Bleck Posted September 27, 2011 Posted September 27, 2011 the trick to winning on dominion is playing draft and banning gangplank Quote
zircon Posted September 28, 2011 Posted September 28, 2011 IMO don't spend a single RP on champs until you get either or both of the main champion sets. You will get so much more for your money (like $1 = 1 champ.) Quote
The Derrit Posted September 28, 2011 Posted September 28, 2011 IMO don't spend a single RP on champs until you get either or both of the main champion sets. You will get so much more for your money (like $1 = 1 champ.) when i say buy i mean with IP not with RP this is a free game and i mean to keep it that way Quote
zircon Posted September 28, 2011 Posted September 28, 2011 Fair enough. I don't really play/buy a lot of games, so I don't mind shelling out for champs in LoL (though I won't buy skins.) I save my IP for runes. Quote
The Derrit Posted September 28, 2011 Posted September 28, 2011 Fair enough. I don't really play/buy a lot of games, so I don't mind shelling out for champs in LoL (though I won't buy skins.) I save my IP for runes. when i get to level 30 and im trying to buy rune combos for everyone i'll probably be the same way. right now i have a full rune setup that holds pretty well for tanky characters overall, which is most of what i play. so im satisfied for the time being Quote
prophetik music Posted September 28, 2011 Posted September 28, 2011 (edited) what do people think of seige cannon xerath? i think he's awesome i might save up for him. even though i want to buy nasus and maybe kassadin and maybe maybe heimer and malphite and maokai and trundle i can't wait for him. i've been learning akali as an alternate AP champ to my primary (fiddles), but his playstyle sounds exactly like what i want - a dude that can sit back, solo top, and nuke the snot out of everything at range. also, of those guys you mentioned, nasus and malphite are the best and most flexible options, and of them nasus is the best. he is such a strong solo top (in ranked games you see junglers every time, so you need someone who is comfortable with that), and i probably see him in most of my games. he's just a fantastic snowball that can handle most team builds. edit: next runes i'm planning on buying are dodge yellows, armor penetration reds, and movespeed and flat AP quints. flat AP is for fiddles in lane, dodge is for akali, singed, and udyr, ap is for udyr, and movespeed is for singed. any other suggestions? Edited September 28, 2011 by prophetik music Quote
zircon Posted September 28, 2011 Posted September 28, 2011 (edited) What do you have now Brad? Here are the most important ones imo: Red: Magic pen, armor pen Yellow: MP/5 per level, flat armor Blue: Magic resist per level, cooldown reduction Quints: Movespeed, flat HP, armor pen Other good ones: Red: Flat AD Yellow: Dodge, HP/5 per level Blue: AP, AP/level Quints: Flat AP, AP/lvl Of these I have full T3 magic pen, AD, mp/5 per level, armor, mr/level, ap/level and 2/3 MS quints. Edited September 28, 2011 by zircon Quote
Bleck Posted September 28, 2011 Posted September 28, 2011 i've been learning akali as an alternate AP champ akali seems like a really good idea for a few minutes after you solo an entire team that can't target you but then everyone gets sick of your bullshit and buys oracle's and then you spend the rest of the game feeding don't play as akali Quote
prophetik music Posted September 28, 2011 Posted September 28, 2011 What do you have now Brad? Here are the most important ones imo:Red: Magic pen, armor pen Yellow: MP/5 per level, flat armor Blue: Magic resist per level, cooldown reduction Quints: Movespeed, flat HP, armor pen Other good ones: Red: Flat AD Yellow: Dodge, HP/5 per level Blue: AP, AP/level Quints: Flat AP, AP/lvl Of these I have full T3 magic pen, AD, mp/5 per level, armor, mr/level, ap/level and 2/3 MS quints. i've got magic pen reds, MR/5 and flat armor yellows, MR and cdr blues, and flat hp and cdr quints. Quote
Tensei Posted September 28, 2011 Posted September 28, 2011 Flat Dodge yellows are only necessary for Jax. Akali does require her own runepage, but it consists of a mix of flat Attack Damage and flat AP so you can trigger both parts of her passive as soon as possible. Quote
prophetik music Posted September 28, 2011 Posted September 28, 2011 Flat Dodge yellows are only necessary for Jax. Akali does require her own runepage, but it consists of a mix of flat Attack Damage and flat AP so you can trigger both parts of her passive as soon as possible. singed and udyr use dodge yellows as well, actually. which flats for akali? ad marks and ap blues? Quote
zircon Posted September 28, 2011 Posted September 28, 2011 Yeah and probably throw in some AD/AP quints too. You just want to hit the breakpoints for her passive to kick in ASAP. Quote
Tensei Posted September 28, 2011 Posted September 28, 2011 I have the runepage from this guide except for flat armor yellows instead of scaling health. With the appropriate masteries it gives you the required 10 AD at level 1 and the 20 AP at level 2. Quote
Dexie Posted September 28, 2011 Posted September 28, 2011 Don't waste your money on dodge runes if you don't have them yet. Last I checked, they still plan on removing dodge as a stat from the game (Which is why they took it from Nid's cougar form and why they're working on changing Sivir's passive.) Quote
prophetik music Posted September 28, 2011 Posted September 28, 2011 I have the runepage from this guide except for flat armor yellows instead of scaling health. With the appropriate masteries it gives you the required 10 AD at level 1 and the 20 AP at level 2. i saw that guide, but i didn't get it. doesn't that give her 9.65 damage boost at level 1, not 10? also, is the extra ~100 scaling health better than armor at early levels, as well? she gets roughly 11 bonus HP per level with those yellows, and i'd think that the armor negates that almost immediately. i tried armor yellows in-lane with her, and having that armor early makes a huge difference. Quote
