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OCR01194 - *YES* Street Fighter 2 'Go Home and Be a Family Man'

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This is the only way I could get the song hosted. I created a user just for you to obtain the song with ease:

Sorry there isn't an easier way to do this. I tried Geocities. But after one DL the site closes due to to much bandwidth use or something shitty like that. This is the finished version of the song. I had to delete all the wav files in the song just to make sure I didn't tamper with it anymore. Yeah, 50 hours is enough time to spend on one song. Hope it was worth it.



hahaha. Yea, that was a gay ending (in the game).

Drums suck, but the rest of the song is rather cool.

Lots of variation where it counts. Very nice playing.

I'm pretty borderline. It could have been better, but that kick ass guitar playing pushes it over to a

[19:29:44] *** Signoff: djp_depressive (Quit: )

[19:30:00] <Prot> awe

[19:30:02] <Prot> poor djp

[19:30:03] <Prot> :(

[19:30:09] <Prot> I'm teary eyed

[19:30:27] <adhesive_boy> :'(

whoops, wrong paste. I meant



hmm, this is a pretty straight transcription of the Guile theme until the 1:15 mark.. then we get a long middle section of soloing. it's not until around 3:00 we get any real variation of the original's melody. i too am borderline on it. i want to give it a no, but the soloing is kinda okayish sorta maybe.

i don't know how anyone has enough time to spend 50 hours on a ReMix. he's probably just slow.


(very very borderline)


Okay. this is the original, only it sounds worse.

the guitar sounds really bad to my ear. sounds dry and sounds poorly recorded.

frankly, the solo doesnt impress me, not so much because of the playing, but because of the sound of the guitar, the mixing, the recording.


this mix becomes incredibly cool at 1:45. it more or less stays cool. the harmonics are very nice.

I'm very tempted to give you a yes, because after 1:45 kicks ass.

but the first half of your mix sucks. i want to hear you do it right and keep the second half as it is. i know someone will YES it and my vote will be meaningless, but here goes a



Very low-fi and frantic. The arrangement jumps around between musical ideas with little regard to smooth transitions. The guitar is by far the highlight of the piece, and it is well played and mixed. However, the whole track suffers from a muddy, lo-fi sound that is unbecoming of such a rockin' ditty. The percussion arrangement is spotty and random in nature, with crashes and open hi-hats ringing out of nowhere, and with no real defined purpose, other than unnecessary and clumsy ornamentation.

The bridge section near the end is very anti-climactic and makes any interest I had in the piece fade. It sounds like the band got bored and the guitarist is trying to get it going again. Much tighter arrangement needed here. The softer parts are nice touches, but they should be introduced appropriately, and not just pasted onto the end of a chorus or bridge.

Clean it up, make a more concerted effort at a cohesive arrangement, and definitely resubmit (considering the yes monsters don't invade).




The drums are just really lo-fi, although they're played well. The guitars come off sounding polyrhythmic at some points, though not in a cool artistic way; more like a 'the timing is kind of wonky' way.

Soloing is really nice, but the recording is poop, and starts sounding more and more like those lo-fi drums.

Halfway through this song, the piece really loses a lot of energy. That ending is so weak.

You have nice ideas, and guitar skillz. What I want to see is some good production skills, and a better arrangement. Like Danny B said, it seems incohesive. The arrangement is not logical; it's jumpy and doesn't really take me anywhere. The ideas are strung together, rather than melded.

This has serious potential, but I think that the arrangement issues especially keep it from a YES from me.



I'm going to give it the final definitive yes with this reasoning:

I think we all demand a certain level of originality and exoticism [sic] in our remixes. I know I do. But at other times, you want something... visceral and totally expected. Like a hard-edged SF2 tune. I think there are alot of people out there dying horrible deaths waiting for something like this, and I am loathe to let it slip by, minor gripes not withstanding.

I am of the opinion that the criticisms placed against this song's production value and arrangement do not equal or overpower its other sterling qualities.



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