djpretzel Posted March 19, 2005 Posted March 19, 2005 Name: rumplescout Real Name: Jason Robertson mail: site: game: Blaster Master song: level 7 (same as final boss, too) and level 5 Remix: "Fire, Water, Metal" Thank you for listening. I am new to this, and didn't stray from the source material really, but I played all the instruments (drums, bass, guitar) and tried to do a metal version of the music from level 7. Ever since the first time I made it to level seven, and eventually the final boss, I thought this song had a speed metal vibe. The underpinnings were there already, and I certainly didn't add any kind of shredding (which would probably be more interesting). It's esentially the same song with distorted guitar. I felt there needed to be a break of some sort, so the dreamy level 5 (water level) music filled that gap. It is a little bit happier than the rest, but noisy nonetheless. I am learning how to polish my BR-8 (WAV) files as best I can before transferring them to MP3, and it's proving to be sort of trial-and-error as far as sound quality and finding the right levels. Any criticizim and comments will be appreciated. Thanks again. ===== __________________________________
Liontamer Posted March 23, 2005 Posted March 23, 2005 - Tracks 13 & 6 Yikes. Some oogly ass production here. REALLY high on the treble. Cymbals! LET IT RIDE! Well, tone 'em down actually. Can't hear too much in the way of melody through some of the first half. Bring it up more, please. In any case, 2:19 typically isn't gonna cut it. Gotta expand the arrangement futher as well, otherwise it's just a paint-by-numbers metal cover, which can be cool, but otherwise isn't gonna deliver on the creativity front. The fact that everything sounds so rough and cluttered didn't help at all for the listening experience. Anyway, keep honing your skills and check out the Dwelling of Duels. As long as you commit yourself to improvement, you'll get some good support and advice to help develop your potential from fellow rock & metal remixers. Certainly check out the ReMixing & Work-in-Progress forums for additional arrangement, performance & production feedback & advice to step up that game. NO
The wingless Posted April 10, 2005 Posted April 10, 2005 *Alert* *Alert* cymbal/hi-hat overload in main reactor core. Dump cymbal/hi-hat? y/n >y *Warning* Cymbal/hi-hat ratio too great. Containment seals 1 through 999 broken. Jetteson engine room? >y Engine room jettesoned. Threat level reduced to Amber. -------- Larry hit my concerns pre-ci-sleeee. Tone down that sea-of-fuzz hi-hat and take the treble down a notch or two. Otherwise, I like the manic energy in the piece and harmonies contained therein. Just clean up the sound. Less is more, and all that rot. NO *Warning* Jetteson misspell detected. Initiate spellcheck? >n
DarkeSword Posted April 10, 2005 Posted April 10, 2005 Essentially the same song with distorted guitar doesn't cut it as far as OCR goes. Nice guitar though. Needs more arrangement, and that cymbal needs to be toned down/mixed better. The song sounds kind of muffly. Not a bad listen, but needs more arrangement and better production. NO
analoq Posted April 10, 2005 Posted April 10, 2005 i'm impressed he got the sound as good as he did on that boss BR-8. i've used that particular portable recording unit in the past and while there's nothing inherently wrong with it, it's difficult to pull a good mix out of it. playing all the instruments live is impressive as well, hit up DoD like larry says. they'd like that. sadly this mix fits into the 'metal cover' category of remixes we tend to reject for lacking rearrangementive qualities, and i'm gonna have to no it as well. no
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