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  • 2 weeks later...

Quiet, you, and get back to your cage/podcast editing room!

And since I'm in a "having the last word" mood today, I'll close by saying I do endorse his claim that someone should pick up an After Burner mix or two. They could easily be done in rock or dance fashion, and there's quite a bit of room for original writing in some of them.

So please...won't someone think of the KyleJCrb's?

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...


mp3 or another format like .ogg?

Depending on my progress I may have it up later tomorrow as I'm trying to put together my first ever video on my youtube page.

Man what a bitch it is to even get it together.


Why not just click the YouTube link I provided for the very song I spoke of? Or are you doing something with the song yourself?

REGARDLESS... if you so choose to give an MP3, I'm sure others would rejoice. Or they'd just perk and eyebrow and go to another thread. Either way, upload that funky music white boy.


Remember when I provided an actual copy of the tracks mentioned earlier on this thread..?


Sorry to say I just dabble around with sound software and only have rudimentary knowledge of cleaning them up without distorting the original sound; I'm no where nearly as capable of the remix artists here.

Plus I'm more of a treasure hunter than anything


I do indeed remember that. But I've always found the Sega CD AB III to have botched the original tunes. They just didn't have the same edge.

However, I found the perfect site that features the music from After Burner (arcade and Saturn) and After Burner II (arcade, Saturn, Saturn arranged) recorded in ogg format. But I'm pretty sure I can't post the link. The music is ripped right from the games in question. If it was just links to recordings from the arcade games, I'd post it. But since the Saturn versions are on there...

If a mod would like to clear this up, it would be nice. Otherwise, if anyone's interested in the link, PM me.


Sorry Coop, I actually like the soundtrack for AC3, plus I couldn't find a rip of the track from AB2 that included the melody (listen to the link you posted: The melody is missing. I don't exactly understand why they did that). I'd post a link to tracks from the After Burner 20th Anniversary box set, but that's pretty much a no go under forum rules. I'd say grab the VGM from Project 2612, but the sound emulation is totally screwed up. So...yeah.


Ah yes, such an awesome performance. I think the SST Band has my favorite version, although the Climax Mix from the After Burner 20th Anniversary album is pretty awesome too (it's not the same as the Climax Mix from Bayonetta, although that one's pretty cool too).


All right. I heard back from DarkeSword, and was given the go ahead...


Right there, you'll find some of the music from After Burner (arcade and Saturn), and After Burner II (arcade, Saturn, and Saturn arranged) in ogg format, taken straight from the games. If you right click on the links, you can download the music tracks if you're not up for listening to them in your browser.

And if you want the versions with the extra melodies, go to the arranged tracks.

  • 4 months later...

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