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Dear Livejournal,

I am playing through this game that is not starcraft and is also really terrible.

Here, let me make a thread about it and talk about how much it sucks rather than playing starcraft which would be an infinitely better way of spending my time.

The End.


Kinda sad you skipped over FF9. IMO you should have played that one over X. It's the best of the Ps1 FF (even better, there's a lot of neat nods to the old school in this game....sucks the end is kinda blah though). X is a decent game. In terms of story it's an interesting approach and near the end I found it interesting. Also some of the characters while having decent backgrounds/stories are kinda meh.

But really if anything you should stick it out for would be the battle system. It's great! Sure it's pretty straightforward and kinda slow at the beginning but once you have all characters and full access to the Sphere Grid, that's where things open up. The battles can be really challenging (especially stuff in the Monster creating Colosseum thingy). If you can ignore the story I think you'll be at least entertained with the battles. Just stay clear of FFX-2 though. While the battle system and job system is like FFV but more refined....story wise....oh god the story...

Kinda sad you skipped over FF9. IMO you should have played that one over X. It's the best of the Ps1 FF (even better, there's a lot of neat nods to the old school in this game....sucks the end is kinda blah though).


Zidane's one of the better FF protags Square's come up with.

This was actually the very first FF I ever played... I loved it.

Same here. Totally loved it. My fav FF to date. Great characters and story. Always wished they did an offshoot of Braska, Jecht, and Auron prequel, that would have been awesome. Better than the cheesy FFX-2.

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