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Potential OCR Meetup: Six Flags America (MD/DC/VA)

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One edit: it looks like the weather tomorrow will be pretty good--Weather Channel is saying a high of 82° by 1:00, cooling off as it gets into the late afternoon. So I'd say 1:30 for lunch then going to the waterpark right after that sounds pretty good--as long as you think 3 hours is enough time to enjoy a bit of the main park. (Personally, I'm fine with another hour or two at the main park. But we can always change minds while there if we want.)

Anyway, so the plan is to meet up at 10:30 at the Guest Services booth near ticketing, right? We'll all be there.

By the way, Arrow, you may want to edit the first post here with some of the specific meetup info now that it seems settled. KF


Yeah, I basically figured only an hour or two (three max) at the water park after lunch so we can hit more of the main park before we go. 10:30 meetup is definitely set; I'll just drop out of whatever breakfast plans you guys have (have to go to work now so I won't be able to stick around for further planning).

Editing the first post now.


thanks for the ride, Brushfire.

Had fun, too much sun, no more coasters for me. I think Superman put me off of them with that vertical drop...

But at least I didn't barf.


making a note here huge success blah blah blah

Excellent time all around. We rode three coasters to start with, ate lunch, and then pretty much spent the entire rest of the day in the waterpark. Fun was had, insults were thrown, water was splashed. The only downside was that only one person brought a camera, and we only got a couple of pictures, though at least two of them were photobombs, in the spirit of this community. Well actually, the other downside is that Stevo had to drop at the last moment, but oh well. We're totally doing this again next year.



Ah, water is so good right now...

I had lots of fun. We gotta do stuff like this regularly. Thanks to everyone--for anyone who couldn't make it, try to come out next time! It'll be awesome. KF

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