitar solo. Anyways, i think that as long as the song doesn't push 5 miniutes, you can keep it right at 6mb at 192kbps and it'll still sound very nice compared to a 320kbps file.

ALSO, Sweedrix, i've KINDA noticed that you gave up on adding the strings to the gerudo valley mix? You know i can always just keep the strings for the parts after the guitar solo cause those you really seemed to like. LET ME KNOW?

At 7 minutes he kind of overdid it;

it does sound repetitive at some parts.

There's nothing wrong with stretching a short source... but it's not good to stretch it too much.

its hard sometimes doing a remix of an older source such as zelda or mario where the source you have to work with is under a minute or so. I did a remix of the dungeon theme myself, but mine was heavy/power metal influenced. Mine ended up coming out to 4:13 and i just recently subbed it a couple weeks ago.

Oh you subbed it? Good luck with it ;).

It seems that he reduced the length of the song already - it only goes up to 4:32, now (I didn't hear the longer version). Yeah, this should work at 160kbps (possibly even 192kbps), so I think your ready for submission. I like it, and the judges should, too.

Oh you subbed it? Good luck with it ;).

Why thank you. :)

I think the one your talking about that's 4:32 long is a different mix altogether. He's creating a long zelda sort of epic track split into different parts. The 4:32 part is the second(?) part of the mix thing-a-mob-a-jigger.

As for the mix he wants to sub, i think it might too long, but it might not be. I think that some of the parts do kinda get repetitive and it goes back to what i was saying earlier about taking short sources and making them longer. I think that adding the dungeon theme around 5:15 is a bit much, but only cause it extends the track very far. Not to say that that part is bad, but it kinda jumps in when you think the original track is done. If you really want to keep that dungeon part, you could try cutting out a bunch of time from the first 5 or so minutes and add this part in there to make the whole track about 5 minutes instead of pushing 7:30. Now, i would only make this mix shorter for the purposes of getting into OCR. Then you could always keep the longer version for your youtube channel.

Just so ya know, the mixing sound miiiiiiiiiiles better than the original and adding that bell thingy to the dungeon part of the mix is kinda awesome. I thought about doing that, but got too damn lazy and it didn't really fit in mine.


Oh I see, I was looking at a different song, then, lol.

If you are worried that it's too long for OCR, don't worry about it - there are longer songs on here that are great, like this one (one of my personal favorites, and I'm sure a personal favorite of many other people here, too :-o). The question is how much quality are you willing to sacrifice to keep the file under 6mbs, as something that is 8 minutes would need to be reduced to something like 96kbps, which is rather poor in quality (although still acceptible on OCR).

If your worried that it's too long because it doesn't flow or something then I agree. The addition of the labrinth sounds a little 'slapped on' in your track. Of course, it's your call, but there doesn't seem to be any integration of the themes in there - just the overworld theme and the labrinth thrown next to it (which the J's frown upon). Not saying that's a terrible thing, but it's something that will take your track down in the eyes of the judges. If you let the guitar ring until 5:20 and ended the song (instead of introducing the new theme) you'd probably have a better shot at the front page (and it would shorten your song to an acceptible file size, at the same time).

There seems to be a bit of an emphasis on the bass end of the EQ spectrum that muddies the rest of the track - I'd turn the bass down a bit on the master track before subbing this.

It's alright, otherwise - it might be a touch repetitive, but I find it to be relaxing. Personally I like the Gerudo Valley track better - you should sub that one for sure, then fix this one up and follow up that submission with this one three weeks later :-P.


My issue is not that it's too long, it's that there's not enough variety in that length.

Select 1:00. Now, select 2:00. Next, select 3:00.

Do that for every minute.

You'll notice that it's pretty much minor differences at every milestone (or, in this case, minutestone) Sure there's lots of new stuff in between, but the fact that it always comes back to that relaxing interpretation of the melody, well, it gets a little more boring and a little less relaxing. :tomatoface:

That's just my opinion, you don't have to take my advice. :<

My issue is not that it's too long, it's that there's not enough variety in that length.

That comes with the 'improvisation' part - if you change up the harmonies and theme too much you'll lose touch with the original too much (or at least it'll be very, very difficult to keep it connected to the source).

It's very difficult to keep the source in there if you don't return to it periodically.

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