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Double posting but I don't really give a toss.

this time in a more traditional frag video style. Except for the Pipeline bit at the end, everything's from the last couple of days, so some of you may remember the exact scenarios. Especially that epic chainstab I get on the Gold Rush cart.

Mrs. Bark in particular should enjoy this if I recall her self stated musical tastes correctly.

(Also, if anyone knows why YouTube has made my last two videos loop for no apparent reason, please tell me. It's getting irritating.)

Double posting but I don't really give a toss.

this time in a more traditional frag video style. Except for the Pipeline bit at the end, everything's from the last couple of days, so some of you may remember the exact scenarios. Especially that epic chainstab I get on the Gold Rush cart.

Mrs. Bark in particular should enjoy this if I recall her self stated musical tastes correctly.

(Also, if anyone knows why YouTube has made my last two videos loop for no apparent reason, please tell me. It's getting irritating.)

Very amusing. I enjoyed watching you shoot Bark, as Bark. Very nice.

I love the Scissor Sisters. :smile:

(Also, if anyone knows why YouTube has made my last two videos loop for no apparent reason, please tell me. It's getting irritating.)

its not youtube that does it its how youre rendering it

what program are you using

also lol spy frag video

its not youtube that does it its how youre rendering it

what program are you using

also lol spy frag video

Sony Vegas. Last one I did I used Windows Live Movie Maker. Both had the same problem, neither looped when I played it on my own computer. The issue appeared only after I uploaded it.


I'm starting to get used to the graveyards, so I should start being able to get up and active early enough to start playing again, so I'll be back before long.


There appears to be some issues where certain maps are appearing more often than they are in the map cycle.

I initially noticed this Saturday on cp_dustbowl (it's a well known fact that I don't like that map, and it came up twice in rotation), but I observed that other maps were also coming up more often than usual. Specifically, I noticed koth_nucleus and cp_granary come up twice without rtving to them.

I'll look into the issue more tomorrow after I get home from work.

Sony Vegas. Last one I did I used Windows Live Movie Maker. Both had the same problem, neither looped when I played it on my own computer. The issue appeared only after I uploaded it.

this is probably a terrible suggestion but maybe try emailing youtube support (is there even such a thing???) or something

oh and dustbowl is the best map

There appears to be some issues where certain maps are appearing more often than they are in the map cycle.

I initially noticed this Saturday on cp_dustbowl (it's a well known fact that I don't like that map, and it came up twice in rotation), but I observed that other maps were also coming up more often than usual. Specifically, I noticed koth_nucleus and cp_granary come up twice without rtving to them.

I'll look into the issue more tomorrow after I get home from work.

Well, the rotation was set up so that the core maps (Dustbowl, Gold Rush, Badwater, Granary, Badlands, Gravelpit) come up twice each over a full rotation, with the rest of the maps interleaved between them. So seeing Dustbowl and Granary more often than other maps is expected.

Doesn't excuse Gold Rush and Badwater being played right after each other though. (Which I already mentioned here, but I can't find the post.)

this is probably a terrible suggestion but maybe try emailing youtube support (is there even such a thing???) or something

oh and dustbowl is the best map

May as well.

EDIT: If I can find any way to contact them in the first place.

Well, the rotation was set up so that the core maps (Dustbowl, Gold Rush, Badwater, Granary, Badlands, Gravelpit) come up twice each over a full rotation, with the rest of the maps interleaved between them. So seeing Dustbowl and Granary more often than other maps is expected.

Doesn't excuse Gold Rush and Badwater being played right after each other though. (Which I already mentioned here, but I can't find the post.

Do you think I would have brought this up if I hadn't already checked the map cycle?

Speaking of which, this is what the mapcycle currently looks like:

Now... granary is on there twice... dustbowl isn't (want to guess why that is?), nor is nucleus.

Speaking of which, I haven't seen koth_viaduct come up at all recently, despite seeing all the maps near it.
























Do you think I would have brought this up if I hadn't already checked the map cycle?


Speaking of which, this is what the mapcycle currently looks like:

Now... granary is on there twice... dustbowl isn't (want to guess why that is?), nor is nucleus.

Speaking of which, I haven't seen koth_viaduct come up at all recently, despite seeing all the maps near it.
























So it seems that the maplist has a mind of its own if we haven't been to Viaduct in ages and Dustbowl keeps popping up despite being on there only once.

Off topic, I'd like to slap whoever decided to name it cp_freight_final1. Seriously. It's silly.


So it seems that the maplist has a mind of its own if we haven't been to Viaduct in ages and Dustbowl keeps popping up despite being on there only once.

It seems to be repeating sections. I'm wondering if it's because we have some maps in rotation more than once, so if a map directly before one of those maps are voted to, the mapcycle gets changed.

Why the map before? Because rtv doesn't change the next map.

