ParanoidDrone Posted May 9, 2010 Posted May 9, 2010 you said it all right there There's luck and there's "Oh god I didn't even bump that Engineer why is he running at me with the wrench why why why." While cloaked the whole time mind you.
Black Waltz Posted May 9, 2010 Posted May 9, 2010 There's luck and there's "Oh god I didn't even bump that Engineer why is he running at me with the wrench why why why."While cloaked the whole time mind you. hahahaha i love that descrip btw
FireSlash Posted May 10, 2010 Author Posted May 10, 2010 So, there was an issue with cp_coldfront_rc3 and it needs to be replaced on the server.I'm hoping Icarus gave the second version a different name, because if he didn't, anyone who downloaded it is going to have issues when the map comes up in rotation. Edit: ....and he didn't. So, anyone who already grabbed cp_coldfront_rc3 is going to have to either delete it or manually get it again and overwrite it. The file size of the fixed version of cp_coldfront_rc3.bsp is 63,987kB (65,521,671 bytes). The file size of the bad version is 63,645kB (65,171,482 bytes). If it was rotated to, it might make sense just to rename it on the server to rc3_2
Powerlord Posted May 10, 2010 Posted May 10, 2010 If it was rotated to, it might make sense just to rename it on the server to rc3_2 Here's the thing... I don't know if it was.
ParanoidDrone Posted May 11, 2010 Posted May 11, 2010 If I recall correctly, we had recently played on rc_2 when you updated the map files. I highly doubt it was RTV'd to again, given our general track record with customs. Whether or not it was rotated to is another matter altogether. Map cycle = 24 maps, I believe. ~30 minutes per map. 24 * 30 = 720 = 12 hours. So Coldfront comes up every 12 hours, give or take, if no one RTVs to it. I don't suppose you remember what time we noticed the bug report?
Powerlord Posted May 11, 2010 Posted May 11, 2010 Updates to Team Fortress 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include: Team Fortress 2 * Fixed a missing localization string * Fixed an issue where Linux dedicated servers would not automatically retrieve master server addresses I've installed it on the server, but haven't bothered restarting it, because it's just a minor update. Edit: BLU emptied after cp_granary came up twice in a row, so I restarted it.
RussellChamp Posted May 11, 2010 Posted May 11, 2010 So hey, I'm hosting a multi-day LAN party with some of my friends from school. TF2 is one of the games that we're playing but I can't seem to be able to use unlocks. We tried following some of the instructions online we google'd for (like at but to no result. Know how to do this? I also noticed that there were problems online with unlocks. Are we in a problem-period with the Mac client coming and the engie update eminent? Anybody know?
Powerlord Posted May 11, 2010 Posted May 11, 2010 So hey, I'm hosting a multi-day LAN party with some of my friends from school. TF2 is one of the games that we're playing but I can't seem to be able to use unlocks. We tried following some of the instructions online we google'd for (like at but to no result. Know how to do this?I also noticed that there were problems online with unlocks. Are we in a problem-period with the Mac client coming and the engie update eminent? Anybody know? Unlocks are controlled by the Steam cloud, so if the clients and server can't connect to the Internet... There may be some server plugin to change this, but I don't know of one. Also, any time your server and the masters lose connection, items will be locked at their current selections until the connection is re-established. Edit: Some of you may have noticed this already, but Valve is backporting some features from Team Fortress 2 into an updated Counter-Strike: Source. Beta here. The stuff they're porting: -Orange Box game engine -Lifetime player stats and summary screens -Match player stats and summary screens -End of round display with MVP and interesting fact about a player -TF2-style scoreboard with new icons, visual style, MVP stars, and avatar pictures -Cinematic death camera -Domination and revenge system -Added avatar icons to scoreboard and end of round display (and voice chat, but TF2 doesn't have that) Oh, and they're adding achievements to the game... 144 of them.
Necro Posted May 12, 2010 Posted May 12, 2010 Edit: Some of you may have noticed this already, but Valve is backporting some features from Team Fortress 2 into an updated Counter-Strike: Source. Beta here. The stuff they're porting: -Orange Box game engine -Lifetime player stats and summary screens -Match player stats and summary screens -End of round display with MVP and interesting fact about a player -TF2-style scoreboard with new icons, visual style, MVP stars, and avatar pictures -Cinematic death camera -Domination and revenge system -Added avatar icons to scoreboard and end of round display (and voice chat, but TF2 doesn't have that) Oh, and they're adding achievements to the game... 144 of them. I didn't know they still did development for that game. In other news, the server crashed at least twice last night. It was strange because the server still remained on the map and the time still counted down but everyone was forced to reconnect. Has anyone been seeing this on other servers? I'm wondering if the problem is update related.
Powerlord Posted May 12, 2010 Posted May 12, 2010 In other news, the server crashed at least twice last night. It was strange because the server still remained on the map and the time still counted down but everyone was forced to reconnect. Has anyone been seeing this on other servers? I'm wondering if the problem is update related. If the server remained on the same map, it's a network issue rather than the server crashing. I've noticed that the server has been having network issues lately. Also, free Portal through May 24th. Edit: I also had a 301.1 kB TF2 update today, but the server binaries are unchanged. No idea what that was about.
