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VERSION 3: http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=739

Alright so, I changed a bunch. Still not mixed/mastered and whatnot. Some drums are different, the beginning is different, and the breakdown got a bunch of stuff added to it. I'm not sure what to do after the breakdown. There is some stuff there.. but I dont know :P

What do you guys think?


VERSION 2: http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=718

I changed up the structure *so its longer and doesnt switch so quickly*. Also changed up the drums a bit and added some layering.



Really really rough work in progress. Let me know what you think (im just trying to get some ideas down.

Also what should I call it? I was thinking "A Chilly Day in Winnipeg" (if you dont know about how cold winnipeg is,the place that I live, go look it up :P)


Ugly bass drum. :P At least when it's exposed.

Bass seems too loud.

Some weird dissonance around 0:56, the simple synth picks seem to clash with the rest of the instrumentation there, and later instances of it.

1:30 portion could use some filter automation on the pad.

Cool source, good start, kickass rhythm. You know what you doing.


you dont like the kick?... :(... man I made that out of like 9 other kick drums.. I thought it was pimp ass :(

Also, none of this was mixed yet, so there is lots of volume/freq issues right now. I'm going to try to continue this soon.

Thanks for the comments.

you dont like the kick?... :(... man I made that out of like 9 other kick drums.. I thought it was pimp ass :(

Also, none of this was mixed yet, so there is lots of volume/freq issues right now. I'm going to try to continue this soon.

Thanks for the comments.

Not that it's bad, it just sounds exposed.

Try some EQ, Reverb, Compression, slight delay, or any combination of them to make your kick sound less dry and blend in more with your soundscape.


ahh ok yeah. All that stuff comes in later (I have a weird order in making music :P) Right now its really all about getting ideas down. Sound tweaking comes in later.

Also, when you guys say bland bass, do you mean the melody or the sound itself?


The very exposed kick at the beginning also makes the drop at 0:24 sort of anti-climatic. Mostly as you'd half-expect the full beat to pack as much punch as that kick. That kick could use more low-end.

The snare is subdued when it's playing at the 2 and 4 of each measure and as the mix progresses, all the melodic instruments are overwhelming the high end of the percussion (snares, hi-hats). Bring out those parts a bit more. It's not a total loss, though, because the the bass is doing a decent job at pushing the rhythm. Breakdown is nice, I have no real problems with that.


Some interesting production effects going on here, I agree that the high end of the drums are getting washed out because you've got so much going on in the lower ranges. But since you said that doesn't come until later in your production process, I won't talk to much about that.

I really like a lot of the arrangement ideas you've got here, the chillout section toward the middle is cool but I do think it stretches out too long and the transition back into the heavier section seems so abrupt considering how long that section went on. Do something to make your buildup a little bit more climactic, probably by extending the length a bit and doing some cool stuff with the drums.

I'm not totally enamored by the bass writing, but I suppose it's not bad. I think you could do something more melodic with the bassline to really make the song more engaging.

Great melodies/countermelodies and a pretty nice solo at the end though, I think this has got potential to pass the OCR panel once you smooth things out a bit on both the production/arrangement side. Nice work :-D


Yeah definitely thanks again guys. The plan is to do something more with the breakdown, add some other melody in there, and do some drum stuff perhaps. (did you notice that the arpy thing in the breakdown was just a rearrangement of the intro to the theme? ... quite liberal though XD) I'll try to mess with the bass melody some more next time I work on it as well.

Also the fill back into the main stuff after the breakdown was never finished. Thats why its so abrupt, I didn't quite know what to do at the time. Hopefully I'll have *some* time to work on this. Exams + end of term assignments/projects are creeping up on me hardcore.

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