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It may seem like I'm being an asshole when it comes to this project, but I have seriously not heard anything remotely good in this thread :(

I hope the work that's being kept secret is mindblowing stuff.. cuz if not...

Oh be quiet. Then again, everyone has there opinion. And you are a negative person anyway. You can say all you want to me about what I just said. Consider it ignored.

It may seem like I'm being an asshole when it comes to this project, but I have seriously not heard anything remotely good in this thread :(

I hope the work that's being kept secret is mindblowing stuff.. cuz if not...

Oh be quiet. Then again, everyone has there opinion. And you are a negative person anyway. You can say all you want to me about what I just said. Consider it ignored.

Hah, that's good. Practice your ignoring skills. You'll need to ignore A LOT of people when you release this ball of turd.

It may seem like I'm being an asshole when it comes to this project, but I have seriously not heard anything remotely good in this thread :(

I hope the work that's being kept secret is mindblowing stuff.. cuz if not...

Oh be quiet. Then again, everyone has there opinion. And you are a negative person anyway. You can say all you want to me about what I just said. Consider it ignored.

Hah, that's good. Practice your ignoring skills. You'll need to ignore A LOT of people when you release this ball of turd.

INCREDBLE that you try to fucking review an album that isn't even finished. That's stupid and ignorant. I expected more from you.

It may seem like I'm being an asshole when it comes to this project, but I have seriously not heard anything remotely good in this thread :(

I hope the work that's being kept secret is mindblowing stuff.. cuz if not...

Oh be quiet. Then again, everyone has there opinion. And you are a negative person anyway. You can say all you want to me about what I just said. Consider it ignored.

Hah, that's good. Practice your ignoring skills. You'll need to ignore A LOT of people when you release this ball of turd.

INCREDBLE that you try to fucking review an album that isn't even finished. That's stupid and ignorant. I expected more from you.

Review? You misunderstand me, friend. I'm merely pointing out that:

1) The terrible management (you) has no idea of how to run a successful project (this should have already been done and forgotten by now).

2) Unless the demos that are already in this thread get deleted and erased from my memory, finishing them up wont make a bit of difference as to how they will sound. The entire album will most likely be a boring ass techno-"PHAT BEETZ"-soundtrack, minus a couple of tracks from the two talented people you got on there. It'll all sound like one continuous (and bad) song.

From what I've read in this thread, this project is nothing more than a support group for bad "ReMixerZ".

Already been done? Are you kidding me? You have no idea what you are talking about.

You argue like a 13 year old at GameFaqs. By already done, I mean the demos posted. I don't mean completed songs.

I'm just upset to see yet another terrible Sonic project. It's doomed to fail miserably, you know this. Why you still continue to work on this crapfest is beyond me. Your turnout is terribly low, you have no way to motivate your team, and the work they've already done is crap. How can you ignore this?

It makes me angry when I see stupid asses trying to copy the success of Kong in Concert. The only way you'll get this project to be successful, is to get rid of 90% of your team and try to recruit the best people OCR has to offer.


The doom project back in september started off pretty shit, with not much going to it. Now its near completion with some amazing songs and that's all I'm allowed to say. It's only been like a few weeks you can't judge how anything is going to turn out till it's all wrapped up.

Alot of songs are floating around at the moment in a sort of vote, so nothings confident. To be honest it's not very encouraging to see about half of the songs on the wip thread, kinda shows a lack of confidence. But that's how the doom project started off aswell (lol the amount of doom songs in the thread was pretty funny). I wasn't fond of The sonic 2 project, too much electronica and boring arrangements for my liking. I'm sure that can be avoided again.

At the moment, I wouldn't say spectacular things could happen to this project for a few good months when people start shaping up and practising with their music. Seriously you guys keep practising it gets better. I can't say much myself for I don't like remixing that much for I can't find enough arrangement creativity or inspiration from them but it could happen soon. I could join the project in the next few months if people drop and if I am all settled in my personal life.

So yeah, Snapple, shut your mouth it's that simple. Although you might be encouraging some of the mixers out there to shape up a bit, I can still label you "dickhead" since Sith is a good friend.

Note to "n00b" mixers, if you're fresh to music and mixing, take a stance to work hard on music and whether you could be in a project yet or not. You could work months on a song but like in classic RPG's, you can only build up one weapon to a certain level, start getting better weapons to build up to greater levels.

