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I haven't played MegaMan X4 recently, but I vaguely recall the credits theme, and I just started playing a copy of Demon's Crest I picked up in a bargain bin, and as soon as I heard the seventh or eighth bar of the first level's (the first REAL level, after the scripted intro fight against the zombie dragon) theme, I was like "Whoa, deja vu!" I'm sure there are Capcom experts (read: fanboys/fangirls) out there that could give me the title of aforementioned themes, and that's kinda what I'm asking for, confirmation that these two are the same theme. It wouldn't be the first time that a Mega Man spin-off has crossed over with a Ghosts 'n Goblins spin-off (for the uninitiated, I refer to the alternate theme to Shade Man's stage in Mega Man 7).


Considering that some would consider Mega Man the main series and the X series a spinoff (and don't even get them started on Zero :P)...

Hey, anyway, music.


Yeah, I can see that point of view. But the X series is more of a sequel to the classic series (with Zero after that, followed by ZX and then Legends; Battle Network and Star Force would fill the role of spinoff better than X). Consider the fact that Classic through Legends all take place along a single timeline in succession; sequels tend to follow that rule.

Still, music.

Consider the fact that Classic through Legends all take place along a single timeline in succession; sequels tend to follow that rule.

tain't no fact, missy

perhaps classic through ZX, but there's nothing to substantiate that legends is on the timeline at all


There actually is. Whereas the other series are within 200 years of their predecessor, Legends in several thousand years after ZX. It may not be as directly on the timeline, but it's still there. I'll have proof soon, just hold on a sec...


Actually, that was the original plan. But when X6 was rush released, Keiji Inafune had to tweak the story so it would fit better with X6. X7, 8, and CM also still happened; there's just no real acknowledgment of them in the later games.

Also, thanks Bleck.


Okay, you guys went TOTALLY off topic. If you wanna debate the legitimacy of the canonocity of the various Mega Man games, start your own thread about it. All I asked was if the two tunes mentioned were the same because I hadn't hear the one in a while and the other struck me with deja vu when I heard it.

I humbly submit a request that someone close this thread immediately before it blows out of proportion.

mirby is right

Zero, ZX and Legends share a fuckton of miscellaneous imagery, having mostly to do with Reaverbots

not budging until I see something more than OMG THAT'S A REAVERBOT EYE IN THE WALL IN MEGAMAN ZERO


Just because it's in the same continuity doesn't not make it a spinoff.

Joey is a spin-off of Friends, and yet it still takes place in the same universe

Likewise, X, Zero, Legends, etc are all spinoffs of the original series.

I don't even know how this argument happened. predcon got his terms mixed up and I just pointed out that MM7 is not a spinoff.


in link 1 I see

mega man

mega man x

mega man zero

mega man zx


who the fuck are the elders and how are they even remotely connected to anything

in link 2 I see


did I not just finish saying

not budging until I see something more than OMG THAT'S A REAVERBOT EYE IN THE WALL IN MEGAMAN ZERO

in link 3 I see


notes: I have a feeling most of the knowledge I'm missing is somewhere in X5-8 since I only played part of 5 and nothing afterward because they were terrible. However, I have played all of Zero and ZX and Legends. But I still don't see how anything that existed in X wouldn't have existed in Zero and ZX and suddenly pop up again because nothing's going on I guess I'll try to find info on those (or play them). Also I never did find a copy of misadventures of tron maybe I'll look for a digital copy now.

so yeah, not impressed with your links, but I will do my own research


Well now you're just nitpicking. In link 3, it was said MULTIPLE TIMES that KEIJI INAFUNE, creator of the entire damn series, said it was CONNECTED TO THE TIMELINE!

I'm beginning to think you don't give a damn about evidence and just want to believe this falsehood. I'm done.

EDIT: One last thing. If you've played Legends 2, you'd know who the Elders are. It explicitly states who they are in that game...

This is the real last thing I was thinking about. You claim the third link is HOLY SHIT GUYS LET'S ARGUE ABOUT MEGAMAN CONTINUITY like it's a bad thing. If it is, then why are you doing THE SAME EXACT THING here? Why do I even bother trying to help when the people bitching are massive hypocrites who won't listen to reason from others and have to find it themselves?


That was claimed only once and by completely incredible forum poster that I don't know and without any real citation. You would have done better to just make the claim yourself.

If Inafune said so himself, that's fine, but I've never seen this quote and hearsay does not count as evidence.

Reaverbot eyes are circumstantial evidence at best. All they really prove is that capcom can put references in their games.

I need to be up in three hours what the hell am I doing? I don't even personally disbelieve that they're on the same timeline.

regarding the elders, I already said I'll take another look at the ingame info

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