Garian Posted June 13, 2011 Posted June 13, 2011 (edited) I'm surprised there's no thread for League of Legends yet! It's a MOBA much like Heroes of Newerth, only the team behind it has some different views on game design/philosophy which make it a completely different game even though it follows in the DotA tradition. The game itself is free to play, with a revolving cast of 10 heroes (called Champions in LoL) that are freely available each week and the option to grind "Influence Points" (IP) to unlock champions at varying costs. Player accounts have their own persistant level-up system, with each level unlocking a new rune slot as well as mastery point, runes must be purchased with IP while the mastery trees are available provided you have free points. At the summoner level cap of 30, these represent about 1/3rd of your power as a character in the game, although skill generally trumps stats. Feel free to add me! My main account is garianse, and my smurfs are gariandk and flashfrozen if you want to roll normals without inflating your rating if you're just starting out. Player List! Garian: garianse, gariandk, flash frozen Amphibious: Hoser101 eternal Zero: seizero, Final Sparkle Bleck: DrBleck Triad Orion Kitty: Wozza the Walrus, Tonkatsu the Pig relyanCe SkyRiderX: Zurken BardicKnowledge: RTBardic Derceto Prophetik: prophetikmusic, p00d1ck Zircon: cubic zirconium K-wix: OrlparAmblecrown Sir Nuts: Cagonaso, Un Cagon Beatdrop: BeatdropMusic The Derrit bain_nick: Bainick Mirby Vilecat: Vilekitty Level99: IWasTheCastle Dexie: DexVandar Lostinthamusic Thylacine: Reiloh The Author: Jeshen SoDoM: Belenus7 The Cabl3 Guy: Seanith KM* : KMDES Dyne: Dyne2057 DaMonz: TakuMonz AMT: Crunch Butsteak Neblix Yami: YamiNoKeshin PrototypeRaptor: PrototypeRaptor2 Skyline Drop: SiriusBeatz Diodes : diotrans TheShaggyFreak : BinarySouls eilios : gokusamadesu sylverfyre Blake : Blizihizake Ryan Jobson: Aloryn MuredMoogle DragonAvenger: DeiaVengen Koriantor Seven : Bironzu ArmadonRK : Shreyk Wiesty : Wiestyo Edited September 8, 2014 by Garian Quote
linkspast Posted June 13, 2011 Posted June 13, 2011 I got a few friends who tried to get me to play, but for some reason I cant get past the start up screen the "Play" button is grayed out. Quote
Garian Posted June 13, 2011 Author Posted June 13, 2011 That's really weird :\ Sorry that you haven't had a chance to play. Have you tried contacting their support? I haven't had much luck with them but maybe they've gotten better since last year when I emailed them. The servers seem to be really out of whack tonight though so I'm probably not going to get any more games tonight, but here's hoping! Quote
Jamphibious Posted June 13, 2011 Posted June 13, 2011 Just finished some matches myself. For a free to play game I think its a pretty well made game. The mechanics work well and there are some really fun champions to play. My in game name is Hoser101 (though looking in to getting it changed). I generally have a premade group with 4 other friends I know in real life, but I'm sure I'd be down for a game with any OCR goers out there at some point. As far as champions go, here's the ones I've played the most in order of preference: - Lux - Irelia - Janna - Ashe I've dabbled in other champions (and have a bunch unlocked), but rarely will I play someone outside of these 4. At least I've got 'em unlocked if I ever do get bored though. Quote
Strike911 Posted June 13, 2011 Posted June 13, 2011 me and my buddies are hopelessly addicted to this game. I'm considering buying the retail bundle to get all the little extras. I've certainly played the game more than 20 bucks worth, but yeah. Also, the last Penny Arcade comic talked about LoL. It was pretty funny because it was 100% true. haha. Quote
Garian Posted June 13, 2011 Author Posted June 13, 2011 I've spent 200 dollars on it, so it's more than 10% true! edit: oops, I see that you said 100% now! Quote
Jamphibious Posted June 13, 2011 Posted June 13, 2011 Yeah I'll admit I've bought a few skins (And a big champion bundle). Worth it IMO, I play the game enough to feel like I should support the developers with my moneyz. Quote
Dissidia Posted June 13, 2011 Posted June 13, 2011 I have an US acc but I switched to EU because of latency. I have spent at least 30$ on the game. It's very fun some times, definitely worth a try. Quote
Dissidia Posted June 13, 2011 Posted June 13, 2011 Most females in LoL do. But that might change soon, not every new female champ has d+ cups anymore. Quote
Mirby Posted June 13, 2011 Posted June 13, 2011 I used to play, but removed it to clear up space. But I was an avid Heimerdinger user. Quote
Garian Posted June 13, 2011 Author Posted June 13, 2011 Ah, Heimer, the afk in lane for 20 minutes champ and farm up a fast Rabadon's and stack Archangel's champ! Back when he had 7 turrets he was good at surprise ganks in the enemy jungle, and now that he gets additional rockets and grenade projectile speed during his ult he's actually competent at ganking provided he has mid pushed all the way in. Quote
