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I'm currently the top contributor with a measly $160.80. C'mon, someone, beat that price!


I want to, but... Agh, I don't have the monies for it! D:

Imma grab the evolve bundle and balinese gamlan, but I'm on the fence about action strings. I already have EWQLSO Gold and Cinematic Strings 2 - anyone want to talk me off the fence either way?

The Evolve bundle is great, I had that already, but I also just got the Gamelan library, and I went ahead and got Action Strings this time too (was on the fence last time). They sound amazing out of the box and I think there must be 200 patterns in there, in every time signature imaginable. Now, to write something worthy of them...

I grabbed Juggernaut! Having sooooo much fun with it. :D

How is it by the way? I'd buy it if I had the money, but I can't even afford the lowest tier of ISW's Modern Composer Bundle :(

Posted (edited)
How is it by the way? I'd buy it if I had the money, but I can't even afford the lowest tier of ISW's Modern Composer Bundle :(

I barely had enough money after a really quick trailer job with ACO, so I got pretty lucky there. :)

It's amazing, and an awesome library to shoot for. The bass frequencies on everything are so polished, and to be honest, I'm extremely fond of the Bass synth engine too, because it's a whole 'nother synth for me to work with. Not to mention it's not just for bass. :D

Edited by timaeus222

At the end of the Native Instruments deal, I am wondering to myself whether or not it's worth it to get the Evolve Mutations bundle, or go an extra $25 to get the big Evolve set... Does the big Evolve contain both Mutation sets?

Posted (edited)
At the end of the Native Instruments deal, I am wondering to myself whether or not it's worth it to get the Evolve Mutations bundle, or go an extra $25 to get the big Evolve set... Does the big Evolve contain both Mutation sets?

As far as I can tell, Evolve is a completely different product and doesn't duplicate any of the Evolve Mutations content. NI's chart comparing the three is here. I have the Mutations bundle (which came with Komplete 8 Ultimate) and like it enough that I would consider buying Evolve if I weren't holding out in hopes of an eventual sale on the upgrade to Komplete 9 Ultimate (which includes Evolve).

Edited by Moseph

That makes me feel a bit better about considering just the Mutations bundle, since I don't know if I need another 6GB of instruments to choose from!

Posted (edited)


8/17/13 only -- $29 (reg. $149) for XLN Audio Addictive Keys Studio Collection Promo Pak.

The description doesn't make it clear whether the Rhodes is included or not. It's a boxed product that actually has to ship (so old-fashioned!), so no one on any other message forum has any insight into this either. But I've purchased it, because why not?

(The other non-sale version of the software they have listed is a not-yet-in-stock download product with the same MSRP and a fuller description, so my guess is that they're trying to liquidate all of their physical copies and the sale item is probably the full version -- fingers crossed.)

Edited by Moseph
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