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Someone here is going to say it, but in a much worse way. I'll take the bullet so you don't have to.

Here goes.

These are old. Yes, there is a chance that some of us haven't seem them before. But they are old videos, and most of us have. I get that you're trying to fit in and add something to the community, and that's great, but posting ancient videos of old jokes isn't going to work. Original content, like a thread about the theoretical number of extra lives you can get in a video game... that stuff gets you awesome points. You have some artwork that people would lie, post that. You got a brand new video that you're really sure no one has seen before, go for it.

There. At least you've been spared the wrath of a few of our more "edgier" members that would have chewed you out for less.

With that settled...

A decent Rachel-Alucard Combo Exhibition video~!

It's a shame that she's underrated...

Underrated how? I'd say she's easily the 2nd best character in the game (after Nu who is incredibly broken). The reason she isn't played much is because her zoning game takes a lot of work to get down, and her Drive isn't simple and intuitive like Noel, Ragna, or Jin -- who in my experience are the three most commonly played characters.

Nu who is incredibly broken

I could agree with that, as for Rachel I suppose I really should look up on what others say considering I found her to be the most enjoyable to mess around with yet rarely played. Gave me the impression she's underrated lol. Never felt I had that much trouble setting up combos with her as well as zoning; Taokaka on the other hand...

Someone here is going to say it, but in a much worse way. I'll take the bullet so you don't have to.

Here goes.

These are old. Yes, there is a chance that some of us haven't seem them before. But they are old videos, and most of us have. I get that you're trying to fit in and add something to the community, and that's great, but posting ancient videos of old jokes isn't going to work. Original content, like a thread about the theoretical number of extra lives you can get in a video game... that stuff gets you awesome points. You have some artwork that people would lie, post that. You got a brand new video that you're really sure no one has seen before, go for it.

There. At least you've been spared the wrath of a few of our more "edgier" members that would have chewed you out for less.

A simple "Repost." would have been plenty to say here instead.

Someone here is going to say it, but in a much worse way. I'll take the bullet so you don't have to.

Here goes.

These are old. Yes, there is a chance that some of us haven't seem them before. But they are old videos, and most of us have. I get that you're trying to fit in and add something to the community, and that's great, but posting ancient videos of old jokes isn't going to work. Original content, like a thread about the theoretical number of extra lives you can get in a video game... that stuff gets you awesome points. You have some artwork that people would lie, post that. You got a brand new video that you're really sure no one has seen before, go for it.

There. At least you've been spared the wrath of a few of our more "edgier" members that would have chewed you out for less.

I figured that most have but there is usualy some that haven't. either way when the the topic loses interest it just fades away into forum oblivion so I didn't really have much to lose. Besides that's about all the vids I have so it's the end on that. ;p

There are a few members (I think we know who they are) would have been very happy to rip you apart. I gave the nicer, politer version of it. Simply trying to spare you some of the spite that floats around here, that's all.

It's not like people are searching in their blackest of black hearts to make people feel bad. If someone says it, that's because they're... well, being informative (and technically right.)

Jus' sayin.

There are a few members (I think we know who they are) would have been very happy to rip you apart. I gave the nicer, politer version of it. Simply trying to spare you some of the spite that floats around here, that's all.

lol this totally sounds like you are trying to get him to give you extreme gratitude for you saying it in a "nice" way when others here wouldnt when in reality you are really coming off just as assholish by making yourself sound better than a lot of members

oh the damned oh you

to the topic

shits old dude

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