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It occurred to me that the only mixing experience I have is with material that I've written and I'm willing to bet that holds true for many of us here. So, in order to get more practice, I thought it could be fun to post multitracks from songs we've done and have other people mix them. I don't mean ReMix them like we do on the site here, I just mean the technical process of mixing. Don't change the arrangement or anything like that, let's keep this as production only. You can use Tindeck to upload each track of a song, or zip 'em up and host it yourself. The song can be a ReMix or original composition. I'll upload some of my songs, post your own!. Happy mixing, let's see what we can come up with!


The only song I'm willing to post for remixing here is In Joy & Sorrow from Xenogears. I am planning to completely remake (and then resub) the song eventually. But it would be interesting to see what people could do with it if they wanted to. If anyone's up for it, I'll post it. And then if you want to sub the remix of the remix to the panel, I'd be honored, especially if it passes. :-P Maybe a little embarrassed, as usual, but worth it perhaps.

AMT you're stems all have this weird high pitched squealy noise in them.

D: Crap, I`ll take a listen next time I`m at a computer and see what is causing it.

EDIT: Nevermind, it's just a strange artifact in the very beginning, it shouldn't affect the rest of the track. Feel free to crop it out.

Here are the backing track stems of my Doubles Dash 4 entry, plus my vocals I recorded to replace starla's original vox.


All the effects such as reverb and compression were removed, so I'm interested to see how this will be re-produced.

Here ya go!

Drums are a little wonky with the compression and reverb since having them all in a stereo track instead of individual tracks limits what I can do with them.

AMT you're stems all have this weird high pitched squealy noise in them.

Oh, in the beginning? Yeah, my DAW does that now and then and I don't know why. It doesn't mess with the rest of the track at all though, so I'll probably just leave the ones I uploaded. Anyone mixing my songs, feel free to crop that out of the very beginning.

Oh, in the beginning? Yeah, my DAW does that now and then and I don't know why. It doesn't mess with the rest of the track at all though, so I'll probably just leave the ones I uploaded. Anyone mixing my songs, feel free to crop that out of the very beginning.

it also does it at select spots in the bass track during the intro as well as during the beginning of every track

Including the drum track.

The problem I have with that is, that you need that crash for the song to start the way you want it to.

I use Reason 3.0, so I can't really remix the tracks, from my end (unless anyone has Reason 3.0...?).

If and Reason remixers want to take a stab at one or two of my tracks, I'm game - just let me know here :nicework:.

I have at least one track that's entirely Reason 3.0 without any samples/ReFills beyond what's included with the program.

Fat Man Meets Magic Turtle (remix of the Mario Kart 64 credits music for a PRC a few years ago)

Reason files are here (unmixed -- no EQ, panning, delay, compression, etc.) and here (my mix). If anyone who doesn't have Reason really wants to mix it, let me know and I'll put together a zip with wav files.

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