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Lol this is weird because i was reading up on this for about an hour today while i was in college and my band has decided to play it at our gig to support the idea! I definitely want to see this happen. I'm tired of XFactor producing the same pop shit. The people who win it will always get xmas no.1 and then will be forgotten about. Succeeding in the music industry isn't about being hard work any more or being talented. It's about putting on a show for the retards that get sucked in by XFactor. There's no new areas of music being explored any more, it's just this giant machine churning out the same old crap each year. I don't even like RATM tbh, so i'm not supporting this because of them. I'm supporting it because i want the xmas no.1 to actually be fought for again.


Lol this is weird because i was reading up on this for about an hour today while i was in college and my band has decided to play it at our gig to support the idea! I definitely want to see this happen. I'm tired of XFactor producing the same pop shit. The people who win it will always get xmas no.1 and then will be forgotten about. Succeeding in the music industry isn't about being hard work any more or being talented. It's about putting on a show for the retards that get sucked in by XFactor. There's no new areas of music being explored any more, it's just this giant machine churning out the same old crap each year. I don't even like RATM tbh, so i'm not supporting this because of them. I'm supporting it because i want the xmas no.1 to actually be fought for again.


Fair Points lol

I do like Rage Against The Machine but I definately woud've picked a different song (and band lol) but as long as we topple X factor - LETS DO IT!!!


Prior to this year I actually quite enjoyed the audition phase of X Factor. Its a shame they ruined the one good thing it had going for it. It'd be nice to see a none X Factor record take top spot this Christmas, but then again the charts are a joke, unless you happen to be a typical teenage girl.


The X-factor winner is decided a few weeks before Christmas on purpose, because that's when Simon Cowell can make the most money off it. It's won the christmas no 1 four times in a row with however happened to win the show, and its always some really boring and bland unadventurous commercialized music.

I think the point of the song is self-explanatory: "fuck you I won't do what you tell me". I think the dude just picked a song from a band clearly against commercialized music, and they've already said they're going to donate the money to charity, a much more worthy place then Cowell's pockets anyway.

Also it's an epic riff, just bought it.

There are two kinds of randomness: ones that are funny and ones that aren't.

nice work understanding what exactly he meant by the picture

I didn't know what the hell the OP was talking about either

nice work understanding what exactly he meant by the picture

I didn't know what the hell the OP was talking about either

No kidding, I knew he was dense but wow :lol:

Keep it up Salluz, keep that low bar of quality going :wink:

On another note, to salvage this waste of a thread...

Any one capable of sharing a song that could convince me Rage against the Machine is any good as the knuckleheads here are making me hate them by their association with them.

Any one capable of sharing a song that could convince me Rage against the Machine is any good as the knuckleheads here are making me hate them by their association with them.

Rage Against the Machine is pretty much the genre defining band when it comes to rap-rock. They have some killer riffs (as previously mentioned), but they do tend to get a tad repetitive sometimes. This however is made up for by the extremely well thought-out and written lyrics. Even though they are typically associated with angsty teenagers, their lyrics consist of some very interesting and intelligent socio-political commentary, IMO (although you may or may not agree with the message).


They should totally do an anti-consumerist Christmas song. That would be sick.


They appeared on Radio 5 today, and it was hilarious. They had agreed not to swear before hand, and during the build up bit he didn't and then he suddenly lets loose. The lyrics just made it so funny.


Basically just saying "I won't do what you tell me!" over and over and then doing exactly that. Bet that got some attention.

Good for them, shows some credibility, even if they apologized right as the broadcast was fading.

What do you mean "won"? Aren't your charts just decided by music sales? And isn't it not Christmas yet? Europe is weird :/

How is it weird? Whoever is number one sales for that week hold the no 1 position for the following week. So they will be the no 1 single during Christmas day.


So, why would that mean they'd be played on the radio Christmas day? And why is it so important that they be #1 on Christmas day? I guess this stuff is really important to you guys. Here, American Idol singers always tend to hit the top of the charts, but nobody particularly cares. Nobody ever talks about the importance of being #1 for a particular date. There's just some kind of strange disconnect when I read about this whole situation.


Well, normally I don't care who tops the charts because its usually something really boring or bland or uninventive etc. This is especially true of the christmas no 1 which is usually won by something completely awful (see the mr blobby song or bob the builder), so someone thought it would be cool to get something complete random and unchristmas-like to win for fun.

There's really not much to get, not sure why you're so weirded out by this. It was just some guy trying to get something cool to be our top choice. The only real significance of being a christmas no 1 is thats the time when people will buy a lot more music then they normally do as presents, so it gives a better (and usually depressing) overview of uk tastes.


There's really not much to get, not sure why you're so weirded out by this.

Yeah i don't understand that either.

It's not just to do with xmas no.1. It's do with the fact that the xfactor machine has produced the same generic crap for the past 4 or 5 years. People only watch that show to laugh at the people who can't sing. That's not what music is about. It's about expressing your feelings musically, enjoying yourself and encouraging artists to reach for the stars. It's not about singling people out, telling them they're terrible and public humiliation. It's like that show doesn't want music to go anywhere, so it just churns out the same shit. There was so much experimentation in music between the 50's and 90's, but apparently trying to come up with something new isn't allowed any more, which is sad really.

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