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Turn crits on. I've only played a few times in the apst couple weeks due to shitty internet and I noticed immediately. I actually enjoy the random element they add, so stop whining and deal with it. Also, I may absolutely despise how nocrits screw up knife animations.

On an unrelated note, margaritas made from a recipe taught by a sweet old Mexican lady KICK ASS.

Required updates for Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch are now available. The specific changes include:

Source Engine Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2:DM)

- Fixed an OpenGL crash for Mac players

- Fixed several crashes related to Alt-Tab in fullscreen mode on Windows

- Fixed client crash caused by invalid mesh

- Updated shared interfaces to support the new Replay feature in TF2

Counter-Strike: Source

- Updated the localization files

Team Fortress 2

- Added the Replay feature: http://www.teamfortress.com/replayupdate

- Known issue with blurry Mac replay rendering will be fixed in the next update

- Launched the First Annual Saxxy Awards: http://www.teamfortress.com/saxxyawards

- Added 8 new Replay achievements

- Added 10 new hats

- Added The Director's Vision, an item that provides you with a new taunt

- Fixed a problem with certain equippable items rendering incorrectly on the loadout screen

- Fixed a problem causing the Mann Co. store previews to render incorrectly

- Crafted items will now remember/display who crafted them

- Added a reward for the early crafters of new items

- Added a new style to the Aperture Labs Hard Hat

- Added a new style to the Blighted Beak

- Fixed bugs with the refurbish items interface so that some properties will no longer be un-removable under certain circumstances

- Fixed the briefcase not being drawn on players when it's being carried in CTF maps

- Fixed the Gloves of Running Urgently not using the correct skin in the character loadout screen

- Fixed the Kritzkrieg not drawing the correct model in the character loadout screen

- Fixed the Horseless Headless Horsemann displaying the burning material in DirectX8

- Fixed the Aperture Labs Hard Hat displaying the burning material in DirectX8

- Fixed removing the burning/jarated conditions on players who are being critboosted by a Medic using the Kritzkrieg

- Added Mad Milk to the conditions that are cleared when players are made invulnerable by a Medic with an ÜberCharge

- For web developers: added tool and capability information to the IEconItems_440/GetSchema Web API

Applying updates to server now.

Also, new comic which makes references to a lot of the Meet the Team videos. And it has everyone's favorite Administrator and her assistant Ms. Pauling in it.

However... did Bleck or Brushfire?

I didn't since I mostly play on RED

which I guess is the cool place to be since it isn't full of super pro no crits waffle shots scout only final destination players

someone change topic to tf2 whine about crits central

EDIT: They also need to be enabled serverside, apparently.

I'm not sure what's going on with it saying the server has disabled replays, as I haven't even checked which cvars replays use, let alone disabled them.

I'm not sure what's going on with it saying the server has disabled replays, as I haven't even checked which cvars replays use, let alone disabled them.

Whatever cvars they use, I'd be willing to bet they're disabled by default. Because that makes sense. (Not.)


RED was rubber-banding all over the place every ten seconds or so after the replays kicked in, so it seems like there's some significant overhead going on. Depending on if it continues, it might be worth rethinking enabling them.

And huh, the new promo hats were added to crafting/dropping too. So much for rushing to buy Plants vs. Zombies. Though given the number of hours I've already put into it, it was a great investment regardless.


Edit: My bad, it's only melee crits that do triple damage. Normal crits do double.

Actually, you are correct. All crits do triple damage with no fall off based on their base damage. This means that the crit damage is figured from doing damage at mid distance. Crit damage does not include damage ramp up which adds about 50% to the base damage. Example: Shotgun pellet does 6 damage at mid range and crits at 18 per pellet. Damage ramp up at point blank brings each pellet up to 9. Most weapons barring a few follow this rule.

Interesting... cp_dustbowl config turns crits on. Will fix shortly and continue checking.

pl_goldrush had the same problem. Also fixed.

I thought that was a tongue in cheek joke that you left in. It was pretty funny.

So the patch notes about rewarding players that craft new hats means this: If you craft a new hat it receives a number. It has yet to be determined how far up the numbers go but it seems to only apply to newly released hats. This should make metal very valuable very quickly.

