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Everytime I go into EBGames I see this sitting there


Bikini Samurai Squad! Never played it, but you should try it and let me know how it is.

"Bikini Samurai Squad" is the subtitle

you do realize that, right


Shadow Complex (Metroid rip off, but good)

Outland (okay, rips off Metroid, and tries to be Ikaruga also)

I would have recommended Braid, but I realize now that game sucked. Don't bother with Comic Jumper, it tries to be funny, but comes off obnoxious.

Shadow Complex is a tribute to Metroid, not a rip off. Get your facts straight. The achievements obviously show it is.

Outland isn't a rip off of Metroid either. What, now suddenly all 2-D adventure games rip off Metroid? If that is the case, Zelda 2, and practically every 2-d adventure game has ripped off Metroid.

See how dumb that sounds?

Zelda 2, and practically every 2-d adventure game has ripped off Metroid.

See how dumb that sounds?

I know, right? It's so inherently obvious that why would anybody ever have to say it except that they only just figured it out?


I am absolutely disappointed at the lack of Indie Game recommendations.

I guess I'll be the first.

  • I would say grab the entire Radiangames series, but they just jacked up the price to 400MSP each. If you have tons of money to burn, I highly recommend all seven games.
  • Sequence is what would happen if DDR and Puzzle Quest had a baby. A really spasmodic baby. Great voice acting, funny humor. I found it to be a tad easy though, even on the hardest difficulty, but that's just me. 240MSP
  • Echoes+ is Asteroids on steroids, with a Geometry Wars style twin stick flair. 80MSP, totally insane for what you get.
    Speaking of insane twin stick shooters, Score Rush is a twin stick shooter with bullet hell elements. Tiny hitbox, rain of bullets, you know the drill. It's also co-opable up to 4 players locally. 80MSP, can not recommend this game enough.
  • Want a more traditional bullet hell? Vorpal will cover that. 80MSP
  • Head Shot 2 is a sniper game. Find a target within a crowd, and pop a cap in his skull. 80MSP
  • I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES!!!1 is a zombie twin stick shooter. Also has the greatest song in the world. 80MSP
  • Do you like Warning Forever? You will absolutely love Infinity Danger. 80MSP for boss rush heaven.
  • Prismatic Solid is an amazing shmup. You also control these little satellite things that can shield you from all sorts of bullets. (You'll need them.) 80MSP
  • Back to bullet hells, REVOLVER360 is a horizontal shmup that lets you rotate the world. That wide spray of bullets coming at you? It's now a line. 240MSP
  • While we're on horizontal shmups, Leave Home has fantastic presentation, and the game never plays the same way twice. You have five minutes to get the best score, and what levels you get depend on your performance, so no game is too easy or hard. 80MSP
  • If you're up for a battle of minds (and a little luck), Tacticolor is what Risk could be like if it was a real time strategy game instead of a traditional board game. 80MSP
  • And for those times when you need a break from all the genocide and murder, Avatar Drop is whimsical fun for the whole family. Drop your poor helpless avatar ragdoll through rings for points and stuff. 80MSP

Now, let's get into disc games...

  • If you do fancy bullet hells, look around for WarTech: Senko no Ronde. It's a versus bullet hellish game. Spray bullets, dodge their spray of bullets, don't die, etc. It's pretty unique. I found a used copy at Gamestop for $3 ages ago, can't imagine it being no higher than $10 on the internet.
  • If you like racers, Import Tuner Challenge might interest you. If you liked the Tokyo Xtreme Racer series, stop reading this paragraph and go find it. This game is Shutokou Battle X, just with a stupid localized name.
  • I also happen to like the Dynasty Warriors series. Dynasty Warriors 7 is the definitive DW game. If you're a fan of the series, grab it.
  • Blur.
  • If you can find it, Qubed is Lumines Live (with most of the DLC), Rez HD, and E4 all on one CD. Shouldn't set you back no more than $30, and that's kinda high seeing how old this disc release is.
  • Deathsmiles is another nice bullet hell shmup.

