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Hey guys. I'm trying to recruit re-mixers for a cover of Flying Dragon (which I intend to make an OCR album). Since this is a 3D fighting game, I'm hoping to keep an epic feel to the tracks, but I'll take any genre of music. I personally will be covering some of the tracks as well, but currently almost everything is open. I'll leave the links to the sources below.

Due to very poor production quality on most of the soundtrack, I only intend to cover the songs that I feel have enough melodic potential to be Remixed, HOWEVER, if you are familiar with the soundtrack and would like to cover a different song than the one's below, just let me know and it's yours. Currently I intend to cover the following 12 tracks:

Ryuhi's Theme (upbeat, good fight track) -currently claimed by Brandon Strader

Wiler's Theme (melodic, would make for good jazz,salsa, or techno track) -currently claimed by JH Sounds with WIP

Powers Theme (great song buildup, great hook at 0:58, potential for epic rock, techno, etc)

Min Min's Theme (very catchy, great for melodic rock, trance, short source material)-currently claimed by Dayve

Virtual Ryuhi"s Theme (extreme potential for rock, epic, symphonic rock)

Gengai's Theme (needs help, excellent choice for symphonic cover, short source material) - currently claimed by Kenneth Boxall

Hayato's Theme (very complex, lots of instrumentation, weak leads, good flow in general, great for various styles) - currently claimed by Impulse_Aural with WIP

Shouryu's Theme (upbeat, weird sounding in general, needs vision to cover) - currently claimed by Impulse_Aural with WIP

Robo No Hana's Theme (very...oriental, drumming potential, not fight oriented)

Ryumao's Theme (very dark and minor, good villain track) - currently claimed by Tandrews with WIP

Yuka's Theme (oriental, could suit various styles, probably good jazz cover)- currently claimed by SiriusBeatz

Suzaku's Theme (upbeat, melodic, good villain theme, potential for rock cover, decent drums) - currently claimed by No Escape with WIP


This thread is a great start, but you also need to recruit for the album at other places. I would recommend TheShizz. Then again, they might see the trend of all these new project threads popping up there and be like "wtf?" At any rate, give it a try. :-P

Find people you want on the album and actively search them out. Nobody is going to find the thread in this forum. You should use it as a reference to link people to so they can get your information.


Hi there!

Can I take Ryumao's theme?? I'm new to this forum but some of my work is at BA-MusTech.blogspot.com . My email is on there as well. When I've got confirmation from you ill start cracking on with it!



Hi there!

Can I take Ryumao's theme?? I'm new to this forum but some of my work is at BA-MusTech.blogspot.com . My email is on there as well. When I've got confirmation from you ill start cracking on with it!



Crack away my friend. It's yours!:-)

If you intend to make this an OCR album like you say, make sure you take auditions and that they are up to OCR's quality standards!

I checked out his blog stuff, and it's up to snuff. I think he'll bring something good to the table. I'll make sure I get at least some form of WIP from ppl before they get the go-ahead. Thanks dude!:-)

Been working on it this evening and it's sounding very tight indeed! Will probably have a rough copy by the weekend.

Sick! That's the type ppl I like to work with -FAST. Since you're new, I'll let you in on a few things...

1. Don't post WIP's for an album (or prospective one) on any OCR threads. PM the links to me until I can find a place to host us where we can share freely and review each others stuff. ( I learned from sad experience)

2. Expect to re-work things a few times to get it just right (again, experience)

3. Make sure you check out the other album project threads, because I know some of them need help, and "official projects" will likely need to be released before this one can become "official"

4. Let's have fun and make a SICK album!:)!!


Great!! I'll bounce an mp3 down now and pm you with it, will be about 20 mins or so. Listened to OCR music and some of its pretty good! Been looking through the forums as well. Ok!! I'll bounce that mp3 down now!