RED was rubber-banding all over the place every ten seconds or so after the replays kicked in, so it seems like there's some significant overhead going on. Depending on if it continues, it might be worth rethinking enabling them.


I've disabled replays again for the moment until Valve addresses the lag issues with them.

Optional updates for Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch are now available. Please run hldsupdatetool to receive the updates. The specific changes include:

Source Engine Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2:DM)

- Fixed more crashes related to Alt-Tab in fullscreen mode on Windows

- Removed ConVars "r_portalscloseall" and "r_flashlight_version2" to fix a wallhack exploit

Counter-Strike: Source

- Fixed a server crash caused by players committing suicide

Team Fortress 2

- Fixed a bug that caused Mac replay renders to be blurry

- Fixed a client crashed caused by using custom main menu resource files

- Fixed a bug when crafting class tokens

- Fixed a paint bug on the Aperture Labs Hard Hatz

- Updated the localization files

Updating servers now.


You know one of those days where you just pop into a server and this guy sees your hat and relentlessly offers you to trade it?

Yeah, one of those days...


Powerlord, does the server run on Linux? Apparently there's a Linux-exclusive bug where the replay uploading happens on the main thread. Other people have reported similar issues with enabling replays and immediately experiencing horrible lag, so this may be the cause.

There is a bug in the FTP offloading code for Linux servers. We are looking into it. The uploading is supposed to take place on separate threads, but for some reason is happening on the main thread, on Linux only. On Windows we don't see this issue w/ FTP offloading.

Until we have a fix, you can try running a local HTTP server instead, assuming you are able to install a Web server on the same machine as your game server.

Powerlord, does the server run on Linux? Apparently there's a Linux-exclusive bug where the replay uploading happens on the main thread. Other people have reported similar issues with enabling replays and immediately experiencing horrible lag, so this may be the cause.

Yes, but we're not offloading it via FTP. We're using local hosting mode.


Replays were still causing some lag spikes, so they're disabled again.

Whoops, SourceTV wasn't immediately enabled, though. Should be fixed now that the autorecorder plugin is back on, though.


So, uh, yeah, I heard that Fireslash isn't running the server and/or it's not being run by a server company, but rather out of someone's house (again). Do I need to cancel my awesome reserved slot donations? :<

Or, if a certain person be trollin', that'd be good to know too.

So, uh, yeah, I heard that Fireslash isn't running the server and/or it's not being run by a server company, but rather out of someone's house (again). Do I need to cancel my awesome reserved slot donations? :<

Should I even justify this with a response?

Fine, I will, but just to put this rumor to rest.

The server has the IPs - Looking these up on ARIN (who controls US IP address allocations) will show you that these IP Blocks are owned by XFactorServers.

You can also get this information via a traceroute/tracert. From my home address:

Tracing route to blu.ocrtf2.com [] over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms bemrose1 []

2 26 ms 24 ms 11 ms

3 64 ms 63 ms 66 ms c. []

4 70 ms 69 ms 85 ms ge5-0-3d0.cir1.seattle7-wa.us.xo.net []

5 137 ms 143 ms 137 ms

6 135 ms 168 ms 143 ms ae-32-52.ebr2.Seattle1.Level3.net []

7 149 ms 140 ms 149 ms ae-2-2.ebr2.Denver1.Level3.net []

8 148 ms 143 ms 162 ms ae-1-100.ebr1.Denver1.Level3.net []

9 140 ms 141 ms 135 ms ae-2-2.ebr2.Dallas1.Level3.net []

10 134 ms 150 ms 136 ms ae-82-82.csw3.Dallas1.Level3.net []

11 143 ms 146 ms 138 ms ae-31-80.car1.Dallas1.Level3.net []

12 138 ms 164 ms 148 ms CWIE-LLC.car1.Dallas1.Level3.net []

13 180 ms 158 ms 169 ms 4.1.2002.aggr.dal.colocrossing.com []

14 139 ms 136 ms 146 ms dal.xfactorservers.com []

Trace complete.


Thanks for clearing that up! I only heard the rumor last night and just wanted clarification. No offense was intended. Plus I'm not as well versed in using such tools as I probably ought to be.

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