And other recommendations in no particular order:

  • Soulcalibur IV
  • Sonic Unleashed (I don't care what anyone says I think this game is pretty good)
  • Need for Speed: Shift and Hot Pursuit
  • Burnout Paradise
  • Magna Carta 2
  • Eternal Sonata
  • Tales of Vesperia
  • Pure
  • Forza Motorsport 3


Halo 3 is a must, the story is amazing (i'm not just a shooter geek who only plays shooters only.) Halo Wars if you like Real-Time Strategy games, uhm, I had eternal sonata. It was okay. Record of Agarest War is good, Tales of Vesperia...OH, and BlazBlue Calamity Trigger and BlazBlue Continuum Shift. Both good Arcade-Style fighters. :D


If you like the arcade shooter/shmup style of game, Senko no Ronde can be pretty good, once you learn the controls (it takes a while to get into it). And yeah, the game is dirt cheap online on amazon, so there's that.

Other shmup recommendations:

-Strania: The Stella Machina

Want a game where every level is different, unique, and memorable? Want a fun shooter with lots of different ways to play? This is what you'll be getting if you get Strania: The Stella Machina.

Now if you don't like shmups at all, you'll most likely not like these two games, but if you want to try something challenging and entertaining, you might like it. Strania is on XBLA, so you can try the demo.

I'd say Fallout 3, since there is some definite fun to be had there (though Fallout 1 and 2 are far superior games)- if you like a more RPG-esque FPS, you'll like it.

Other people have recommended what I'd recommend, so I'll leave it there.

If you do like RPGs, Lost Odyssey is a good place to start (it's essentially Final Fantasy, made by the guys who made the original Final Fantasy).


Going by what remains in my XBox360 library (I recently sold off a few that I didn't like and wasn't playing)...

Fable II & III are getting no love here. Pity, I rather like them and recommend them both - though they seem to fall into the same polarizing category that General Gilliam put Halo: Reach, FFXIII and Borderlands in.

Incidentally, I find Borderlands to be a great single-player romp too.

Konami Classics Vol. 1 is worth its $20 (or less) admission price for Castlevania: Symphony of the Night alone.

LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Trilogy - actually most of the LEGO movie games are fairly decent, but the Star Wars ones are my favourites.

On the subject of movie-based and similar games, I can't let a list like this slide by without at least mentioning Transformers: War For Cybertron. I've heard good things about Dark of the Moon as well, but I haven't yet been able to try it for myself.

I have a thing for compilations, so let me mention three that are well worth the money (particularly because they aren't difficult to find at low prices brand new): Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection [49 games], Namco Museum Virtual Arcade [33 games], and Konami Classics Vol. 1 [Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is worth the price of admission alone].

Finally, I'll give the Arcade a little love: Banjo-Kazooie, Bionic Commando Rearmed, Shadow Complex, and Vigilante 8 Arcade.

P.S. Does anyone agree with me that Blast Corps should be upgraded to HD and put on XBox Live Arcade and/or a new Blast Corps game should be produced?


The new generation of 2D fighters are worth your time, but either you play those games or you don't.

For general recommendations: Assassin's Creed (whole series but especially II) and Shadow Complex are great.

On XBLA: If you like retro gaming at all, consider Bionic Commando Rearmed (1), Prince of Persia XBLA, Mega Man 9 (better than 10 which is also good), and Castle Crashers (in the spirit of retro gaming). If you have a couple friends that you can convince to drop $10 with you, Age of Booty is one of the most fun games on the system and criminally underplayed. For $5, Marble Blast Ultra is probably the best purchase out there, featuring a fun multiplayer mode also.

The new generation of 2D fighters are worth your time, but either you play those games or you don't.

For general recommendations: Assassin's Creed (whole series but especially II) and Shadow Complex are great.

On XBLA: If you like retro gaming at all, consider Bionic Commando Rearmed (1), Prince of Persia XBLA, Mega Man 9 (better than 10 which is also good), and Castle Crashers (in the spirit of retro gaming). If you have a couple friends that you can convince to drop $10 with you, Age of Booty is one of the most fun games on the system and criminally underplayed. For $5, Marble Blast Ultra is probably the best purchase out there, featuring a fun multiplayer mode also.

My friend keeps insisting that Age of Booty is good, but he's letting me use his XBL account so I can see for myself when I get back home to actually open my xbox. In terms of getting a whole library of games, I may just stick with gamestop or actually subscribe to gamefly or something. With gamestop I can at least refund up a storm if I dislike anything...


I only got two questions.

1: Can you use a combination of kinect+controller? (...i cant justify a wheel but good god i love using a 360 controller for racing!)


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