For example, if my theory is correct, if we're on ctf_turbine and we rtv to somewhere, the mapcycle will be the map we voted to, then pl_goldrush, then cp_freight_final1... whereas the third map there should have been cp_gravelpit.

More likely, what happened when I noticed it was a vote from gorge to somewhere, which reset badwater back to the first one, to be immediately followed by granary, nucleus, and dustbowl (the 3 maps I noticed were appearing more often).

Off topic, I'd like to slap whoever decided to name it cp_freight_final1. Seriously. It's silly.

Valve tends to name their newer community maps that get added to the game itself with the suffix final. But the version of freight available online before it was modified for inclusion with the game was already cp_freight_final.

this time in a more traditional frag video style. Except for the Pipeline bit at the end, everything's from the last couple of days, so some of you may remember the exact scenarios. Especially that epic chainstab I get on the Gold Rush cart.

I remember that chainstab.

I was the first to die :cry:

I remember that chainstab.

I was the first to die :cry:

Fun fact: Based on the numerous comments I've got that are in awe of my "singlehandedly saving the Gold Rush cart," no one's picked up on the fact that the reason it fades to the next clip with the Medic still there is because he crit Ubersaws me a second later and finishes pushing it to the end.

Fun fact: Based on the numerous comments I've got that are in awe of my "singlehandedly saving the Gold Rush cart," no one's picked up on the fact that the reason it fades to the next clip with the Medic still there is because he crit Ubersaws me a second later and finishes pushing it to the end.

I noticed. I just didn't want to ruin your moment :P

I noticed. I just didn't want to ruin your moment :P

Oh, you~

It seems to be repeating sections. I'm wondering if it's because we have some maps in rotation more than once, so if a map directly before one of those maps are voted to, the mapcycle gets changed.

Why the map before? Because rtv doesn't change the next map.

For example, if my theory is correct, if we're on ctf_turbine and we rtv to somewhere, the mapcycle will be the map we voted to, then pl_goldrush, then cp_freight_final1... whereas the third map there should have been cp_gravelpit.

More likely, what happened when I noticed it was a vote from gorge to somewhere, which reset badwater back to the first one, to be immediately followed by granary, nucleus, and dustbowl (the 3 maps I noticed were appearing more often).

Based on your observations, that's a very likely theory.


oh i didnt read anything powerlord said but now i did

yes rtv messes up rotations if you rtv to a map that was supposed to be next anyways for one thing i know

and having any map in a rotation twice will screw up the rotation

Fun fact: Based on the numerous comments I've got that are in awe of my "singlehandedly saving the Gold Rush cart," no one's picked up on the fact that the reason it fades to the next clip with the Medic still there is because he crit Ubersaws me a second later and finishes pushing it to the end.

It seems like if I get stab-fests like the one on the cart, they happen at the beginning of the round (I know I've gotten a 6-stab spree on the cart in Goldrush 1 before, before point A).

I'm too lazy to record demos all the time in the hope that I get streaks like that, though.

oh i didnt read anything powerlord said but now i did

yes rtv messes up rotations if you rtv to a map that was supposed to be next anyways for one thing i know

and having any map in a rotation twice will screw up the rotation


There's no real good way of handling it so certain maps come up more often. I mean, we could always set it up so there's always a next map vote 6 minutes before the end of a round, but that can get annoying...

...actually, why did we get rid of that? I know we used to have it... was it because certain maps came up too often?


it was annoying the way it used to be in old sourcemod which was when you guys used it

now (or since like 6 months ago) you can set a certain amount of times that you have to wait before a map can come up in a vote at all again (i found that 5 is a good number)

you can then set the main vote to be pulled from a list much like the current mapcycle and then people can nominate extra maps and to be on the vote too

the only annoying thing about that is if you have awful customs on the nominate list (cough) youll end up playing them a but more often if people decide itd be so GREAT to keep nominating them or if you get 5 people to all nominate customs or something like that which definitely can happen

but it wont if you shorten the nominate list

and if you wanna autorecord demos like i do http://www.md-stuff.com/tf2/script-autorecord.html


So, what does everyone think of the idea of voting during each map for the next map in rotation?

Another revision of Coldfront will be coming soon if the Coldfront thread on TF2Maps is anything to go by. Among other things, the hill at the center point will be lower than it used to.

Also, more Pyro changes are coming this week according to the blog.

Edit: Also, wtf, after 1 or 2 awards of Targe kills, I have the Global for it?


Map voting: Totally in favor.

Coldfront: Hopefully Icarus won't push out a bugged version again. :P

Pyro: Dear god he needs some help. Revert the damage nerf, keep the Backburner's +20% firepower, and I think we'll be going places. Although knowing Valve it won't be nearly that simple.

Targe Global: idklolbffjill

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