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But if you do, you might not regret it.

Cubase I think is the closest analogue to Logic on a PC.

Indeed. Was hoping there was something closer yet. I have not tried a demo of Cubase yet, so that will be my next step for now. I'll still hold out hope that there's something like Logic Studio for Windows though.

It's likely that I'm about to shell out some cash for a 5-string bass in the near future. Buying a bass and music software and a Mac might not be possible for me at the same time, heh. So, if I do end up want LS badly enough, I'll have to delay a Mac purchase for probably a year at least.

Lots of other good suggestions too. Thanks guys. I'll check them all out. I actually hadn't heard of Live prior to reading those posts. I prefer not to use a combo if I can, but if that ends up being the best route, I wouldn't be too opposed to it. However, money becomes and issue having to buy multiple pieces of software. So yeah, prefer to avoid it if at all possible.

Indeed. Was hoping there was something closer yet. I have not tried a demo of Cubase yet, so that will be my next step for now. I'll still hold out hope that there's something like Logic Studio for Windows though.

It's likely that I'm about to shell out some cash for a 5-string bass in the near future. Buying a bass and music software and a Mac might not be possible for me at the same time, heh. So, if I do end up want LS badly enough, I'll have to delay a Mac purchase for probably a year at least.

Lots of other good suggestions too. Thanks guys. I'll check them all out. I actually hadn't heard of Live prior to reading those posts. I prefer not to use a combo if I can, but if that ends up being the best route, I wouldn't be too opposed to it. However, money becomes and issue having to buy multiple pieces of software. So yeah, prefer to avoid it if at all possible.

Logic USED to be on Windows once upon a time then the evil that is Apple bought out the company. And you DON'T have to combo Live and Reason. It mentioned because they just work really well together. You can use Live on it's own. As mentioned before, do the tutorials and you will be fine. And about the Cubase demo, apparently you have to pay $30 dollars for the dongle in order to try the demo. It is refundable but kind of lame. Just thought you should know.

So much Mac hate!

Logic Studio is a very good program, but I can understand if the price of the computer itself is too much money.

I didn't get too much time to play with Logic, but I do know about it and read some reviews. Logic Studio is probably one of the top 5 DAWs on the market and for the money you pay for the content, it's steal. If I recall correctly, you get basically 3 programs: Logic Pro 9 for production, Mainstage for live gigging, and Soundtrack Pro 3 for integrating music and sound to video. It also comes with good plug ins and very good quality set of sounds.

IF you own a Mac, it's a no brainer really. Otherwise, it is a more expensive investment.

So much Mac hate!

Logic Studio is a very good program, but I can understand if the price of the computer itself is too much money.

Mac's are a bit limited (no upgrades) and are only good if you want to burn money on a single purpose computer. I can understand wanting to use Logic, but... I wouldn't suggest getting a Mac for Logic.

There's other great DAW's out there (like FL Studio)

Mac's are a bit limited (no upgrades) and are only good if you want to burn money on a single purpose computer. I can understand wanting to use Logic, but... I wouldn't suggest getting a Mac for Logic.

There's other great DAW's out there (like FL Studio)

Did not do the research. Really didn't. neblix, stop making broad statements that are completely wrong.

pick whatever feels best, but don't get a DAW based on someone's word/opinion.

I second this. We can only tell you what we use and don't, and why. We don't know what'll suit your workflow and style. That's what demos are for.

Wasn't wrong, just talking about Mac's and Macbook Pro's.

You can upgrade the RAM and the hard drive unofficially on the iMac (you need a guide to do it and it seems like a PITA) The Mac Pro on the other hand you can change just about everything in there. The upgrade path is narrow on the iMac and Mac Mini compared to other desktop computers that is for sure, but with the Mac Pro that is not the case at all.Macbooks and Macbook Pros compared to other laptops have slightly fewer ports, but their upgrade paths are no different, RAM and Hard Drive, so the difference there is next to moot.


Don't know how much of this has been said already, haven't looked through the thread but here goes:

Personally, I use a combination of reason and Pro tools for my set up which works very well.

Reason is great for sequencing and pro tools is the industry standard for mixing and mastering, altho it isn't great for home use really, its better as part of a big professional studio with a mixing desk etc.

Reason is great for what it is which is a self contained program, so it doesn't have vst support or support plug-ins etc - I like to think of it as a plug-in itself :P

In other words if you use lots of plug ins and VSTS I wouldn't go with reason. However, you can actually get it with record which is used for recording (duh) so i'd consider going with that rather than pro tools, I hear from people that use it that it works well with reasons set up.

FL studio is a popular choice and I hear it has a very user friendly sequencer, but I'm not a user of the software. Alot of people don't think its up to scratch as reason or logic etc (which I believe is false as it can be used to a very professional standard- see zircon's music).

My suggestion is to download demos and see which one works best for you. We can advise and opinion-ate all day but everyone has a different view with these things, and only you can know which one you will like the most :D


I must have tried using FL Studio like two or three times and I just couldn't get into it. Perhaps it's because of my impatience and I am not familiar with the program and if I tried it a bit longer, I might get it. I was able to find my way with Studio One Pro quicker though cause. Even with Sonar I was able to figure out how to operate a couple of things. Guess my brain is wired weird.Honestly, you can debate about which program feature-wise outclasses another program, but at the end of the day, they can all yield crappy results in the wrong hands. I heard poor mixdowns and beats from people using Pro Tools, FL Studio, Live, Cubase, etc. I also heard good product from them. 9th Wonder is one of the biggest Hip-Hop Producers right now and he uses FL Studio. Deadmou5e is a very popular DJ and Ableton Live is his choice of software. Public Enemy nowadays are using Sonar for their production as well as Comic Book Heroes. Logic Pro was used by A.R. Rahman and that was used to score Slumdog Millionare. Teddy Riley uses Cubase and DJ Troomp uses Reason.Anyways as was stated ad nauseum, try whatever you can and choose.

We can only tell you what we use and don't, and why. We don't know what'll suit your workflow and style. That's what demos are for.

Noted, however my aim in asking is to narrow the focus down, since I don't want to go and try demo's for every single music program under the sun.

Right now, I just want to basically find some Windows prgrams that are similar to Logic that I can try out and see if I like.

Speaking of which, if Cubase is the Windows program most similar to Mac's Logic, then I'd want to try the demo. But the $30 deposit is what, collateral or something? And I'll get it back when I'm done trying it? Not sure how that works.


I just want to thank everyone who posted. You were all very helpful and every post helped me to weigh and consider this decision on which software to try and eventually buy. And also got me heading in the right direction I think.

So with that, I wouldn't mind if this thread is locked. Or if requesting a lock is taboo, then just pretend I didn't ask and we'll leave this up. It's just that I don't intend to post in this thread anymore, as I consider my original request for "some suggestions... for a [music creation software] product" as being fulfilled. So further discussion here is unnecessary, and I'd prefer that no one bump it in the future, because any future folks whom are also looking for music software should probably make their own thread, as their criteria will likely be different than mine.

Thanks again.

as their criteria will likely be different than mine.

Doesn't really matter, they can post their criteria on this thread. It's better that the forums DON'T have 5+ something "What's a good sequencer for [criteria]?"

That being said, I'm glad you're satisfied. Hopefully you get a good sequencer (FL Studio) that will (FL Studio) fit your (FL Studio) needs.

This is not (FL Studio) subliminal (FL Studio) advertising.

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