djpretzel Posted June 28, 2004 Posted June 28, 2004 Some cool fx methinks...-djp I had written this around december of 03 , and submitted it during that timeframe as well. I didn't see anything about about four months later, and when I wrote an e-mail asking about it I haven't heard back from that either, so I really am not sure what is going on and am going to try one more time submitting my song. It is a remix of the skull mountain theme, 3-4, I believe is the right stage numbering. I'm not sure. I didn't realize Gux had done a remix of the track before I submitted, but I believe mine is different enough to where that wouldn't be a problem. I would write a lot about the song.. But since the odds of these e-mails getting through don't seem to be too high, I'll just pass on that for now. :\ -Rob
DarkeSword Posted June 28, 2004 Posted June 28, 2004 Tricky! Percussion is tight and tricky as hell, as well as noisy in a good way. Very cool grooves. Synthy leads are neat, with very nice filtering and distortion thrown on. Not much more to say about this; it's raw and fun. YES
Vig Posted June 28, 2004 Posted June 28, 2004 This is interesting, something new. The mix starts out akwardly, but the percussion in this mix quickly becomes a standout. Definately more of a mood mix than a harmonic masterpiece, there are just layers and layers of primal dirty musical goodness. Raw, but successful mix. YES
Protricity Posted June 29, 2004 Posted June 29, 2004 I require more than a bunch of drumloops and sound effects strapped together upon an excessively repetitive minimal mix with a rather horrible lead to get past. Needs far less repetition, and more focus on the lead solos. They are all wild and amateur. I'll give the benifit of the doubt and assume that the annoying factor of this song was intentional, but that doesn't change anything. NO
analoq Posted July 4, 2004 Posted July 4, 2004 i like what is attempted here, but what is missing is more layers and more variations of those layers. take the lead: i like it at first, but by the end it's pretty irritating. this kind of thing can work, but there needs to be some (more) automation of the effects. there also needs to be more going on, drumloop+thin bass+pads+abrasive lead = okay. but we expect more than just okay. right now it's just raw, what i want is raw meat. no
Disco Dan Posted July 5, 2004 Posted July 5, 2004 The thing that bothers me about this mix is that it never settles on one thing for more than a few bars at a time. Well, not really until 1:30 or so. But there is also some evidence of "one knowing what to do with notes." My only other complaint would be that only the second half of the original song is really included in this mix. The first half being only played with in the first 20 seconds or so. I'm quite torn on this one, but I'm gonna go with a YES for the original work and energy that is created with this song. And the pad work is decent. Yeah. Neat. D
danny B Posted July 5, 2004 Posted July 5, 2004 I don't mean to stir up a piggy already nestled in its own filth, but I really don't think this is OC Quality. The drumwork isn't really "tricky" as much as it is sloppy and random, with enough stutter and filter fx to almost entirely mask the problem. It seems like the coolest parts are acheived through "carpet bombing" drum licks. Through enough fills into a piece, one of them will eventually be pretty cool. It consists of nearly identical instrumentation throughout, and awkward moments like 1:15 that grind the tune to a halt. Also, about 90% of the song is distorted to hell and back, and it's hard to make sense out of all these annihilated frequencies clashing against each other. The latter half of the tune's percussion divebombs into a smattering of frequencies and an overbearing albeit appropriate beat scheme. And once again, in comes the filter to make the drums interesting, rather than actual percussive arrangement to flesh out the tones in use. And then of course, there's the ending akin to hitting a brick wall. Just wanted to express my dissenting vote. NO -D
Digital Coma Posted July 6, 2004 Posted July 6, 2004 Very not impressive. This arrangement is composed of several drumloops, sfx, and simple synth leads. That's about it. The original melody is played by grittily filtered and distorted synths while the percussion ricochets back and forth without change or dynamics. The bulk of the track is literally sfx and recycled drumloops. Cut-off ending. Clearly a NO in my mind.
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