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I'm not familiar. Can you vouch that this is as amazing a deal as it looks?

NVA specializes in loops, and as such most of their products don't really appeal to me. That's just my personal bias and doesn't reflect on them. That said I own Shimmer and Shake and it's really nice. I'm definitely going to pick up their ethnic multisampled instruments. You can buy most of their stuff separately on sale. A few titles are only available if you buy the whole enchilada.

It's too bad Taiko 2 isn't on the group buy, never hurts to have more percussion. I'll probably just pick it up as an individual.

seconded. I really want some taiko sounds.

Posted (edited)

Being that its almost the holidays and i promised myself a mic, im only grabbing one of these (30 bucks? why not)

i cant tell, is the "stick breakers: taiko edition" a sample pack or a loop pack? im pretty sure the "beat aesthetic" taiko drum one is just loops.

Edit: I just decided to go for stick breakers anyways. im sure that regardless of whether its loops or samples, ill find a way to make it worth the 24$

Edited by Esperado
Being that its almost the holidays and i promised myself a mic, im only grabbing one of these (30 bucks? why not)

i cant tell, is the "stick breakers: taiko edition" a sample pack or a loop pack? im pretty sure the "beat aesthetic" taiko drum one is just loops.

Edit: I just decided to go for stick breakers anyways. im sure that regardless of whether its loops or samples, ill find a way to make it worth the 24$

It's samples.

Being that its almost the holidays and i promised myself a mic, im only grabbing one of these (30 bucks? why not)

i cant tell, is the "stick breakers: taiko edition" a sample pack or a loop pack? im pretty sure the "beat aesthetic" taiko drum one is just loops.

Edit: I just decided to go for stick breakers anyways. im sure that regardless of whether its loops or samples, ill find a way to make it worth the 24$

Did you get to try them yet? I've been looking at the 24$ Taiko one myself.


I got the Stickbreakers Vol 2 Ten Man Taiko and Duo Tingklik since those were the only two that held any interest for me. The Ten Man Taiko is very cinematic in nature and sounds pretty nice. With the various mic positions they have available, there's a number of ways that you can use this library. The tingklik just has a really great sound to it that I've heard in a number of music pieces that I love. So, that's something I've been wanting.

XPRTnovice is to blame for making me buy the whole thing. I hate him. I have just realized... I am a soundware hoarder. icon_help.gif If I use 0.1 percent of these sounds it will be a miracle.

But at least soundware doesn't clutter up your house.

I just discovered that SONAR's REX player has the ability to send its MIDI-mapped REX slice sequence to the piano roll as a sequence of MIDI notes for easy slice rearranging. I used to have so much fun doing that with REX loops in Reason and had no idea SONAR could do it. So now I, too, am getting the collection. The draw of a bunch of REX files to screw around with plus some really useful-looking sample libraries (tempo-sync'd cymbal swells, anyone?) is too much to resist.

Did you get to try them yet? I've been looking at the 24$ Taiko one myself.

i have not done much with them yet outside of make a simple loop with them. i didnt realize there was a difference between the free version of kontakt, and the paid one. so for now ill have to build my own taiko drum kit within ableton. so i just havent done it yet. the samples are really good though, and i doubt youd find something for a better price than 24$, if you have a sampler that lets you load the samples, id say go for it!


For Reason users: 9 Impact Soundworks ReFills for $99 :)

I'm curious to know what differences, besides the obvious (samples being played back in NN-XT versus Kontakt) there are in the libraries. Seems odd that the whole package is ~4.5 GB while the Kontakt libraries are much bigger (eg. 9 GB for Koto Nation alone). Does the difference come from compressed vs. uncompressed samples? Are there parts missing?

For the record, I'm not questioning the quality of the refills; just curious why the size is so different between versions.


A couple differences: for some libraries with multiple mics, we condensed to one mic position. There is very little difference between the Sitar Nation close and room mics, for example, so we just did the Close mics for the ReFills. Also, we downsampled to 16bit, another change that is virtually if not entirely inaudible. The reason for these changes is because Reason does not do disk streaming but rather loads everything into RAM.


All I see is Fruity Edition for $90, $10 less than what it usually is.

Also, keep in mind, this IS Fruity Edition, you get no audio recording or editing capabilities whatsoever.

I went there for one product and ended up buying four. Goodbye sweet money.

Damn you, Native Instruments! I've just bought the Komplete 9 upgrade, that was a no-brainer.

Is Alicia's Keys a must have? I've heard good things about it but I have so many pianos already... thoughts?

The two things I'd currently like aren't yet on sale: Action Strikes and Kinetic Metal. Those look cool. But I'll wait for the sale later on. Action Strikes has an interface like Action Strings which is cool and easy to use (I picked up Action Strings in their last sale).

Did I mention "damn you, Native Instruments?"

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