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All I have to say I'm guitar man in love with electronic and have some vocal skills and bass guitar. I can give you my idea in two-three days(my guitar is fixing now). It's great idea to make MEGA collab. But.. I don't know. It's a bit hard to find people who wants.. Any way I'm your's!

Hmm, I wasn't planning on using GUITAR in this remix, but when you have an idea, be sure to show me! I'm interested to see what you have in mind. :D


Not bad at all. The different patches all worked pretty well together , and the parametric sweep on the drums worked out pretty well. After, a few listens, I noticed that the intro pad setting has a little too much attack (I could here the "strike" of it), but that's a knob turn away. Not much to critique here; I think you did a good job, but I think you should lengthen the song another min and submit it.

I think you did a good job, but I think you should lengthen the song another min and submit it.

If only it were that simple...

This was merely a sketch I did in about half an hour or so, if I put some extensive effort this would be well over 3 minutes with some good original content.

I'm actually planning to expand the arrangement more, but as for the pad, I actually turned the attack up because it was requested by some as it would sound better, so now it has more attack than the version I have up here. :P



Hey man, i'm loving this remix. I'm glad you finished it up cause its very worth while. Its a little different take on the theme and i like it.

I'll post more of a review when i've got more time, i just wanted to let you know i'm loving this mix.


This is pretty sick. I like the patches used and I think the harmonies used were very nice. The only I would want to hear differently is prob the drums at 1:15. It sounds like you used the same patches, but cut off the low pass at like 800-1K (somewhere around there) It doesn't bring quite the effect I would hope for. It sounds a little too dead. I think I'm imagining more "washed out" drums, kinda smothered in verb so it sounds like they moved to the backline, but still have a little life. I guess this kinda comes to a personal preference, rather than a production critique, since I know the effect is intentional, but just a thought. Huge fan of the techno style change up at 2:55. Totally sold. Well, good luck with the submit. I will say this one sounds good by my ear.

I figured out what I thought it should sound like:smile:

Check out the drum transition from 1:10 to 1:20 and I think you'll see what I mean.

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