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Totally boughted Amnesia.

It is a fantastic game. I loved it. They took all the good from Penumbra and made it better in Amnesia. Frictional has gotten the fear thing down pretty well. They also recently released the software development kit for the game. This means that we will soon be seeing custom stories on the Amnesia engine. I suggest playing through the game twice because you miss some things the first time around.

It is a fantastic game. I loved it. They took all the good from Penumbra and made it better in Amnesia. Frictional has gotten the fear thing down pretty well. They also recently released the software development kit for the game. This means that we will soon be seeing custom stories on the Amnesia engine. I suggest playing through the game twice because you miss some things the first time around.

I dunno... I didn't really like Penumbra. I tried the demo of Amnesia and didn't really convince me that I'd like Amnesia any more.

On the other hand, the Overlord games are pretty fun, although they do start getting bogged down towards the middle and end.

Thanks to Paranoid for banning the offensive language-rifle dude earlier. I'm usually pretty easy-going but that was just ridiculous.

I'm more proud of the reason for the ban I used. I try not to use the stock ones provided, if only because I can't resist being snarky.

In unrelated news, Frogg has 99,663 points in HLStats. Second place, Scythe-Messiah, has 57,381. Hands up if you think this is silly.

I'm more proud of the reason for the ban I used. I try not to use the stock ones provided, if only because I can't resist being snarky.

In unrelated news, Frogg has 99,663 points in HLStats. Second place, Scythe-Messiah, has 57,381. Hands up if you think this is silly.

It is kinda silly.

In other news, I moved RED over to the Halloween install (the private server is also using it).

Having said that, it needs a restart to fix a few issues that remain such as MOTD being wrong and advertisements having non-working color codes in them.

Edit: Restarted at around 10am... thanks annoying roommates for waking me up on one of the few days I can actually sleep in!


As many of you have likely figured out by now, the thing where the server played parts of Thriller (BLU, RED standard) or the entire Thriller song (RED Halloween, Private) were done using a server plugin.

This plugin has been removed from BLU and standard RED.

I wonder if I should mention what the trigger to play Thriller is... nah! If you haven't noticed by now, you never will. ;)

I wonder if I should mention what the trigger to play Thriller is... nah! If you haven't noticed by now, you never will. ;)

Nevermind that the admins are able to do it surreptitiously. However, I've only actually heard it play once. Probably something on my end, but I'm not sure what.

Also, I won't be on the server much until Thursday, when my Scheme project is due. Programmers may know what I'm talking about. Yay metacircular interpreters. Only not because they're evil and eat kittens for afternoon tea.


An optional update for Team Fortress 2 is now available. The specific changes include:

- Fixed a minor issue with the Horseless Headless Horsemann

Updating RED and Private now and will restart then when done. I'll also update BLU in a moment, but it's not running Mann Manor 24/7 like the other two.


In a "surprise" move, preordering the Telltale game Poker Night at the Inventory, starring TF2's Heavy and 3 others, will net you a Poker Visor hat for Heavy in TF2.

Playing the game can net you 5 more items:

License to Main - A Misc slot badge

The Enthusiast's Timepiece - A Spy Watch (likely replaces the Invisibility Watch)

The Lugermorph - You've heard of this one already (Scout/Engineer Pistol replacement)

The Iron Curtain - A Replacement Heavy Minigun

Dangeresque, Too? - Sunglasses Misc item (or hat, but I'm betting Misc) for Demo


Given that the Lugermorph is among the items, they're probably all reskins. I guess a brand new method of cloaking was too much to ask for. Sadface.

Trying to decide if it's worth buying/preordering.

Given that the Lugermorph is among the items, they're probably all reskins. I guess a brand new method of cloaking was too much to ask for. Sadface.

Trying to decide if it's worth buying/preordering.

I already preordered it. If it helps, you can preorder it through Steam for 10% off ($4.49), or through Telltale's store ($4.95) with 25% off of any other non-sale items in your cart. Telltale has already confirmed that people buying it through their store will get the TF2 in-game items (no lobbying for them to do it like last time).

Also, the 5 in-game items are won by beating said players at Poker.

Tycho has the watch, Max has the Lugermorph and badge, Heavy has the Minigun, and Strong Bad has the glasses.


A required update for Team Fortress 2 is now available. Please run hldsupdatetool to receive the update. The specific changes include:

- Fixed a bug that prevented Mac players from getting the Halloween achievements.

- Fixed a bug that prevented Mac players from receiving the in-game notifications for items, duels, etc.

- Fixed Engineers being able to build under the final capture point in Mann Manor.

- Added the Dealer's Visor for players who pre-purchase Poker Night from Telltale Games.

---- See http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=4608&p=1 for full details.

All servers restarted, updating Highlander for future use.

Edit: If it wasn't clear, no one with an updated client can join the servers until they're updated.


"Beat me once, shame on me. Beat me twice, also shame on me. Beat me three times... I am sent to my death." -- Heavy,

Edit: I've recompiled the Mapchooser Extended plugin so that cp_manor_event and cp_mountainlab show up as non-custom maps.

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