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League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!

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Can anyone tell me why Gangplank uses mana?

I mean, his moves are the following;

- fire a gun.

- eat an orange.

- fire a gun into the air.

- signal a cannon barrage.

Why does it cost Gangplank magic power to do any of these things?


Why does Jarvan use mana? His moves are throwing a flag, sticking out his spear, and jumping really hard onto an enemy.

Why does Miss Fortune use it? Her moves are shooting bullets, shooting poison bullets, shooting a lot of bullets, and shootings a LOT of bullets.

Why does Graves use mana? His moves are shooting bullets, throwing a smoke bomb, moving really fast, and shooting a wide spread of bullets.

Etc, etc.

Can anyone tell me why Gangplank uses mana?

Quality post, would read again. <3

Anyway, the obvious answer is design oversight. Plank isn't particularly angry, so fury doesn't suit him. Energy is a ninja-exclusive thing last I checked. And going pure CD sounds like a bad time. Way too much poking power on his Q.

Have they added any other resource systems lately? Would any of them be appropriate on him?


I think just removing his mana would be problematic, because yeah, he'd be in poke heaven.

That being said, though, I really do think his problem is that his current mana costs force him to be extremely defensive against other champs he's like to lane against (Shen and Riven come to mind, especially), and even just using his Q to farm causes him to run out relatively quickly. In the interest of making him actually usable again, I think it might be in Riot's best interest to decide whether or not they want him to be a brusier or a carry; either make his Q more mana friendly, but less physically powerful (so he can farm reliably but can't use it to poke so hard early-game), or make his whole skillset a bit "tougher" early on so he can at least stand toe-to-toe with more popular bruisers.


Dunno if you saw her thread on the LoL forums last week, but she's actually the first champion that was designed personally by Morello. I hope he ends up designing more, she looks hella fun.

Xin's rework, Eve's rework, Twitch's rework, and Zyra, all in one patch? Good work, Riot. Keep this shit up.

Posted (edited)


New skins. Lee Sin as Sagat. Greek Cassiopeia. Fire plant Zyra. Mundo as a Warcraft styled orc.

I'm impressed. Riot's skin team has been knocking them out of the park lately.

I don't think the Xin/Stealth reworks are coming next patch, but they're coming soon.

Pretty sure they're in the next patch. I'll have to check that thread again.

Edited by Dexie
Posted (edited)
I don't think the Xin/Stealth reworks are coming next patch, but they're coming soon.

i looked through the thread it definitely said next patch

though it could be some form of like 'oh yeah not THIS next patch like the NEXT next patch' tomfoolery

edit: that's adon not sagat. though they do look similar. that skin and the mundo one are clear copies i wonder how they get away with that. not that i care i like it but i'm surprised they can swing it

Edited by The Derrit

edit: that's adon not sagat. though they do look similar. that skin and the mundo one are clear copies i wonder how they get away with that. not that i care i like it but i'm surprised they can swing it

Same way they got away with Nunu's Sesame Street skin. Same way they got away from the Strider skin for Lee. Same way Dota 2 gets away with copying Lina Inverse from Slayers.

The Lee skin gave me a Sagat vibe because of the bald head. A red on the forums mentioned it had new animations, so I guess we'll see who it's more of a reference to when a video of it pops up.

Posted (edited)

Grom Hellscream, actually. :P



"I don't care if it's original to LoL. I care very, very little about originality, only making stuff that's good." - Morello

The skin barely even looks like Mundo anymore (Could just as well be Sion), and surely Grom Hellscream is green, not red for most of the game.

Edited by Tensei

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