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EDIT - Deadline has been changed to Dec 1st! Tell your friends, your neighbors, your pets, your pants!

Hey Everyone!

First, it was awesome seeing everyone at PAX. It was a great time.

You guys might know that I recently did the soundtrack for Super Meat Boy, which comes out later this month on XBLA. There are two tracks on the soundtrack that Edmund (Game's creator) and I really like, and thought it would be great to see if anyone was interested in remixing one of them! They also both happen to be spooky/scary, so totally appropriate for Halloween!

I'm not sure if this is in the right forum, especially since this will be short notice and pretty unofficial. I probably only have room for one remix on the OST, maybe two. It would basically be whichever one(s) I like best.

The game releases on the 20th, and the soundtrack should release the middle of next month. The new deadline is November 7th (update - now Dec 1st). Preferred length would be 2-5 minutes. Would need a 16 Bit, 44.1Khz WAV master.

The two tracks you can choose from to remix are here -

Chapter 2 Level Track "Haunted Hospital" -


Chapter 4 Level Track "Hell!" -


You're certainly free to post WIP's here and discuss them, but only links (please links if you can, rather than attachments :D) sent to dB (at) dBsoundworks.com will be considered submissions. Feel free to send me WIPs too! (within reasonable quantities ;) )

Again, sorry for the short notice, but we seriously just thought this up like an hour ago! I can't wait to see what you guys come up with! :D

-luv danny B


Good stuff. Didn't know that you were the composer for Super Meat Boy, Danny.

On a related note, I just discovered that you also composed for the iPhone game CANNABALT. Recently played this on my friend's phone...and man, that lone track is simply remarkable. Yeah, the game is simple and addictive, but it's that music and art-style that keep me coming back for more. Great stuff.


Hello Mr. Broflovski.

I have heard about this mario game you are talking about and think that Edmund McMillen made an amazing attempt at trying to make chiptune music.

I thank you for hinting his wish to remix some of the tunes he thinks are best.

Yet I am afraid to say that I was more interested in the fly in front of my computer screen, so for the first 2 minutes, 38 seconds and 873 milisecond I discarded any attempt at concentrating at these specific tunes.

The remix in question would be this here.


And here is a mirror


I was joking about that mirror part, it's the same server.

Hope you are well,

C418, Minister of the douchebaggery.


My remix may not have been the best, but at least it was first. I guess picking out about 80% of the song by ear also counts for something (didn't bother with the last section). Nonetheless, I'm very glad this competition is finally getting some entries, and kudos to whoever the wins!


hey guys, the digital soundtrack is up at MeatBoyMusic.com!

just wanted to clarify, (since i didn't mention it in the first post) that the winner of the contest will be on the special edition physical release coming out next month. sorry if I caused any confusion :(

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