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So apparently Steam is offering the "potato sack" bundle this weekend. It's a bunch of indie games that are bundled for 50% off. You also get a potato hat for TF2 if you buy it (or just have all 13 games on your steam account already).

Games are:

1... 2... 3... KICK IT! (Drop That Beat Like an Ugly Baby)

AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity

Amnesia: The Dark Descent




Defense Grid: The Awakening

Killing Floor


Super Meat Boy

The Ball

The Wonderful End of the World

Toki Tori

Total price is $38.72 It also lists the "individual price" at $77.37 and the "package price" at $154.87, but I can't figure out what that actually means.

I only recognize about two of three of these games (AudioSurf, whose concept doesn't really interest me; Killing Floor, which I played the demo for a while ago and didn't really think much of; and Super Meat Boy, which I've heard is really good but don't actually know anything else about.

Anyone know anything about any of these games?



Well, Super Meat Boy is a viciously hard platformer that minimizes the penalty for dying. Seriously, respawn takes less than a second. The really tight controls and retro-absurd premise are what sold it for me.

AaAaAaA is built around base jumping. The gameplay didn't click for me, but I can see what they were trying to do with it.

Amnesia is the latest game from a company that understands fear. Not the cheap suddenly-zombies-jump-through-windows stuff, this is the real deal. Playing in the dark with headphones is a must.

Bit Trip is a rhythm game with a pretty solid learning curve. Think Pong meets DDR/Guitar Hero. There's only three levels, but what's there is worth the price of admission IMO.

The Ball is a first-person puzzler built on the Unreal Engine. You're an archeologist in the 1930s, IIRC, and you get trapped in an ancient Mayan ruin. You find a huge metallic ball while you're down there, and it becomes your primary method of interacting with the game world. Pretty solid game. More combat than Portal, but nothing you can't handle.

The Wonderful End of the World is a Katamari clone that uses a puppet instead of a little sticky ball. I remember wanting it when I was dirt poor a couple years ago, but Steam didn't have wishlists then so I forgot about it.

Hope that helps.


I'm not sure why you don't like Killing Floor.

Killing Floor's pretty fun, but it can get repetitive. Think of Left 4 Dead, but you're fighting waves of enemies as you move around a map... and said map moves in circles, as you have to buy more ammo and new weapons between waves... but the shopkeeper keeps moving.

Cogs is a puzzle game, but I found it irritating (I don't remember why) and stopped playing it.

Total price is $38.72 It also lists the "individual price" at $77.37 and the "package price" at $154.87, but I can't figure out what that actually means.

I figure all those games together normally cost $154.87, but they're all individually on sale now for 50% off which is $77.37 in total, but the pack is 75% off bringing it down to $38.72.

I only recognize about two of three of these games (AudioSurf, whose concept doesn't really interest me; Killing Floor, which I played the demo for a while ago and didn't really think much of; and Super Meat Boy, which I've heard is really good but don't actually know anything else about.

Anyone know anything about any of these games?

Audiosurf is lots of fun, I keep going back to it, even if it's not a barn-burner that you'll find yourself hooked on for hours at a time. I find myself glad I have it when I feel like playing it.

I enjoyed Killing Floor a lot, and still play it on and off. Left4Dead may have had more impressive game mechanics overall, but the sheer volume of weapons and maps gave Killing Floor longevity way past the point I got bored with L4D.

Super Meat Boy is amazing. It's fun and challenging and plays like a dream, one of the smoothest platformers around. The Dark World can be frustrating, but it's kind of like the Hard mode of SMB. It's one giant retro/throwback/homage/parody extravaganza, from the characters to the "plot" to the level design. As Clefairy said, it minimizes the penalty for death by respawning you instantly, and the music doesn't stop and restart. It just keeps going, which goes a long way to keeping you engrossed in the game. (That's the one thing platformers tend to do worst, every time the background music stops and resets it digs at you and digs at you until you stop playing and end up hating the music forever.) Oh, and Danny's soundtrack is incredible.

Given that I already have those three games, though, I wonder if the rest of the pack is worth spending the cash...


Well, there's repetition that's fun (like Sin and Punishment, or any Treasure game for that matter), and repetition that feels like a fucking chore (random battles every two steps in an RPG).


Super Meat Boy is basically the best game ever if you like platformers and challenge, I am quite the fanatic of that game. I can't say a whole lot about the rest of the pack, aside from Audiosurf being a good distraction every now and then and Amnesia supposedly being the perfect recipe for scaring the shit out of oneself, though despite buying it cheap at Christmas I have yet to try it.

Given that I already have those three games, though, I wonder if the rest of the pack is worth spending the cash...

For anyone else on the fence due to this, it's worth noting that all the games in the pack support re-gifting, ie, if you already own them you get a voucher to pass along to a friend. Share the games, people. :razz:

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