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It helps a lot that Rodriguez is a very good, diverse director and storyteller who most of Hollywood seems to genuinely enjoy working with. Granted, it's not like everything he touches is gold, but if anyone is going to resuscitate the series, it's him.


AvP:R wasn't that bad. And I'm a die-hard fan. I hated the first one, of course, because it was fucking retarded. No, strike that. Retarded shouldn't be used as a derogetory here...

Let's just say it was no good barbecue.

AvP:R at least had costumes, less CG, some real throw backs to the series', and "Get to the chopper!" Plus the girl got cut in half. I mean, that was great.

Maybe some of you haters should give AvP:R another shot.

Predators, however, will probably be fantastic because:

1.) Rodriguez has said that there's very little green screening in this movie - it's pretty much all costumes and old-school special effects.

2.) Rodriguez said - and I'm paraphrasing - "You can't get better than Arnold Schwarzenegger. So... next best thing."

It's so good to have the franchise back in the hands of someone who has the respect for the original.

Plus: NO 3D! Yes! I thought 3D was cool until everyone just dumbed it down and made it "more subtle." What's the point!? If things aren't popping out at my face just for the sake of doing it, why did I pay an extra $4?

Cheapens the movie anyway, imo. Hopefully it'll be better used later.

Anyway, I digress. I'm pumped for this. And a release date as soon as July 7? Holy crap I'm pumped.

Predators? The Expendables? The A-Team? Gonna be a fun summer!

Plus: NO 3D! Yes! I thought 3D was cool until everyone just dumbed it down and made it "more subtle." What's the point!? If things aren't popping out at my face just for the sake of doing it, why did I pay an extra $4?

I actually enjoyed My Bloody Valentine 3D for this very reason. It was very deliberately, and average, predictable, campy throwback to cheesy 80s slasher flicks in 3D... things popping out at you and everything.

Also, did you say July 7? That's mah birfday! This movie had better be good, Mr. Rodriguez.

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