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League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!

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I don't think IE is that good on him actually. He does massive damage with Bio-Arcane Barrage which scales with AP and attack speed. That's his primary source of damage, sine each shot is at least 6% of the target's max health. The way I like to build him, in no particular order:

* Berserker's Greaves or Merc Treads if you're feeling defensive

* Catalyst -> Rod of Ages (he's so squishy - this really helps, plus gives him way more mana to spam)

* Madreds's Bloodrazor (attack speed and even MORE damage per hit)

* Nashor's Tooth (AS, AP, CDR, mana regen, all of which are very good on him)

* Hextech Gunblade

* Guinsoo's Rageblade

With all this you end up with very high AD, max or close to max AS, massive on-hit damage and good survivability as well. Plus, you can spam your R quickly while doing high damage and not running out of mana.

Infinity Edge isn't a bad item on any AD, but again because Kog does so much damage naturally per hit, it makes more sense to give him attack speed as opposed to raw AD.


the thing about building ap kogmaw is oh hey look the entire enemy team built a force of nature and now since your carry is build ap for some reason nobody can actually do significant amounts of damage

meanwhile graves runs up and kicks kogmaw in the dick


Stacking AD doesn't really do much for Kog'maw either though (though I suppose it's more effective than pure AP). I think the optimal itemization is very similar to Teemo, kind of a balance between attack speed and on-hit effects (Madreds, Wit's End, Malady)

the thing about building ap kogmaw is oh hey look the entire enemy team built a force of nature and now since your carry is build ap for some reason nobody can actually do significant amounts of damage

meanwhile graves runs up and kicks kogmaw in the dick

How is Graves since his nerfs? I haven't seen him in a single game since the patch.


Based on when I've played him since the patch, he is slightly less amazing but still very good. They nerfed his range but he was always rewarded for being close and Buckshotting faces so its not so bad. He still has great mobility and escape from his Quick Draw and Smokescreen. The Buckshot nerf is noticeable but it still hurts.


graves went from being unstoppable in the right hands to just plain old good

he's still better than most of the carries in the game, miss fortune still sucks, and corki continues to secretly be amazing

he's still better than most of the carries in the game, miss fortune still sucks, and corki continues to secretly be amazing

Hurr, don't worry guys, we're gonna buff Miss Fortune this patch.

Hurr, .05 AD added to her ultimate, she's in line with other ranged carries now!

I just went 1/5/0 as Fizz. Definately don't think he's my character. :P

How's Fizz btw? I haven't bought him since he doesn't look like my type of character much (I'm either not great with gankers or I just get fail teams. Or both).

Still enjoying Vlad, Tryn and Shyvana. I haven't played Maokai since the buffs/nerfs patch.

How's Fizz btw? I haven't bought him since he doesn't look like my type of character much (I'm either not great with gankers or I just get fail teams. Or both).

Still enjoying Vlad, Tryn and Shyvana. I haven't played Maokai since the buffs/nerfs patch.

Every Fizz I've played against has done well with him. He's got a good kit (And a near broken ultimate), he's just not the kind of character I like.

i wasn't being serious. i was making fun of phreak, while agreeing with bleck.

Should have said something about a Triforce and dealing tons of damage, then I would have gotten it. :P


MF actually is a good (not great) ganker but I wouldn't go as far to say she's a good jungle. She can strut in, slow champs, and hit'em in the back for more damage with q. She can do it but there's probably like 20 better jungles out there.

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