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Ok, some months ago, I started buying PSOne classics, and I have access to the stinky European PSN store, that is selling all the PAL versions of all games. And for those who know the difference between PAL and NTSC knows that PAL sucks 100%, everything is in slow-mo, the colors are not as good etc.

So I got a US PSN store and I bought FF VIII. Everything worked perfectly.

My VISA card connected with no problems.

Now, months later I've gotten a new VISA card because my old one expired, and today I connected it to the US store, but I can't buy anything now!?!? Because of an update they did, new user agreements must be the reason. I can't even download the FREE stuff. Not even a Wallpaper!

And I live in China right now (I've been living here for a year), so most of my PS3 games are Hong Kong versions, like Assassins Creed 2.. I bought the expansions from the Hong Kong PSN store. Everything worked perfectly at that time, now: Nope.. can't even connect my VISA card.. So what is going on here people?! This may sound very wrong but here I go:


Because clearly, they don't want to earn money.


Because clearly, they don't want to earn money.

slightly incorrect. they asked for piracy by flaunting their hypervisor, repeatedly revising the EULA, and downgrading features out of the system, and people were dumb enough to go along with it. then hotz figured out how to get around the hypervisor, and immediately sony did more of the same, and lost a lot of their hardcore fans in the process. what's more, everyone went along with it, and blamed him for causing piracy. he didn't cause it - sony did, with their bad decisions and draconian policies.

sony's business practices for the ps3 have been all over the map. opening up the system for extensive theming, making psn a haven for indie developers, not charging for multiplayer access, and allowing the use of the system for things other than just games (browser, linux, media center stuff) is what put them apart from the 360 among next-gen consoles. those were good decisions. sony's steadily been getting rid of these features, however, between the 3.30 update that removed linux (and forcing you to do the same to play online), taking forever to update the browser to add compatibility, and now charging for extra content access on a per-month basis - AND removing access to that free and paid content when you stop your subscricption (xbl doesn't even do that). as if it wasn't already bad enough that their constant updates for both the system and the games take forever to download and install, and that their content - downloadable and otherwise - consistently comes out months after the 360 and PC versions, and their controller feels like a toy, doesn't hold a charge after six months, and breaks easily. i've gone through four controllers on the ps3, and i play that maybe a quarter as much as my pc or 360. never broken another controller for any other system.

they're also forcing in new features that aren't even fully tested yet, be it their clone of the wii controllers or their extensive bid on 3D technology that has the caveat of causing crushing headaches after as little as an hour of playing for a large portion of players, even with a $3k+ television.

these are bad decisions that all relate to sony's desperate bid to make the console continue to be relevant through 2015. i don't think it's going to work, particularly if a wii HD or an X720 come out between now and then.

edit: this post seems angsty. not intentional. i like my PS3 - i have a CECHE model, a phatty that plays PS2 games. i play quite a few exclusives on there, and am consistently impressed with their quality. i do not, however, play multi-platform games on it. the above reasons are why. everyone who knows me knows that i prefer my 360s for those games.


Speaking of indie developers...I haven't had the time to browse PSN Store to find some good games for the PS3. I went through a list of PS3 exclusives to get and selected three games that I was interested in. The only reason I might buy a multi-platform game on PS3 is because PSN is free and XBL is not.

But it seems to me that Sony doesn't even make the effort to advertise stuff from their store. Whenever I turn on my Xbox I'm slammed with ads for the XBL marketplace, which I actually don't mind.

Did you give them a ring about it?

I'm sure if you pulled the "I payed for this shit" card and shout angrily at them for a while they'll give in.

I sent an email to the support center lol Hope that works but I seriously doubt it.

I just don't get why they don't unify the stores. Like when you access the PSN store you could get a short list of all the stores, and check out them all.

If a Japanese guy who is working in Europe wants his Japanese game, why shouldn't he be able to get it? It makes no sense to me. As long as he have his VISA or Mastercard everything should work.

I sent an email to the support center lol Hope that works but I seriously doubt it.

