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Calling all video game journalists / bloggers / reporters

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Space Whale Studios, a game development company I co-founded last year, is close to releasing its first game, Return All Robots!. We've spent almost a year on this XBIG/PC game, and we're doing our very best to get the word out about it so it doesn't get lost in the sea of fart games and rumble massage titles. We put our blood, sweat and tears into making a genuinely fun and challenging game with humor and lots of replay value. I wrote most of the music, served as lead designer and made about half the SFX, but it's the artists and our lead programmer, Aaron, who really put a herculean effort into making this game what it is.

So, if you write for a gaming website, have a gaming blog or are in any other way connected to the gaming/indie community, let me know. I'd like to send you some links, screenshots, videos and further information about the game so you can check it out and see if you think it's worth writing about. Plus, if you're interested in actually doing a review of the game, we'll have a 'review build' ready quite soon.

The majority of XBIG titles are space shooters, sidescrollers, standard platformers or just silly throwaway 'apps'. I really do think our game goes a step beyond. I know y'all are out there, so drop me a line and help an underdog Philly development team!


Awesome! To make life easier, I've uploaded all our materials to the following directory:


Start by reading the Press Packet PDF which has 5 pages of information about the game, it's story, mechanics, and the studio. It also has links to all of our video content as well as essentials like price, release date, etc. There are game screenshots, logos and sprites in the /press/ directory as well.

This way, we're all on the same page, and you can contact me after picking up all of that stuff if you want further information, an interview, etc.


I bet you could convince John Bain/Totalbiscuit of thecynicalbrit.com to do a video review of the game if you get him a PC copy. Be warned, he'll be open and honest about both the good and the bad, but he's got a huge following from his WoW podcasts, so this'd be some pretty big Internet publicity.

Yes please! After interviewing ya last July, I'd love to help you out! Seeing as I also write for the website I do GameJams for, I'm very interested to see where this game goes!

I'm interested in this as well. I write for CheshireCatStudios.com and I'd be happy to review a game in development, and, if requested, add some constructive criticisms. I am a fairly thorough, but brutally honest reviewer though, so here's some examples of my work:

Devil May Cry 4: http://www.cheshirecatstudios.com/reviews/devil-may-cry/devil-may-cry-4.php

Heavy Rain: http://www.cheshirecatstudios.com/reviews/heavy-rain/

Demonbane anime: http://www.cheshirecatstudios.com/reviews/demonbane-anime-lovecraft/#LaughingMan


If it's really something special, Kotaku would write a post about it and you know what kind of insane traffic they get. So I'd get hold of them at some point for sure.

I've made reviews in the past, but it's purely a hobby. It's one of those lame 300-subscriber YouTube channel operations, but if you feel like allowing me a pre-release copy I'll make a video review. Sometimes under-the-radar games can net any YouTube schmoe thousands of views, like the Risen one I made with about 35k views. The big company video reviewers don't cover them.


Again thank you all for the great response. As soon as our final build is ready we will definitely get in touch with some of you for that. But I am also interested in promoting the game via our trailers and other materials. For example, Super Meat Boy isn't out but there has been tons of promo for it, including multiple trailers. We know that the failure or success of an indie game can depend on more than just reviews, but pre-release buzz. That's why we're also looking for people to check out that stuff now and see what they think (it's all in the link I posted above.)

As for getting in touch with Kotaku... we'd love to, but it's much easier said than done :)


Alright! So we've just submitted to the IGF. Our game is basically 97% done. We're just working on some final art polish and a couple of additional story sequences to flesh out the narrative. However, all the game's dialog and levels are done and we're definitely excited with where we're at right now.

Edit: And our first news piece :)


  • 1 month later...

Haha, thanks anyway Coop.

Brushfire: Hells yes. I will be home this Monday and BEYOND

Mirby: No need to post the review here... we'll have an official thread for the game at some point. Getting the word out to the world-at-large is more important, so let me know when you're done so we can coordinate!

I'm talking to you. Sorry Mirbs.

Alright man, just hit me up via PM or IRC!

I beat it, so expect a review soon.

Sweet! Also we have a new release build with just some minor bugfixes, so if you wouldn't mind running the review by me first so if you mentioned any glitches, I can let you know if those are fixed in the final build.

Thanks guys!

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