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*NO* Various 'Totakaland'


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Remixer name: MattInc

Real name: Matt E. Waldman

Email: matt.waldman@toast2.net

Website: mattinc.net

userid: 28954


Name of game(s) arranged:

(since Totaka's Song appears in a HUGE amount of Nintendo games, I'll list all the known appearances, according to Wikipedia.):

- Animal Crossing (All versions)

- Zelda: Link's Awakening

- Luigi's Mansion

- Mario Paint

- Pikmin 2

- Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins

- Virtual Boy Wario Land

- X

- X-Scape

- Yoshi's Story

- Yoshi Touch & Go

Name of Arrangement: "Totakaland"

Name of individual song(s) arranged: "Totaka's Song" (see above for game appearances.

Original Artist: Kazumi Totaka


I started on this mix nearly two years ago(after pitching the idea in this thread: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=25085). After zircon gave me the OK, I went ahead and began production. Instead of doing a huge reworking of the source, I went with a minimalist approach, retaining the whimsical style and mood of the original melody while taking it on a bizarre journey. After about a month or two, I abandoned it for nearly two years, but picked it up again recently, touched it up, and brought it to where it is now.

I was reluctant to submit it initially because it was an experiment, and naturally, I wasn't sure if it would make it through the panel. I'm testing the waters now!


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  • 5 weeks later...

I dunno, I think this is a viable remix that is viable for our standards. It's quirky, creepy, and it does have the source in there. Whether or not it's in there enough, and whether or not it's arranged to an acceptable standard is a different story.

I found this to be surprisingly close. The melody is pretty awkward on it's own, so that is an interesting factor for the mix, and I think you do pull it off. I'm thinking the lack of any sort of definable ending is hurting this a bit, but oddly enough, I'm ok giving this a nod.

Curious what the other judges think, and if they think I'm crazy or not.


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I had no problem with the structure or style of the track. It's perfectly fine for OCR as far as the writing and concept. That said, "Totaka's Song" is pretty short, and you didn't use it enough here for it to be the dominant aspect of the arrangement.

For a 2:43-long track, this needed more than 81.5 seconds of source usage for the source tune to be the dominant aspect of the arrangement (i.e. in use more than 50% of the time), and for me to give it a pass on arrangement:

:05-:15, :20-:30.75, :52.75-1:02.25, 1:30-1:52, 2:30.75-2:41 = 62.5 seconds or 38.34%

Not nearly enough use of the theme in here. I like the slapsticky stuff going on. But you need to figure out other clever ways to have the source in play without getting, e.g slowing it down and using it as a backing part via some low bowed strings.

Just think of some things you can do to further integrate the theme in here, preferably without just playing it more and more at the same rhythm and tempo in order to provide variation instead of mere repetition.

The production sounds good, and the instrumentation sounds well put together. Now get the second part of the equation working.

NO (resubmit)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Well, this is certainly... odd. I've gotta give props for creativity here, Matt, but the source usage here is marginalized due to the way the arrangement is tackled and the clunky nature of the source in the first place. Like you said, it's an experimental track, and it achieves a great deal of success exploring a range of different percussive sounds/sfx, but I sort of agree with OA that it's too disjointed and lacking in structure to really pass as an OCRemix. I might be willing to forgive that if the original was more present, but when you factor in the 38% source usage it's a definite no-go by OCR's standards.

I highly encourage you to go pimp this out as much as you can on R:TS, OverLooked Remix, the workshop forums... wherever you can, because it's a really cool experiment that people will really enjoy, but I don't think it's suitable for the site for multiple reasons. Sorry bro :-(


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