The Damned Posted April 14, 2011 Author Posted April 14, 2011 Updated... again. What's going on with you and this game, Arek? Also, over 24 hours since I signed up for Dream World... and still not able to get onto it. Quote
Capa Langley Posted April 14, 2011 Posted April 14, 2011 Really? I got into it fine just now and yesterday. I've had absolutely no hiccups during any stages. Also, I've managed to get a Shinx and an Exeggcute. Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted April 14, 2011 Posted April 14, 2011 Updated... again.What's going on with you and this game, Arek? Also, over 24 hours since I signed up for Dream World... and still not able to get onto it. Wish I knew! Hopefully it doesn't give me yet another one! I spent too long registering so many people @_@ Quote
The Damned Posted April 14, 2011 Author Posted April 14, 2011 Fuck yeah, I finally got on. It only took... about 32 hours to do so. Quote
Soul Splint Posted April 16, 2011 Posted April 16, 2011 So, is there some super-obvious way of getting Dream Pals that I'm missing? I figured you would be able to select from people you have registered in the Pal Pad, but that doesn't seem to be it... I have the feeling that once again Game Freak has made something that should be elementary be instead incredibly annoying. Quote
Capa Langley Posted April 16, 2011 Posted April 16, 2011 From what I've gathered, you have to randomly come across someone's home while you're in the Dream World (perhaps both of you have to be on a the same time, I could be wrong) but even then 90% of the time it'll likely be some random stranger and not someone from your in-game Pal-Pad. Quote
JackKieser Posted April 16, 2011 Posted April 16, 2011 So, finally saved up enough to afford this game (fucking textbooks... >_<). Man, WOW. Upgrade. I'm loving the new feel of the battle system; it's so much faster and more responsive. I don't feel like I'm wasting time battling wild Pokès anymore. Chose Sumgleaf as my starter; Oshawott is cute, but smug > cute. This is going to be the first time I play thought a main story forcing myself to have less than 6 on my team, too, so... we'll see how that goes. Should make leveling easier, but I'm worried about move diversity. Audino is AWESOME, oh man, I'm going to grind the fuck out of that guy. Just started, so about to tackle the second gym. Playing a lot of dream world, grinding for dream points. Didn't know this, but apparently you can play so many minigames on Dream Island that the game locks you out of finding anymore Pokèmon OR berries until you make a wish; I got up to about ~400 points before that happened, but still interesting to know. Apparently, you have to trade FCs on your cart AND meet with that person on Wi-Fi at least once in-game before you can go to their dream thing. Which is a pain in the ass for trying to water my friend's plants, since I only have FCs I got off of Facebook so far, and I have no need to go online yet. Oh, and an FYI: apparently people have been getting the Damned's problem of >24 hours between syncs more than normal; it seems to be a glitch that just needs ironing out (if the site is to be believed). Sucks, but I don't think there is a workaround outside of being lucky or just waiting it out. Anyway, FC is 4598 9629 6430, version is Black. ...I should be getting back to writing a paper, but this game is calling me why must it torture me... T_T Quote
The Damned Posted April 16, 2011 Author Posted April 16, 2011 Actually, yeah. That's why I don't buy them anymore. I fundamentally disagree with Nintendo's business practices on Pokemon... Again, that's why I don't buy Pkmn games anymore. Sooo... what happened there, Jack? You were talking about not buying any more pokémon games, with all these reasons why...and here you are, buying the newest one and enjoying it. Just curious as to what changed your mind. Also, which starter did you get? In case any one wants to trade for one they don't have. EDIT: Also, redid the list so it's in alphabetical order, should be easier to get the FC of someone you want now. Quote
JackKieser Posted April 16, 2011 Posted April 16, 2011 If you really have to know, the deciding factor was peer review and the online component; I also liked being locked out of all of the proceeding Pokèmon, because it gave the game less of a "hey, let's just cram new Pokès in there" feel, and more of a "hey, let's craft a new game only for the new guys" feel. Also, Team Plasma; their arguments about Pokècaptivity are valid ones, and I think I'd agree with them if they weren't such monumental dicks and didn't undermine their own thesis at every turn. Seriously, a Pokèmon game that's not only self-referencing, but poses an actually relevant question about its own nature for analysis? Yeah, I'd like to support that. Also, Snivy was my starter, but I refuse to call it that; it should have been named Smugleaf, and so Smugleaf it shall stay. To this day, the only time I've ever really been happy the game let me nickname Pokèmon. Quote