I just don't get why they don't unify the stores. Like when you access the PSN store you could get a short list of all the stores, and check out them all.

If a Japanese guy who is working in Europe wants his Japanese game, why shouldn't he be able to get it? It makes no sense to me. As long as he have his VISA or Mastercard everything should work.

Regional lockout - Sony likes to control what games is available in what region so as to choose how to present itself (or the devs to do the same)

Regional lockout - Sony likes to control what games is available in what region so as to choose how to present itself (or the devs to do the same)

It's not so much as Sony wanting control over availability but also local laws that certain regions actually prohibit the sale of certain games; such as Wolfenstein 3D in Germany. It's perfectly available in the US PSN but I've not heard about it on the Euro-psn.

It's not so much as Sony wanting control over availability but also local laws that certain regions actually prohibit the sale of certain games; such as Wolfenstein 3D in Germany. It's perfectly available in the US PSN but I've not heard about it on the Euro-psn.

Not to go off topic, but they can't sell Wolfenstein in Germany? What part of killing nazis do they find offensive? :-o

Not to go off topic, but they can't sell Wolfenstein in Germany? What part of killing nazis do they find offensive? :-o

I bet Germany has Hitler's DNA in a magical tube somewhere in the capital city. Waiting for the right time ro revive him and start WW3 AHHH!!!!

Can't have Wolfenstein bringing in bad vibes then can they!

j/k lol

Not to go off topic, but they can't sell Wolfenstein in Germany? What part of killing nazis do they find offensive? :-o

probably because it's against the law to even really talk about that stuff. it's incredibly offensive to them, like a game involving tracking down and killing slaves would be offensive to us. except like a thousand times worse, since everyone there had family who were killed in WWII.

Not to go off topic, but they can't sell Wolfenstein in Germany? What part of killing nazis do they find offensive? :-o

Due to its use of Nazi symbols such as the Swastika and the anthem of the Nazi Party, Horst-Wessel-Lied, as theme music, the PC version of the game was withdrawn from circulation in Germany in 1994, following a verdict by the Amtsgericht München on January 25, 1994 (Az. 2 Gs 167/94). Despite the fact that Nazis are portrayed as the enemy in Wolfenstein, the use of those symbols is a federal offense in Germany unless certain circumstances apply (see Strafgesetzbuch section 86a). Similarly, the Atari Jaguar version was confiscated following a verdict by the Amtsgericht Berlin Tiergarten on December 7, 1994 (Az. 351 Gs 5509/94).

Due to concerns from Nintendo of America, the Super NES version was modified to not include any swastikas or Nazi references; furthermore, blood was replaced with sweat to make the game seem less violent, and the attack dogs in the game were replaced by giant mutant rats.

This is pretty much the gist of it. It's rather similar to Australia's current issues with "violent" gaming such as the watering down of L4D/2 and at the time the ban on the recent AvP game; overall though any mentioning or depictions of Nazism is verboten!

Also similarly in regards to Proph's comments.

In March 2008, the United States Department of State published a report to Congress, "Contemporary Global Anti-Semitism", that described Return to Castle Wolfenstein as an "anti-Semitic video game" with no qualifications. The report picked up on an article originally written in 2002 by Jonathan Kay of the New York Times regarding the recent introduction of "Nazi protagonists" in the online gaming market (referring specifically to Day of Defeat and Wolfenstein). The article was published just 19 days before Medal of Honor: Allied Assault was released which shares many similar features, and the Nazi protagonists in multiplayer.

In Germany as far as I understand it's not criminal to discuss its history, but it is a crime to bring back the Nazi propaganda and imagery in ways of glorifying it.


If there is one thing I have to complain about the US PSN is that they have yet to port over the "Spear of Destiny" Super CD Package which is the prequel to Wolf3D but also some extra addon. Sure I can get it on Steam but strangely enough it warrants being on the huge screen in all of it's hideously pixelated glory.


killing me so long ago. I got past all those undead mutants, the ubermutant, the Iron Knights, and the fucking robot guards only to run out of ammo...

