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so i've been experimenting with things to try to make things okay for those who want creepers and those who dont

Im going to use Realms to enable "safe zones" for properties that dont want Creepers, and even if they dont want mobs hurting them in their domain

Also, I've enabled some neat features:

Death Notify - just like any online game, announces your death to everybody, Fun stuff

Adventure Mode - a scoring system, the longer your alive, the more points you earn from picking up stuff and killing mobs. You can even level up and get different ranks. When you die, your high score is updated, and theres a list of the highest scores on the server

Flashlight <- i kept this from last time, if you hold a torch it lights up the area around you if you turn on /flashlight

CraftIRC <- Already had this one but just as a reminder, irc.esper.net #ocrminecraft gets all ingame messages relayed to it, and any messages there relayed back to minecraft.

Minecart Mania <- Have not got to play with this, Halcyon probably will. Ads a lot of neat features to minecarts


Minecarts are now usable. I'm still checking for bugs with long distance travel, but intra-base railways are completely feasible now. The instructions for use are here: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Minecart_Mania!

The one issue I've encountered so far is that station blocks don't seem to work properly and will always throw you in one direction no matter what you input. That will make the construction of intersections on the highway a bit more difficult, as I'll have to redstone up a different mechanism to do it. Other than that, it seems workable. Have at it, people.

Posted (edited)

I believe that's the EldPack

in addition to the better light mod I posted earlier

actually now that I think about it, I should start a list of client mods for people in the first post

I'll do that later in the week though

Edited by Gollgagh
Posted (edited)

Nice stadium. I prefer ones that are a bit more open-feeling, but nonetheless, impressive.

In other news, I just got finished up linking the "Southern States" directly to spawn via railway. It's not completely done, but all the tracks are there. I did have to take the long way around to spawn, though, since you apparently can't put rails on glass. Bummer. Anyway, this means the launcher for the southern rail is currently on the NORTH highway entrance from spawn. Put the cart on the obsidian, get in, push the button, and you're off.

Until the intersections are done, you're going to have to switch directions manually, which just involves getting out, putting the cart in the new direction, and pushing it over the next booster block (the gold blocks). Just make sure you get in before it zooms off without you. :-P

I hope you guys appreciate the new means of travel. I've already used up close to 200 blocks of my own iron making the rails. I'll get the intersections for this length of track done soon, and then I'll probably take requests for where to bring the tracks to next. I'll also make a central hub at spawn at some point. :)

EDIT: Oh, and if you want to stop the cart at any point, type "/brake" into the chatbox. It brings the cart to a halt, but obviously only if you're in the cart.

Edited by HalcyonSpirit

I've still got those 16 tracks from our original tests on the new map if you want them. I know it's not much, but I'm not going to be using them.

As far as mods are concerned, I'm using just a small handful that sweeten up the graphics a bit. I'm using a modified version of the Linecraft terrain texture along with Hozz's 32x32 Item Sprites as placeholders. The terrain textures have been edited to use the Biome Colors on the Sides of Grass mod. On top of that, I've got Better Light running. Of course, Linecraft and the icons are 32x32 pixel textures, so I'm using the HD Texture Fix patcher so that everything meshes and looks perfect.

I've been working on a few of the other textures, like mobs, the moon, and even the biome tree and grass color textures. I still need to take a look at the GUI type stuffs too. Still, it's a pretty nice setup.


So I decided to do some exploring.

Karak is burning...


Might do something with this. It just seemed prime for potential.


My eventual base of operations. There's not one, but THREE pools of lava around here. So much burning wood.


And of course, seeing THIS every time I died was...comforting.



The two intersections that are a part of the current railway are complete. All you have to do is choose a direction by pushing a button, and then push a second button to launch.

In other words...

Go enjoy the scenery flying by as you ride the railway! If you take the rail all the way to the south, you'll end up inside my fort. Feel free to look around. Not a whole lot there, yet, but I've got something in mind for my next project.

I'm now taking requests from anyone who wants to see their place connected to the railway. Just make sure you tell me where you are.

So I decided to do some exploring.

Karak is burning...


Might do something with this. It just seemed prime for potential.


My eventual base of operations. There's not one, but THREE pools of lava around here. So much burning wood.


And of course, seeing THIS every time I died was...comforting.


omg majora's mask moon. what mod is this? do want.

The two intersections that are a part of the current railway are complete. All you have to do is choose a direction by pushing a button, and then push a second button to launch.

In other words...

Go enjoy the scenery flying by as you ride the railway! If you take the rail all the way to the south, you'll end up inside my fort. Feel free to look around. Not a whole lot there, yet, but I've got something in mind for my next project.

I'm now taking requests from anyone who wants to see their place connected to the railway. Just make sure you tell me where you are.

I wouldn't mind your help getting my people mover set up. I've got most of the track done, but no boosters or anything yet.

omg majora's mask moon. what mod is this? do want.


The way I did it was opening up minecraft.jar with winRAR and finding the terrain folder, replacing moon.png with the one in that thread (just move the file into there, delete the old image). Alternately you can do the same with whatever texture pack you prefer, if you'd rather not mess with the .jar file.


Now all we need are some Gohmas, very fast meleeing stalfos knights to compliment the regular archer skeletons, and perhaps something nastier for the creeper; although the creeper does just fine on its own...

Funny you mentioned that...


Replaces the monster skins. It doesn't do it for spiders unfortunately, but we get zombie ReDeads and creeper Poe's.


Posted (edited)
I'm now taking requests from anyone who wants to see their place connected to the railway. Just make sure you tell me where you are.

I took some initiative and laid down a track from my base, past brushfire and whoever else is out that way, and routed it almost to spawn. Feel free to connect into the rail, and zip over to my place in style.

I also set up gold booster blocks so it's a speedy trip. Will be working on a recieving area at my base later on.

P.S. my transit start point is RIGHT next to Halcyon's. Will have a sign posted shortly. BYOC.

P.P.S. Died twice for being on a minecart going too fast, or having the "empty minecart" detector think my cart was empty and nuke it off the face of the map.

I've lost a bunch of stuff due to it. most importantly was 5 stacks of railway, but it's nothing major. Just going to have to go mining again.

More miffed about losing those saplings and the stack of coal than anything else. Oh well.

Edited by JadeAuto
okay I've got a barebones mod and texture list in the OP

if anyone cares to name other things I'll add them

I'm particularly interested in that map that Phalanx has

That's Zan's Mini Map mod, which is all but mandatory I feel.


As for my usual skin pack...


Mind you, I've modded it a bit here and there--namely, the mobs and the moon, as well as LoZ armor--but mostly running just that.

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