Thanks dude. Believe it or not, I actually own a copy of this game, which I still play occasionally. If you know anyone that you think is capable of submitting, just point 'em my way. Also, (I'll say on behalf of OCR on this one) thank you for serving our country, staff sergeant.:-)


Hey there, I am interested in possibly jumping in on this. I might be able to take a song or two but I wondered what your goal for completion is. I am not a really quick worker and I have full time job on top of that. My Pokey remix was an investment of a good 100 hours... granted that was a very complex source to begin with, but I am still new in the game here (and new to some of my gear).

I am thinking a reasonable finish date for a song from me might be September or October. If that still works for you let me know.

I am most interested in the following...

1. Shouryu's Theme

2. Hayato's Theme


JH- Sick dude. PM me when when you get something down. I'm looking forward to it!:smile:

Impulse- I sent you a PM...Did you get it?

Also, I sent another invite to a talented artist, and if he joins, we have enough ReMixers to apply for the official project. I know it's going to be a tough sell with all the current projects out there, so I'm hoping to shoot a few WIP's to the mods as well to let them know we're serious. I'm lookin at you Tandrews, because your's sounded pretty good already, and a little more on top would showcase some of the recruited talent ;-)

That said, there is no WIP due date as of now, but I may set one (it won't be tough to meet) soon.

All said, I really like the direction we're going in here, and I can definitely see this project coming together quite nicely :smile:


I don't have the know how to take on anything like this. Unless there's a midi to work with, just don't have the theory know how to listen to what's going on and transpose. I can offer my limited crit skills though since this isn't going on the WIP thread here on OCR, send me a PM if you want walls of text detailing my very opinion opinions on the opinions. :-)


So we just got Nathan (Aural_Impulse) on the project, and his work is very solid. We also have another great set of critiquing ears (Hewhoisiam) to help keep things on track :smile:.

This is astoundingly good for a first shot at a project with a lot of new remixers (and a few vets too). I will be organizing a project request form and I hope to turn it in this week. No guarantees, but we have a nice section of tracks covered, and i intend to keep going until all the tracks are covered (I may even add a few). Thanks again for all the enthusiasm guys- it's tough to keep things motivated by yourself :-)

I'll send out the appropiate PM's later tonight to keep people in the loop.


I noticed there are "Invite only" clubs. Was wondering if this is possible for us might make the project a little more personal and posting links/demos to our songs less public so only project participants are critiquing work in progress.


Chris, I have a work in progress for you for Shoury's Theme. Don't know what I am going to call it because it is still in early development phase (rough or non-existant transisitions, poor mix, unscored sections). However, I noticed you needed some work in progress stuff for the application so I thought I would toss you what I have and see if it is up to snuff enough to make the app look better. I also wanted to make sure that I had a proper claim staked on this track.

I know you had mentioned wanting more up-tempo stuff, but this one just hasn't been coming out that way. I will leave you to decide what to do with it if you think this just isn't going to work with the feel of the album. I think its coming out nicely, but just wanted to disclaimer that. I have a concept for Hayato's theme too, but I haven't even started on that one yet. I am pretty excited about that one, and I am pretty sure that will fit more in the up-tempo fighter game style. I have been a little consumed by Shoury's lately so I havent done much else. I have even put off finishing my Pokey remixing. You know how it goes when you get stuck on something.

Let me know how you want me to get it to you. Its a 1.5MB mp3 and its about a minute and a half long.



Wow look at those tracks just filling right up. Aural_Impulse managed to swing me a WIP with the quickness, so I'm going to submit our request tomorrow. SiriusBeatz, I'll look forward to what you can bring to the table :).


Looking sharp. I haven't sent the request yet only because I've been getting stuff from people left and right. We now have album art, thanks to Eward Dennis. Also, I'm collaborating with 10stars to make combo videos for each character with our themes. This could turn out really well. He is an awesome 2D/3D fighter with an amazing amount of skill making great combo vids. Now that I have everything from everyone, I'm going to go ahead and submit :-)


Hey guys I managed to find hosting. If you are on this project and I don't have an E-mail from you, please PM either myself or user--> 10stars <-- with your e-mail address so we can get you in there. All project status details should go there from here on out :-) BTW, the site is www.609clan.com once I have your info. You must register as well, since the forums are private

P.S. sorry for the epic triple post

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