Tensei Posted September 28, 2011 Posted September 28, 2011 i saw that guide, but i didn't get it. doesn't that give her 9.65 damage boost at level 1, not 10? also, is the extra ~100 scaling health better than armor at early levels, as well? she gets roughly 11 bonus HP per level with those yellows, and i'd think that the armor negates that almost immediately.i tried armor yellows in-lane with her, and having that armor early makes a huge difference. 9.65 gets rounded up I guess, or it gets the %boost from the final skill in offensive masteries. Yeah I think the bonus health just comes down to personal preference. It might get better later on (especially because its scaling as opposed to flat), but I personally like armor better. Quote
The Derrit Posted September 28, 2011 Posted September 28, 2011 (edited) so maokai is a CHAMP when it comes to defending in dominion i held top for my team for the better part of half a game with saplings and ult/fortify edit: also, special champion sneakpeek wuuut Edited September 28, 2011 by The Derrit Quote
prophetik music Posted September 28, 2011 Posted September 28, 2011 heimer's awesome at occupying people bottom, since you can't let him go or he'll take the other bottom turret. he can't do that with top, though, and that's where mao is awesome. also, denial team: karth, lux, ez, tf, zil? Quote
zircon Posted September 29, 2011 Posted September 29, 2011 Too squishy IMO. I've found that in Dominion, you need to have champs that can 1v1 very well. Almost none of those champs can, if any of them. Karthus (along with Heimer, Anivia, Gragas) are better at 1v2 or 1v3 where they're not gonna win, but they'll hold people off for awhile. Ideal composition *from my experience* is: * 1 very strong defender (Karthus, Heimerdinger, Anivia, Gragas, Vladimir is good also) * 3 fighters (tanky DPS, bruisers, assassins.. a strong mix), one of whom should have strong disruption (AOE like Gangplank, Akali) * 1 highly mobile capper (Rammus, Singed, Master Yi, Teemo, Zilean) that won't be totally useless 'lategame'. Pure MS builds don't work against competent teams so Dunk Yi and MS Teemo/Zil are basically out. You need to be able to survive. Quote
Tensei Posted September 29, 2011 Posted September 29, 2011 (edited) So I read that when you start 'losing' in Dominion you get all kinds of benefits. Fewer capture points = more favorable quests, fewer tickets = shorter respawn times, and below 125 tickets your nexus doesn't take damage on hero death anymore. This isn't just 'encouraging' comebacks, this is actively rewarding bad early play. Considering all of this, I think a viable strategy would be to pick 5 hypercarries, get your shit stomped early, and then make a massive comeback. Also, trying to cap additional points once you have 3 seems to me to be about as dumb as earlygame ganking on summoners rift. Edited September 29, 2011 by Tensei Quote
Dexie Posted September 29, 2011 Posted September 29, 2011 I need to give Morgana a try in Domionion. Her ult seems like it would be great for defending. Quote
prophetik music Posted September 29, 2011 Posted September 29, 2011 Too squishy IMO. I've found that in Dominion, you need to have champs that can 1v1 very well. Almost none of those champs can, if any of them. Karthus (along with Heimer, Anivia, Gragas) are better at 1v2 or 1v3 where they're not gonna win, but they'll hold people off for awhile. Ideal composition *from my experience* is: * 1 very strong defender (Karthus, Heimerdinger, Anivia, Gragas, Vladimir is good also) * 3 fighters (tanky DPS, bruisers, assassins.. a strong mix), one of whom should have strong disruption (AOE like Gangplank, Akali) * 1 highly mobile capper (Rammus, Singed, Master Yi, Teemo, Zilean) that won't be totally useless 'lategame'. Pure MS builds don't work against competent teams so Dunk Yi and MS Teemo/Zil are basically out. You need to be able to survive. i agree completely. that team i mentioned was just asshole team 101, not a serious comp. alistar is also a solid defender because he just doesn't die at a turret. Quote
BardicKnowledge Posted September 29, 2011 Posted September 29, 2011 Also, trying to cap additional points once you have 3 seems to me to be about as dumb as earlygame ganking on summoners rift. Assuming that you have top and the two on your side, I agree. If you ninja cap a far point for 3, you should actively be trying to cap/trade for the top point, as IMO two (your) side + top is the ideal grouping to hold. Quote
zircon Posted September 29, 2011 Posted September 29, 2011 It's fine to 4-cap if you've just killed a bunch of them and you're applying pressure to build up an advantage. The reason why you shouldn't just sit on 3 is because of quests. Getting a quest point is a huge bonus and can turn the tides. Additionally, sometimes the enemy overcommits to a given point and you can capitalize on their mistake by capping 1-2. It is very hard to win by doing nothing but turtle. Quote
The Derrit Posted September 29, 2011 Posted September 29, 2011 So I read that when you start 'losing' in Dominion you get all kinds of benefits. Fewer capture points = more favorable quests, fewer tickets = shorter respawn times, and below 125 tickets your nexus doesn't take damage on hero death anymore. This isn't just 'encouraging' comebacks, this is actively rewarding bad early play. well seeing as its a time based game if one team gets ahead in kills and caps and just sits on the point thats pretty much gg so having equal spawn times would make for one big stakeout past the first 100 ticks and completely defeat the purpose of it being a mobile, less farmy game. get 3 points, sit on them with 2 2 and 1 with a level advantage and win and the 125 is for both teams so how is that an advantage to anyone all that means is that endgame they're stressing i dunno actually capping points instead of just making capture points worthless and turning the game into a big deathmatch the only viable complaint i see here is the quests which i guess is true but im pretty sure the quests are always the same, cap the windmill and defend something you already have sooooooo yeah Quote
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