The only way you'll get this project to be successful, is to get rid of 90% of your team and try to recruit the best people OCR has to offer.

The word "respect" comes to mind...

I mean, it's ok for you to think we all suck, and this is never going to be sucessful because we don't have Vigilante, GrayLighting or... erm... you, around. It's ok for you to think there's no tallented people here. It's ok for you to think we are going straight down. And it is even ok for you to think KFC is doing a poor job...

I am not discussing your point of view (which I think it's completely wrong and pretentious), what incredibly fascinates me is the lack of politness you showed. And you say that KFC behaves like he's 13.

Look, you have no reason or right to come in this thread and start to say the things you said, it's not only pointless, but quite rude and, shall I say, stupid. If you think we are going down, fine. I think you should seat on the sofa with a nice sofisticated drink and watch it premiere.

But let me tell you, you might get a little suprised/dissapointed with the end of the story...

And other thing: stop thinking you are a very big of a deal. I respect you as a great Remixer, but you just showed some good amount of immaturity.


If you people actually want a SERIOUS respone from me, I'll give you one.

The main reason I'm such a prick to this project, is because most of the people on it don't seem to be giving it as much effort as they should.

Until the artists themselves want to do their very best and make the project shine, it'll be doomed to fail.

If you people actually want a SERIOUS respone from me, I'll give you one.

The main reason I'm such a prick to this project, is because most of the people on it don't seem to be giving it as much effort as they should.

Until the artists themselves want to do their very best and make the project shine, it'll be doomed to fail.

Honestly I can't help but agree.


I know that being called a bad remixer and calling the group of WIPs that my song is a part of a ball of turd has motivated me to create music to the best of my effort.

The only thing that could make my creative drive stronger is if I was insulted exclusively and personally!

Actually I was kidding it lowered my self esteem keep snapplman out of our support group


If you people actually want a SERIOUS respone from me, I'll give you one.

The main reason I'm such a prick to this project, is because most of the people on it don't seem to be giving it as much effort as they should.

Until the artists themselves want to do their very best and make the project shine, it'll be doomed to fail.

That's GOLD, Snappleman.

You want us to make a good project, so in order to help you decide to arse about and insult the hell out of us as much as possible.

Yeah, that's really going to have us all inspired...

I'm with Ichi here. Leave until you find something productive to say.

If you people actually want a SERIOUS respone from me, I'll give you one.

The main reason I'm such a prick to this project, is because most of the people on it don't seem to be giving it as much effort as they should.

Until the artists themselves want to do their very best and make the project shine, it'll be doomed to fail.


And the person supposed to motivate these people and ensure things get done is the project coordinator - who's done pretty much nothing but spew childish retorts at anyone who doesn't think this project is the greatest thing since indoor plumbing.

I've already seen examples of his incompetence first hand, which were conveniently erased - I'm sure several people would have a similar opinion of this project had they read the conversations between sithlord and I. I have absolutely no faith in this project, and should it fail, I certainly hope someone grabs the reins and steers this thing in the right direction. It's much too good a soundtrack to be bastardized by a half assed remix project.

But I digress. This post will likely be erased anyway. I've got a nasty habit of speaking truths no one wants to hear.


I love you to. You have no idea what is going on behind the scenes, so I suggest not to judge stuff by it's cover. And the purpose of the second deadline was to make sure that quality comes in, where as the first deadline was to see who is ACTUALLY in this. Don't think I have been just sitting here is what I'm trying to say. So calm down, sit back, and wait to see what happens.

I love you to. You have no idea what is going on behind the scenes, so I suggest not to judge stuff by it's cover. And the purpose of the second deadline was to make sure that quality comes in, where as the first deadline was to see who is ACTUALLY in this. Don't think I have been just sitting here is what I'm trying to say. So calm down, sit back, and wait to see what happens.

This is hardly judging a book by it's cover. Your attitude blows, and it's absolutely essential to the success of this project.


Ok guys, lower those flame-throwers. Instead of spending energy at "bashing" on each other like that, why not use it to improve the project quality, or the lack of it, whichever you think is the current situation. I don't wanna know the answer to that for each person, because it's not what will make the project advance.

Constructive criticism will be, by far, most welcome compared to procrastination on one's opinion.

Back to the project : KFC, got any news from Beatdrop yet? I saw your post in the Rise of the Star thread, and you got me worried =x

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