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Kind of Screwed - Andy Baio sued for 8-bit rendition of "Kind of Blue" photo

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Oh boy, he's a Machiavellian Nihilist.

Well at least he's passionate. To be fair, I understand where you're going with the social evolution shtick, even though I think your supposed "theoretically superior" socialism fails to take into account, much like every other socialist/communist, basic human nature. But that's hardly the point of this thread, which I'm pretty sure was lost from the very beginning.

Fact of the matter is, I don't like my property being stolen, and I especially don't like anyone taking something I put my being into, put no real additional work into it, and sell it off. I don't know if you've ever actually tried to write a musical piece or any other piece of art, but I can assure you it ain't easy.


Among other things. ^_-

EDIT: So, to get things back on topic, do either of you have any actual rebuttals to post? Or is it going to be another page of "Well, obviously Jack's wrong... but we can't / won't say why outside of non sequitur / ad hominem"?

EDIT2: Oh, well no one can steal what you don't possess, didn't you know? It's impossible to possess intangible things... like ideas or information. That's the whole point, chief: "intellectual property", as a concept, is bankrupt because it relies on possession of things that can't actually be possessed. It's kind of like canned air for your PC; you don't actually buy the air in the can, because that would be stupid (why are you buying what you can get all around you for free?)... you're buying someone else's service of compressing air and placing it in a can. Essentially, you're buying the can, not the air. IP is the same way: you can charge someone for the service of creating something information-based, like music or a picture or a stock trading program, but the actual information itself? The intangible stuff? That can't be controlled, at least not with modern technology. Maybe someday, IP will be a relevant concept again. Not now, though.

So, to get things back on topic, do either of you have any actual rebuttals to post?

I don't think anyone is going to bother putting up a proper counter-argument against someone who's too smug in their own sense of superiority to listen. You're *just* smart enough to come off as incredibly stupid in everything you write, which is the most damning and insufferable kind of person.

To bring up a point you made,

remember that the universe exists and works without your machinations.

This also applies to you. Nothing you ever say or do will have an impact on anyone here, or outside of the internet. You won't change the world. You won't change the minds of people on this forum. You will never contribute anything of great meaning to this world.

At this point you're just trolling people for kicks, written in a wordy and verbose manner to hide your true internet orientation. You know it, I know it, and I think people would be better off with you if you just went and admitted it.

Don't stay in the closet, Jack, this is 2011 and it's okay to come out.

I don't think anyone is going to bother putting up a proper counter-argument against someone who's too smug in their own sense of superiority to listen. You're *just* smart enough to come off as incredibly stupid in everything you write, which is the most damning and insufferable kind of person.

Yay? Again, I =/= my argument; I could care less what anyone thinks of me, because people's opinion of me doesn't make my argument any more or less valid. I could be Ghadafi, and logic would still be logic, at the end of the day.

To bring up a point you made,
remember that the universe exists and works without your machinations.
This also applies to you.

That's right; it does apply to me. That's why I do everything in my power not to hold opinions. I'm about to tell you something very indicative about the person I am offline: I try as hard as possible to not have opinions, because opinions are meaningless. I think things, sure, but the things I think I think because logic and reason dictate that those thoughts are the least contradictory options available given current knowledge, and when knowledge changes, I change my thoughts accordingly.

It's part of my indomitable charm. ^_- So, as you can see, no contradictions so far. Next?

Nothing you ever say or do will have an impact on anyone here, or outside of the internet. You won't change the world. You won't change the minds of people on this forum. You will never contribute anything of great meaning to this world.

LOL! Someone's really salty now. I don't need your validation, dude; I've already affected people in my life, I've already had an effect on the world. So, thanks for the venom, my dear internet friend, but your attack is not very effective.

At this point you're just trolling people for kicks, written in a wordy and verbose manner to hide your true internet orientation. You know it, I know it, and I think people would be better off with you if you just went and admitted it.

Don't stay in the closet, Jack, this is 2011 and it's okay to come out.

Again, lol. I will say that I get a little enjoyment out of seeing the less capable of posters on any forum get angry because they have trouble speaking (to me or to anyone), but that's not why I post. I post because I enjoy a good debate. It's why I'm actually kind of sad that Zircon got so salty earlier; I expected better from him, since he's actually capable of giving me... well, logically consistent counters.

Now that that's done, any more real on-topic posts? Man, it's a sad day when Jack Kieser is the one trying to keep a thread on-topic. ^_-

Lol, you guys rage so much. It's too good. "Look at me, I'm going to selectively quote someone, then make vague threats because I didn't consider the context of what I quoted."

You know how when animals with similar genes interbreed and it causes genetic deformities that eventually cripple the species? The OCR forums should be a case study for how the same concept can be applied to ideas. I'm sure psychologists could have a field day watching people fellate their own ideas. I sure am.

To take a page from the OCR playbook:


Yeah, going too far. Take a vacation.

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