ParanoidDrone Posted May 12, 2010 Posted May 12, 2010 Current fanwank holds that Valve is ninja adding stuff in preparation for the Engineer update. Fanwank #2 says that the update system is flat out borked. Pick one?
Powerlord Posted May 12, 2010 Posted May 12, 2010 Current fanwank holds that Valve is ninja adding stuff in preparation for the Engineer update.Fanwank #2 says that the update system is flat out borked. Pick one? I should clarify, when I said server binaries are unchanged, I meant that nothing on the server got updated. I tested this on the install that used to be OCReMix IDLE... which I'd updated after the last server update in case we continue to have network issues with the current server.
ParanoidDrone Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 Ah. Extra overhead for Mac stuff maybe? IDK. =/
Powerlord Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 A required update for Team Fortress 2, and an optional update for Day of Defeat: Source and the Counter-Strike: Source Beta is now available. Please run hldsupdatetool to receive the update. The specific changes include: Linux Dedicated Server: - Fixed srcds_run to work properly with the Counter-Strike: Source beta dedicated server when autoupdating. Engine: - Fixed the startmovie command not using the codec dialog. Team Fortress 2: - Fixed dropped weapons and ammo kits not being affected by explosions. - Adding missing "+lookup" and "+lookdown" keybind options. - Added SetCTFCaptureBonusTime tf_gamerules input to allow map authors to set the length of crit bonus time (in seconds) for CTF captures. I will be applying these to the servers shortly... now that the server is accessible again. Updates are now applied, waiting for server to realize that there are no new updates available during the restart operation. Here's hoping that SetCTFCaptureBonusTime doesn't override the tf_ctf_bonus_time cvar.
Necro Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 It appears that there have been some ninja updates to crafting. It now only takes two items to get a scrap metal. It also appears that certain combinations will give out community drops. Class tokens also appear to take three items instead of four. So far: Razorback + Targe = Gunboats Kritzkrieg + Bonk = Crit-a-Cola ? + ? = Pain Train Sandvich + Bonk = Chocolate Bar ? + ? = Homewrecker Here is a the thread following the news.
Powerlord Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 It appears that there have been some ninja updates to crafting. It now only takes two items to get a scrap metal. It also appears that certain combinations will give out community drops.So far: Razorback + Targe = Gunboats Kritzkrieg + Bonk = Crit-a-Cola ? + ? = Pain Train Sandvich + Bonk = Chocolate Bar ? + ? = Homewrecker Here is a the thread following the news. I wonder if the Pain Train will involve the Axtinguisher... someone commented before about it using the handle from it... or was it the Fire Ax? Anyway, I'll look to see if I have an extra Kritzkrieg when I log back in to see if I can craft a Crit-a-Cola. Also, RED is up, BLU and PURPLE are being PITAs and sitting there at the "checking for updates" thing rather than just timing out and starting the server.
Necro Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 Anyway, I'll look to see if I have an extra Kritzkrieg when I log back in to see if I can craft a Crit-a-Cola. There appears to be a rumor that 2 Bonks and Batter's Helm yields a Bonk Helmet. If this history is to be believed.
Powerlord Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 Figures, I don't have an extra Kritzkrieg, and I've been using mine when I play Medic lately. I had extras of the other two medic items... go figure.
Necro Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 Figures, I don't have an extra Kritzkrieg, and I've been using mine when I play Medic lately.I had extras of the other two medic items... go figure. Same here.
WindStrike Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 Anyone seen this yet? - Appeared in most recent TF2 news update on Steam. Something I've been wanting as a just for fun thing in TF2 for a while.
ParanoidDrone Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 According to the linked thread, Sandman + Scrap Metal = Pain Train, while Equalizer + Eyelander = Homewrecker.
Ferret Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 ...which I unlocked without item crafting (yes, I started playing yesterday. No, my name on steam is not Ferret.)
WindStrike Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 Well, if anyone remembers that Starfox theme we pulled two weekends ago (which was an awesome night), I am setting up two more. The one this weekend... I'm keeping silent on it for the forums. Anyhow, the other one will be next weekend (Saturday night, May 22nd, starting between 9:00-10:00pm EST) and is totally going to be Left 4 Dead (1 & 2) based. Anything from those games can be claimed including enemies... that said, depending on who gets claimed and the like, it may be a team-thing like the Starfox event or just a giant glob of people as Left 4 Dead guys going around... killing people... obviously. That said, claims may start being made now, but either PM me or message me in Steam for the claim (don't openly post here, don't need everyone know who's who before the thing even starts). First come first serve basis. I will update this post everytime I get a claim... may not be instantly, but I'll be as fast as I can, despite having school blocking certain long periods of time. And due to an event I have that day, I will not make a claim. Claimed: - Nick
Powerlord Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 New Blog Post Crazy theories start... now. The 10th class will come soon! It will be female (hence the big book of female hats)!
ParanoidDrone Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010
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