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OCR01274 - *YES* Chrono Trigger 'The Frontier'

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Probably a no-brainer, but I hedge my bets these days, plus I get to quote you guys, making writeups easier :) - djp

darkesword edit: Dave, you lazy ass.

Here ya go djpretzel,

Sorry about the resubmission thing. First remix in 2 years. Anyways, I have to build a stronger computer. Apparently 1.5GB of ram is still not anywhere close to enough (must also get 2nd computer up and running). I think my computer crashed about 12 times before this thing got done. High quality samples can be a curse in disguise.

Title: The Frontier

Arranger: Jared Hudson

Game: Chrono Trigger

Composer: Yasunori Mitsuda

Company: Squaresoft

Year: 1995

Jared Hudson


great orchestralesque goodness. A clearly strong mix all around.

my only criticism is that brass riff goes on a bit too long..the switch at 3:30 is overdue. by the 5 minute mark i feel the same way about the new rhythm part.

on the whole, great orchestration, creative and enjoyable remix.


er, sorry force of habit.



This is pretty obviously OCR material. Top-notch samples, great rearrangement, solid mastering; anyone reading this should take notes, as this is the perfect example of a great orchestral ReMix. I would like to mention a few complaints though: it feels like a few of the sections, particularly 1:43 through 3:10, drag on too long. The percussion tends to be on the repetitive and uninteresting side, and while I can't offer specific suggestions since this isn't my area of expertise, it seems like more could be done in terms of drumwork. Basically, I think this mix could have been a minute shorter without losing any quality, but nonetheless, an easy YES.


http://www.snesmusic.org/spcsets/ct.rsn - "Chrono Trigger" (ct-1-02a.spc & ct-1-02b.spc) & "Guardia Millenial Fair" (ct-1-06.spc)

For giving me such ear torture this batch, I'm shouldn't giving djp anything remotely usable to quote. Thus, I'm gonna intersperce my words with l33tspeak. Thi5 was 2 awesome. Jar3d did @ great job 0verhauling th!s fro/\/\ d4 /\/ear-\/erba7im Chr0n0'z t|-|eme cov3r "Generations of Time".

Seriously though, the rearrangement here is A-grade, even though the ending vox was [does a so-so hand gesture] and 7/4 Millenial Fair was DarkeSword's idea first! This is true crossover level material. If you wanna break a non-VGM fan a remix and see if they like it, this is certainly one you could try on them. Glad to see Jared's back with a new mix as this'll hit the n00bs in a big way. I smell Grammy! Well, a Latin Grammy, but that's still a Grammy...



It's already a Yes, but since I had this I'd like to comment anyway. The first version Jared submitted of this was an instant NO due to the lack of arrangement. Jared did a very nice job of taking our input and reworking the mix. The result is a really polished, well orchestrated mix. My only gripe is the rhythm, driving percussion gets very, very repetitive. I would have liked a more evolving backdrop.

Great mix.

Easy Yes regardless.

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