I will say I am amazed that the European PSN store is missing out on the Rockin Android release of the

; what the fuck..?
If there is one thing I have to complain about the US PSN is that they have yet to port over the "Spear of Destiny" Super CD Package which is the prequel to Wolf3D but also some extra addon. Sure I can get it on Steam but strangely enough it warrants being on the huge screen in all of it's hideously pixelated glory.


killing me so long ago. I got past all those undead mutants, the ubermutant, the Iron Knights, and the fucking robot guards only to run out of ammo...

I will say I am amazed that the European PSN store is missing out on the Rockin Android release of the

; what the fuck..?

European people are always treated like retarded kids.. If you played the PAL games from the PSX and PS2 era, you'd be scared. Like Devil may cry, Dante runs like he's taking a stroll in the park. Hits like he hasn't got a muscle in his body, it's horrendous, the color red is almost pink. I remember playing the PAL version of Castlevania Curse of Darkness, I was so pist, I thought the game sucked, because I used 10 min to run across the hallways. Then I got the NTSC version.. and I finished the game 12 hours faster (AFTER getting tons of weapons, something I didn't do with the PAL version).


You also can't buy stuff on Japan PSN with a NA Visa/Mastercard. Some japanese law about it or something.

I use ps3/PSN alot but it's game devs that are pissing me off. NIS in particular lately.

I was Interested in Trinity Universe UNTIL I saw they released 21 DLCs for it. 3/4 of it is pay content and half of it came out the day after the game was in stores. around 25$ of DLCs

companies are starting to get cocky with their microtransactions. it's rather obvious that they "Leave out" content for extra $$$. They even release themes of the game (wich are usualy always free from devs but they charge 2$ per character.

I don't mind random DLCs for extra stuff but jeepers, 21 in 2 weeks?

Think I'll pass.

European people are always treated like retarded kids.. If you played the PAL games from the PSX and PS2 era, you'd be scared. Like Devil may cry, Dante runs like he's taking a stroll in the park. Hits like he hasn't got a muscle in his body, it's horrendous, the color red is almost pink. I remember playing the PAL version of Castlevania Curse of Darkness, I was so pist, I thought the game sucked, because I used 10 min to run across the hallways. Then I got the NTSC version.. and I finished the game 12 hours faster (AFTER getting tons of weapons, something I didn't do with the PAL version).

lol.. I still have my PAL PS2 and 12 or so games for it (ot to mention a pile of PAL DVDs, regional block... great fun)

If you use Playstation home you really can see the difference between the PSNs... japan, UK, Hong Kong and North America.

Funny thing is... currently they have the Global Pitch. A soccer area they made for the world cup. You can meet people there from ANY PSN area and see their neat items you CAN'T get. All this stuff is running the same system it's just that little region code that blocks you from getting these items. I'd love the Hatsune Miku Costume Japan has and there is a way to hack the area code to get these items but it's... a hassle >>.

Oddly I made a Japanese PSN account and DL'd games from it, I can use them on my NA account. this whole region thing is starting to ge retarded.

Edit: If you do use home, you can have a look at the differences here http://www.alphazone4.com/store#cat110

they log all the stuff and areas. great way to find out what your "NOT" getting.

You also can't buy stuff on Japan PSN with a NA Visa/Mastercard. Some japanese law about it or something.

I use ps3/PSN alot but it's game devs that are pissing me off. NIS in particular lately.

I was Interested in Trinity Universe UNTIL I saw they released 21 DLCs for it. 3/4 of it is pay content and half of it came out the day after the game was in stores. around 25$ of DLCs

companies are starting to get cocky with their microtransactions. it's rather obvious that they "Leave out" content for extra $$$. They even release themes of the game (wich are usualy always free from devs but they charge 2$ per character.

I don't mind random DLCs for extra stuff but jeepers, 21 in 2 weeks?

Think I'll pass.

To be fair the extra stuff's not necessary / can be had in-game through grinding. However I do agree that it's ridiculous; $1.99 may not seem much but for 21 downloads I could easily just buy Persona 3 Portable or a digital copy of MGS:Peace walker instead.

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