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http://www.tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/FF8_minipsf.rar - 120 "Julia"

Opened with a tranced cover of Julia with plain jane beat keeping drums underneath that plodded up the trance flavor. What was that subtle low note beat coming in at :51? It's not in the right key, obviously, and it threw things off. And there some "tick, tick, tick, tick" hat annoying the shit out of me, louder than everything else, including the vox.

1:26 keeps going with "tick, tick, tick" driving me batshit and treading water with the arrangement the whole way. By 2:00 every time the pattern repeated, I kept thinking "When the hell is this gonna stop?!? It never did. It went all the way until 3:08 of your 3:20 mix. Man, that ending was terrible; pure copout/I-gave-up-ish stuff.

Anyway, good luck on future mixes. Scrap that one though. You ran nearly 2 minutes of a 3 minute mix with...ugh. Then I listened again and :17-:33 was the same thing you repeated for those other 2 minutes. Unbelievable.



agh. I don't usually like to be negative, but you've gotta go back to this and completely retool it. Offkey bass, unbelievably repetitious, flat-out BAD mastering and effects processing, bad mixing of volume levels (especially the percussion), no real rearrangement. Check out the wip and remixing forum and see if you can pick up some times on how to put together a strong dance mix that would pass our standards. This isn't a violation, but it's a pretty obvious NO. Keep at it.


the drums to this are awful. i'm goin to rename this zyko in a daze cuz i'm seeing weird lights. i'm going to be as positive as i can.

this needs some serious variation. some serious creative intervention is needed in the mix

the synths are too soft - i think the idea is there but you have to eq them to have presence because presence is about the most important aspect of electronic music for the listener...if you're going to make dance music, you have to get your listener to want to move and this makes me want to sleep. then again, i'm assuming this is supposed to be a dance mix which means this is a misappropriation because the idea for a subtle, relaxing arrangement of julia is a winner but the execution here is lacking.

the ending is exactly as larry said. an excuse for not having anymore ideas - there isn't one. i mean, this is about the most uncreative stretch of 3 minutes i've heard in a while but the ending only capped it for me. i want to echo zircon's advice and point you towards our WIP and remixing forums - there are a lot of folks around here who are very experienced in electronica and in dance music and you should seek their advice on the technical aspects of eqing your drums and giving more presence and use to your synths.

as it stands, this track cannot be considered, sorry.



That trance lead in the opening is ridiculously wide and messy. It fills up the whole soundscape and doesn't leave room for much else. Plus it's got so much reverb on it that the notes are just bleeding together.

Balance between percussion elements is also terrible; what's with the hi-hat just clicking every upbeat? This mix goes nowhere fast. No development, no innovation, no nothing. It's nothing but a repetitous trance synth on an uninteresting beat.


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