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It's worth its own thread: Note that if you don't already own Street Fighter II HDR, you can get it for FIVE DOLLARS this week. Do so. Also consider buying Age of Booty -- if enough OCR people get it, the inhouse potential of that game is sick (currently I know that DarkeSword, Bahamut, and myself all have it).

These prices are set to last until next Wednesday, April 7. Check out the full rundown on this week's deals below:

South Park Let's Go Tower Defense Play! 50 percent off at 400 Microsoft points ($5)

Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix 53 percent off at 560 Microsoft points ($7)

Defense Grid: The Awakening 50 percent off at 400 Microsoft points ($5)

Rocket Riot 50 percent off at 400 Microsoft points ($5)

Mad Tracks 50 percent off at 400 Microsoft points ($5)

Track & Field 40 percent off at 240 Microsoft points ($3)

Lumines Live 50 percent off at 400 Microsoft points ($5)

Age of Booty 50 percent off at 400 Microsoft points ($5)

Schizoid 50 percent off at 400 Microsoft points ($5)

Wallace & Gromit Episode 1 Fright of the Bumblebees 50 percent off at 400 Microsoft points ($5)


I already have SSF2THDR (of course :smile:). Age of Booty and Lumines might be interesting... I remember liking the Age of Booty demo but not enough to buy it at the time. I'll try to take another look at it tonight.

Thanks for the heads up!

correction: i DID pick up age of booty. i need to learn how to play it, now, and then i'll be in for some online play.


A hint about early upgrades: In 1v1 combat, a ship with 1 armor upgrade will beat a ship with one cannon upgrade. The cannon ship will take out towns faster though. Speed is usually only nice as a 2nd upgrade unless you're on a team of 3-4 people where you can spare having a boat dedicated to jetting around the map collecting crates.


I want to buy these ones, I currently have 640 points

South Park ($5)

Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix ($7)

Defense Grid: The Awakening ($5)

Lumines Live ($5)

Age of Booty ($5)

Schizoid ($5)

Wallace & Gromit Episode 1 Fright of the Bumblebees ($5)

I can only afford 1 points card though so I'll have to drop 2 of those games, probably Schizoid cause I know nothing about it and Lumines cause it's a puzzle game. :i


I already have HD remix, Turtles In Time, Castelvania SOTN (my first time playing through it and I love it), and a few others.

Just the same I should probably check into this sale and see if anything else interests me.


I bought sf2thdr with the points I had left, now I have an odd 120msp left which you can't buy anything with. At least not anything worth buying. I'll have to grab up a $20 points card and get a few of the deals. :x

edit: Got some games, Rocket Riot was awesome... sf2thdr is crap. It's worse than sf4. You can keep hitting the button combinations over and over, and about 1 out of 200 times will it actually do the combo. I'm sitting there trying to do any attack and getting killed by the second fighter on casual mode. Bad game.

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