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I'm not sure why you're letting your forum-going experience ruin a gaming experience for you. Do you like the game? If you do, just play it. :\

I only kind of like the game and part of me wishes that it was better and more engaging. Then I think about the kind of people who are elitist asshats to everyone else.

Hell, first it was the hardcore people complaining, and now it's the casual people complaining that the hardcore people were too hardcore. I think it's a (bad) reflection of the community. It's kind of like walking into a funeral I guess. You can be in a perfectly happy mood but when everyone else around you sucks your energy out of you then you aren't happy after all.

I only play Aion on the weekend with my girlfriend, if we weren't playing together I don't think I'd renew my subscription.

You're right, I should have a thicker skin. Normally I'm fine, I posted in Unmod for years, I posted in WoW forums for years, but for some reason I can't handle Aion fanboys. In any case as declared I'm done forum-going. I don't think I'm going to derive much more enjoyment from the game as the game itself isn't very good but at least I won't be walking into the funeral.

Anyway this thread started off as a big rant.

I only kind of like the game and part of me wishes that it was better and more engaging. Then I think about the kind of people who are elitist asshats to everyone else.

Hell, first it was the hardcore people complaining, and now it's the casual people complaining that the hardcore people were too hardcore. I think it's a (bad) reflection of the community. It's kind of like walking into a funeral I guess. You can be in a perfectly happy mood but when everyone else around you sucks your energy out of you then you aren't happy after all.

I only play Aion on the weekend with my girlfriend, if we weren't playing together I don't think I'd renew my subscription.

You're right, I should have a thicker skin. Normally I'm fine, I posted in Unmod for years, I posted in WoW forums for years, but for some reason I can't handle Aion fanboys. In any case as declared I'm done forum-going. I don't think I'm going to derive much more enjoyment from the game as the game itself isn't very good but at least I won't be walking into the funeral.

Anyway this thread started off as a big rant.

If you can't solo in an MMORPG and/or you DON'T have a thick skin, it's not worth playing. When I played Tabula Rasa, the community was actually pretty cool and a vast majority of them on the server I played were fine. Now when I played WoW demo, I found myself going solo most of it because I didn't like the community.

Going solo is a great way to get past a terrible community.

Some servers are just empty or lousy. That's why I play on Illidan <3 If you ever want to give it a start again, just roll horde there and send me a tell so I can get you into the community guild.

i would kill for that too bad EU account and US one are separated. I hope we all can play together at FF14 if the game is good enough.

You could play Aion. They're not spambots, they're grinding bots though.

Trust me, if I had a decent graphics card and a decent processor, AND if I could convince my dad to pay 15 a month for it (which I would have a slim chance of doing) I could, but I can't, because I lack the age for a credit card and a decent gaming computer.

I actually wouldn't go nuts by grinding bots because I would be too busy marveling. Just by watching Shariq I get all excited because the chaining skills and the flying and the graphics are sweet.

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