Kureejii Lea Posted April 16, 2011 Posted April 16, 2011 Also, over 24 hours since I signed up for Dream World... and still not able to get onto it. I was having a similar problem... the loading screen would simply stay at 0%. Then I tried it on a different computer and it went through in a matter of seconds. It consistantly refuses to connect from my usual computer. So... yeah. I have to say, I'm rather disappointed that the time of day has absolutely zero influence on catch rates. It just seems to take away from some of the fun and surprise when just about everything that will ever be there is there. Quote
wildfire Posted April 17, 2011 Posted April 17, 2011 So.... how exactly do I use dream world? I have a pokemon sleeping but there's other things to do, right? It's not exactly very good at explaining how to use it, imo. Quote
Capa Langley Posted April 17, 2011 Posted April 17, 2011 You go here: If you don't have an account yet go here: Once you have an account there you can link it to your gamecard through the GameSync ID you've been given the first time you connect, and before you put a Poke to sleep. After that, you may access the Dream World once every 24 hours through the first site I linked. Quote
ocre Posted April 17, 2011 Posted April 17, 2011 Once you've signed into the Pokemon GL site, you can click on the "Dream World" square near the bottom of the page and if Fennel has finished processing your registration, you may play in the Dream World (website) for one hour for today. You may plant berries, set items collected in the Dream World on your Share Shelf, decorate your home (when you get furniture) and most importantly, visit the Dream Isle and explore the Pleasant Forest so you can befriend Pokemon (by playing mini games) and find items. :3 Be warned that you must have 1 berry to offer to the Dream Tree at the end of the path so you can trade in one of the pokemon you befriended in the Pleasant Forest into your game. Once the Dream World posts your chosen Pokemon on the Pal Board in your home, you can disconnect from the Dream World and sync the game again by "waking up" the Pokemon you put to sleep. You may then find the Pokemon you transferred over in the Entree forest on your game card. *phew* I hope I helped. ^^v Quote
Kureejii Lea Posted April 17, 2011 Posted April 17, 2011 A lot of people apparently have a problem given that it doesn't seem like it's made immediately clear that the Dream World is something you play on a website and not within the game itself. Quote
The Damned Posted April 17, 2011 Author Posted April 17, 2011 Yeah, it would have been a bit better as something more like HG/SSs PokéWalker. In fact, that would have not only been easier to use, but even more intuitive. I get what they were trying to do with the Dream World, but they should have set it up on the DS, not the PC. Plus, all the restrictions on using it and how much you can access, like having to get thousands of points to be able to randomly find certain pokémon... I've been active as much as I can be, over the last four days, and I'm only at 400 points. How long will I have to play it to get to the point where I can actually so more? Weeks? Months? Quote
Capa Langley Posted April 17, 2011 Posted April 17, 2011 If you go play the mini-games for the whole hour, you can accumulate about 500 easily per day. I'm already over 1000 after 3 days. It gets repetitive doing the games, but you pick up how to ease through them quickly enough just for the points. Quote
OmegaDonut Posted April 19, 2011 Posted April 19, 2011 I haven't played Dream World at all - and I have no intention of getting into the Farmville of Pokémon - but from what I've heard, you score a lot of points each day by visiting other people's houses and watering their berry patches. Quote
ocre Posted April 19, 2011 Posted April 19, 2011 In all honesty it's not even at all addictive. Maybe if they threw in some exclusive items and the decoration mechanic was on your game cart, I would be more excited about it. And if the decorations were more like in Gold/Silver/Ruby/Sapphire/Diamond/Pearl. The Flash home decoration aspect doesn't draw much attention from me. Quote
Tensei Posted April 19, 2011 Posted April 19, 2011 I just play it for Drizzle Politoed/Drought Ninetails. Quote
Bleck Posted April 19, 2011 Posted April 19, 2011 I play it for the sheer force feraligatr by the way if anyone has this please tell me Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted April 19, 2011 Posted April 19, 2011 I play it for the sheer force feraligatrby the way if anyone has this please tell me I have some totodiles if you want to breed some. rather busy with some other starters Oh yeah I play for ghosts and psychics. I don't know I just love them. Quote
Bleck Posted April 19, 2011 Posted April 19, 2011 I have a feraligatr, a very good one! but I need one with sheer force now Quote
ocre Posted April 19, 2011 Posted April 19, 2011 I currently have these femle DW pokemon: Lickitung - Cloud Nine Nidoran - Hustle Hoppip - Infiltrator If anyone is interested in trading me, I'm game. Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted April 19, 2011 Posted April 19, 2011 I have a feraligatr, a very good one! but I need one with sheer force now Oh in that case, if I manage to breed one with sheer force I'm willing to trade. Quote
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