eternal Zero Posted June 13, 2011 Posted June 13, 2011 (edited) I play this. My summoner name is seiZero. Look me up! But if you're not level 30 or feeling up to playing your best to try and win my primary alt's name is Final Sparkle. Unfortunately I'm not usually on to play unless I've already got a group going in. There are a bunch of ways to get a hold of me though (steam, fbook, PM, etc) so I'll gladly play as long as you can get a hold of me. The HoN crew can attest to the fact that I used to be pretty intense with games like this but I've mellowed out quite a bit in my opinion. I tend to play all of the carries (both AD and AP) and rack up kills and bring the team to victory by breaking enemy spirit but I have experience and can confidently play any hero in the lineup. That's both in their proper roles and then completely disregarding their role and playing them like a carry. Most notably I've done this by going solo mid with Shen or Amumu and just killing people. Though if I had to pick four at random I'd say (in no particular order) Akali, Warwick, [insert ranged AD champion here], and LeBlanc. Edited June 13, 2011 by eternal Zero Quote
Bleck Posted June 13, 2011 Posted June 13, 2011 my name is DrBleck but you have to IM me and tell me to play Quote
Garian Posted June 13, 2011 Author Posted June 13, 2011 eternal Zero, you're effectively the guy who made me quit playing HoN! It wasn't your fault, my team (In an all friends 5v5) cussed me out for feeding your Maddman mid as Andromeda! I'll definitely vouch that you're a playing for keeps kind of guy, which is pretty awesome. My group has been stomping bots lately for the ego boost, but when I solo I tend to try my best. Sometimes I end up carrying, sometimes I am the feeder, that's more because I'm inconsistent in my skill than anything else. Lately I've been on a Jungle Yi kick, but I tend to try to fill in the roles that other people aren't playing. I haven't played Alistar since the remake but before it I was a great Towerstar (that is to say, Sheen and Youmuu's and the old ult). Quote
eternal Zero Posted June 13, 2011 Posted June 13, 2011 Holy shit wait hold up. For real?! bad, dude. That was a long time ago. Quote
Garian Posted June 13, 2011 Author Posted June 13, 2011 It's no big! Everyone had been playing the game 24/7 and tensions were running pretty hot. Everyone seems to have mellowed out on calling each other out since then so it's all good Quote
kitty Posted June 14, 2011 Posted June 14, 2011 I play casually. I usually play CC characters like Alistar or Cho'gath, sometimes support. Add me if you want an extra: Wozza the Walrus. Quote
Triad Orion Posted June 14, 2011 Posted June 14, 2011 I play casually as well. Don't normally like to get extremely competitive over it admittedly. Summoner name is... Triad Orion. :V I typically play Mordekaiser, Sona, Cho'Gath, Kayle, and Renekton when he's available. I hope to get into playing Mundo sometime too. ...He goes where he pleases. Quote
Raziellink Posted June 14, 2011 Posted June 14, 2011 I've been playing for little over a year now, and despite the community consisting for 80% out of assholes, the game is really fun to play if you have a couple of decent players in your group! And free! My characters: - Katarina - Caitlyn - Singed - Taric Quote
relyanCe Posted June 14, 2011 Posted June 14, 2011 LulzSec haxed it up. launch client has bumscrewed. Quote
Lostinthamusic Posted June 14, 2011 Posted June 14, 2011 League of Legends is pretty fun. I use Ashe exclusively. I recently got Heroes of Newerth, a similar title. It's by far a better game than LoL in all aspects. Graphically, the characters, the skills, the maps, etc. Any league fans should definitely give HoN a try. Granted, HoN is 30 bucks and it is technically free to play LoL. Quote
Garian Posted June 14, 2011 Author Posted June 14, 2011 I hope to get into playing Mundo sometime too. ...He goes where he pleases. One of my friends plays Jungle Mundo now, it's effing awesome, although he thinks he'll burn out on it soon. Mahon: I wouldn't say HoN is superior in ALL aspects, but yes the graphical design is definitely much much much better, and I have a gold shield so nyah. Try to keep HoN vs LoL to a minimum, I enjoy both games and would like to see people give both an equal chance relyanCe: Bummer, do you have any verified info? Also, if anyone wants to queue with me some time I am comfortable filling most roles, the only champs I seem to absolutely fail at using are Irelia and Trundle, but that may just be because of lane matchups when last I tried them. That doesn't mean I'll be particularly GOOD with just anyone, my primaries are Anivia, Tristana, Nidalee, Cassiopeia, Jungle Nunu (AP), and AP Gragas... That is to say, I can generally carry if I'm playing one of those champs :V Quote
relyanCe Posted June 15, 2011 Posted June 15, 2011 (edited) OrelyanCe: Bummer, do you have any verified info? no official word from the LoL team AFAIK, but the issue with the client has been resolved at this point. quite a quick fix. also, anyone interested in queuing with me, go ahead and add me (relyanCe) Edited June 15, 2011 by relyanCe Quote
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