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I showed up for the viewing party but noone who had made videos showed up and I didn't get your message Chernabogue, until after I waited for 2 hours, maybe I didn't check my PMs often enough i'm sorry. So I think we should organise another time and have all the videos featured, whether they have been publicly released or not.

A few people have said they were working on something, so maybe If we wait a bit longer we will have more then 2 entries in total. I think in 2 more weeks Biznut is back so I think I'll leave him to figure out the details for the next one.

  • 2 weeks later...

If I were going to be hosting another viewing party soon (hyperthetically) would there be more then 2 entries. If so I may be willing to try again.

anyone heard from Biznut?

if not I will be willing to host another viewing party as long as I don't embarrisingly show up with no one to show videos again.

Please send me a message if you have a video ready and if there are enough I will organise a viewing party for a upcoming weekend.


Okay everyone here's the latest... and I apologize personally for the delay on this. I know you've all been waiting patiently.

I've managed to finally reach Biznut and we talked via text. Thanks to an urgent call for assistance and some mutual agreement on our parts we've concluded that neither of us has the free time to invest in the very necessary organization.


The lovely and talented:


has come to our rescue and has volunteered her time to make sure the viewing party, second viewing (third? I lost count), and irc all comes together for us.

Let's give her a round of applause. Thanks very much diotrans.


Hello OCR Music Video Makers and Fans!!!

So I'd like to organize a OCRMVC2.1 Viewing Party. I'm going to make a new thread, but before I do that, I need to know the following:

1. Who has FINISHED a music video?

2a. Who has not finished a music video yet, but has one in progress and/or will be able to finish one within the next couple of weeks?

2b. If you intend to finish a video soon, how much time do you need? (Be reasonable -- if it's going to take you a couple of months, it's probably best to save it for OCRMVC3.)

3. Who intends to attend the viewing party, whether or not they've done a video?

4. The viewing party for the first MVC was on a Sunday at 9 EST iirc. Does that time work for you, or does anybody have any major conflicts with this?



1. Who has FINISHED a music video?

Not me.

2a. Who has not finished a music video yet, but has one in progress and/or will be able to finish one within the next couple of weeks?

I can do one in 3 weeks no matter what. This doesn't have to be emmy quality stuff here. I'll just spend an afternoon filming stuff, and piece it together. 2 hour job. Done. Then suddenly we have 4 more minutes of a viewing party. Just need to find that 2 hours.

2b. If you intend to finish a video soon, how much time do you need? (Be reasonable -- if it's going to take you a couple of months, it's probably best to save it for OCRMVC3.)

I will have a better one for OCRMV3 as well.

3. Who intends to attend the viewing party, whether or not they've done a video?

I may be banned from ETG but I think I can still find a way.

4. The viewing party for the first MVC was on a Sunday at 9 EST iirc. Does that time work for you, or does anybody have any major conflicts with this?

Sunday is still my best day and that time seems pretty agreeable in general. I especially like it.


I was hoping to get a little more response than this ^_^; But 2 videos is still very cool. LAOS, do you think there's still a good chance you could do a video if it were 2 weeks instead of 3? I ask because 3 weeks from now on Sunday is Halloween and I don't know if that might not be a good day for some people. Then again, most parties are probably on Friday and Saturday nights, so unless any of our viewing party participants are planning to go out trick-or-treating, maybe it won't be an issue.


I can certainly try. I've come up with a few ideas for a video I can do in an afternoon.

LAOS checks his e-mail.

LAOS does his laundry.

LAOS goes for a walk.

I'm game for two weeks. Also, sorry I haven't gotten back to your e-mail yet. I'm feeding my family a ridiculously elaborate meal tomorrow. (Canadian Thanksgiving)


I had a long day and am totally beat and about to go get ready for bed. But I wanted to update this so as not to leave people hanging.

Unless there are any major objections... It looks like we will be having a viewing party on Sunday, October 24, at 9 PM EST! Hooray!!

Thank you LAOS for being flexible and good luck, hope you can get something ready by then. Heck, I'll see if I can scrape something together by then, too. I had some ideas for some videos that might not take all that long to do.

So come on people!! 2 weeks to finish, or start and finish, your music videos!! (Except I guess Chernabogue who is off the hook bc he is already done. Good job man ^_^ )

A new thread with an official announcement will be forthcoming. For now, I sleep. x_x


I made an announcement in the community forum: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=721556#post721556

Biznut, thanks for the message in the first post, but... what happened to the rules/guidlines for the music video challenge? ^_^; It might be a good idea to have that up in case somebody new sees that thread and suddenly becomes inspired to make a music video in the next 2 weeks, but doesn't know what the guidelines are.


What guidelines are there that aren't just the deadline and general youtube guidelines? ie: no nudity etc...

Also; I am definitely in. Even if it winds up being really crappy and half as good as what I have in my head I should still have one done within a week tops. I got about half done filming today. It will be extremely light-hearted, it might even be cuter than your last vid diotrans.

What guidelines are there that aren't just the deadline and general youtube guidelines? ie: no nudity etc...

That's a good question. ^_^; I thought we had a page with the guidelines that we'd all discussed, e.g. that any officially posted OCReMix or remix from an official OCR project was valid, follow YouTube guidelines as you mentioned, credit the remixer and original composer and it's good to contact the remixer if you can to make sure they're cool with the video, etc.

But it is fairly straightforward and there probably wouldn't be a lot of confusion over what to do, and if there is people can just ask in the forum too.

Also; I am definitely in. Even if it winds up being really crappy and half as good as what I have in my head I should still have one done within a week tops. I got about half done filming today. It will be extremely light-hearted, it might even be cuter than your last vid diotrans.

Yaaaaay! That's awesome. And.... cuter than my video? This thing better have like bunnies in teddy bear suits!!! (haha jk I'm sure it is very cute ^_^)

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