djpretzel Posted October 6, 2004 Posted October 6, 2004 Email sub file When+All+Hope+Has+Faded.mp3 - djp Title: When All Hope Has Faded Remixers: Unknown, zircon This is a remix of the track "The Day the World Revived" from Chrono Trigger. zircon: This was my first collab effort, and I think it turned out pretty well. I enjoyed working with Ty, so expect to hear more from us in the future I'm glad my parts fit in with his (as always) amazing symphonic skills, and I think our combined styles worked better than our individual styles would have. but enough of that. enjoy the mix! Unknown: Well, this was my first collab, too. I'm really glad that I got to work with zircon - I consider the two of us to be at roughly the same skill level in our seperate areas. I had tons of fun making this remix, because I got to experiment with some new style aspects. But anyway, I hope everyone enjoys this song as much as I do. ~Ty ps - could you change my (Unknown) name on the site to "Tyler Heath" as opposed to Will? Thanks.
Liontamer Posted October 6, 2004 Posted October 6, 2004 I pimped this one back in early August for VG Frequency: Liontamer[/url'>]Unknown & zircon - Chrono Trigger "When All Hope Has Faded" [VGMix2 #2014]Two of SoundTempest's heavy hitters have joined forces in this very energetic yet melancholy techno/orchestral piece that (much like "Calamitous Judgment") includes several influences, including the noticeable style of one of Jared Hudson's favorite composers, Danny Elfman. Here, my bros Ty & Andy have pulled out a lot of different tricks, starting out this mix in Unknown's style with a very nice music box with some hot female choir vox action before throwing zirc's electronic stylings into the loop with a technosynth iteration of the melody from "The Day the World Revived". The tandem does a great job trading off sounds and measures throughout the mix, definitely providing a product that wouldn't be possible from either one individually. Excellent work that any CT music fan is gonna mess their pants over via this powerhouse team-up of one of OCR's orchestral mainstays in Unknown and the site's latest "OMG, who IS that?" in zircon. Critically speaking, I thought some of the trancier synths zirc busted out were generic-sounding, and that makes me "meh" on a lot of stuff I've heard in the trance genre. Looking beyond that though, there was nothing else here I felt was holding this back overall. I'd have a lot more to say, especially since I went through about 30-minutes giving Andy a detailed pre-judging critique on the mix that I saved on my comp for when it would reach the panel, but since the comp is broke...blah. Though fairly up there, this isn't necessarily DP-worthy, so don't take my enthusiasm the wrong way, but this is pretty much a formality to me. YES
DarkeSword Posted October 6, 2004 Posted October 6, 2004 An excellent mix of orchestral and electronica styles. I enjoyed the back and forth arrangement ideas presented, but I was hoping to hear more integrated sections as well. The initial lead in the first electronica section comes off a bit thin, but once it starts bending around everything sounds nice. Very much enjoyed. We gotta collab sometime, guys. YES
Protricity Posted October 10, 2004 Posted October 10, 2004 Pretty cool stuff. Nice bends. This is the kinda innovation I liked to hear. Excellent chime breaks. Ahh fade ins. Everythings great. YES
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