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Unless someone objects, here it is.

My blood[not really], sweat[a little on the mouse], and tears[a bug flew in my eye].


The snes controller is supposed to look 'dropped in', btw.

It symbolizes that we are not all about winning, that we fool around sometimes.

I already shrank it; I hope it's small enough for you guys. If not, just ask for a further shrinking.




Heh, looks good, but I'm gonna attempt to clean it up a little more.

More as the story develops...


full sized:






Jeez, I said if ya wanted it shrunk, just ask!


Mebbe just a wee bit bigger. Like so:


Also, how do you add transparency to PNGs?

I don't use photoshop that often, and it didn't come with an instruction manual.


Just erase the background.

Personally, I think mine is more badge-sized, but we'll wait for input from the rest of the clan before we reach any sort of consensus.


And I won't use this one.



Anywho, I might be able to get on, but I'll have to bring my


up next to the


so it can be close enough to the


to get connected.

Then I can get on.

[i hope those sites don't kill me for direct linking to their pics :twisted: ]


Heh...Well, i was considering staff-ifying a member [who, for now, shall remain nameless], so as to have a mighty total of /2/ staff members. Still on the fence about that one though.

Also, i see Equinox is on right now...did he finally accept the clan invite?


She'd better be on later too :P

Heh...Well, i was considering staff-ifying a member [who, for now, shall remain nameless], so as to have a mighty total of /2/ staff members. Still on the fence about that one though.

Also, i see Equinox is on right now...did he finally accept the clan invite?


She'd better be on later too :P


Hahaha. I haven't been on in awhile. I'll be on a lot once I'm done with finals.

Wes, I like the ones with the ranks, but they're kinda pointless since we've only a couple staff and one overlord. It might be cool if we had usernames there.

Anyway, I'm ready to put these in my sig.


The clan that I was in for the last 4-1/2 months just split apart (HBO Lekgolos) and I'm searching for a new community. After coming here I see that you're all about having fun instead of rank and ability - which is similar to the clan I was in. I'm not around too often - I tend to binge-play on the weekends - but I try to be as active as possible during that period.

Just to give some other info about myself I'm 22 years old (I'm also curious to know how old the rest of you happen to be), enjoy MLG settings and crazy game variants. I tend to join arranged games frequently and solo matchmaking - though I'd like to start partying as often as possible to increase the odds of winning . . . and having fun.

Anyway, I'm hoping for an invite, if it's at all possible.

EDIT: I should also mention that I'm blond and polish. I forgot to add my GT, which is the same as my forum username.


Last night..

All I can remember is those two guys.

Ho Smacker and Smacked Ho.


On another note,

I sent ya an invite s8riot. We need more people to sate the videogame music god, or he will get angry and make every piece of music sound as if it came from shael riley's musical groin! 8O


Oh man... what we lack in coordinated mixed-group tactics we more than make up for with moxie

QotD (possibly week): GO FUCK A CHEESBUGAH!

Btw: I'm keeping a list of all the countries and nations we offend through the course of our training.

First down: England and her satellite colonies.

Keep it up OCRemix. The world will fear our battlecry, one cheeky git at a time.


Me and Dr. Marius played a few games of Rocketball. The first game was a blast. Being anywhere near the ball resulted in dying from a hail of rockets hitting you in the face. I still have no idea how Unicide won the first and third game. I'm gonna go play for about 1 more hour and the go to sleep.


Another great night. However, sadly, after tomorrow, I don't know how often I'll be able to come on. I'm going home from school, and neither of my parents have high speed internet. I'm going to go on as much as I can at my friends house, but I'm going to estimate that that may be once, maybe twice a week. It was a great run while it lasted, I've had alot of fun playing. Hope to see you online sometimes during the summer.


I should also mention that I'm blond and polish. I forgot to add my GT, which is the same as my forum username.

You're fucking GONE.

Not sure how to interpret that. But it's quite true. I really _am_ blond and polish. It just doesn't affect my gameplaying abilities . . . well, not always. If you see me charge into a group of enemies all alone, you know that something's kicking in XDD

Thanks for the invite - as soon as I can access LIVE, I'll join in on the fun.


I think I can speak for those of us who don't have a router (and thus no way to connect to our PC and Xbox at the same time) and/or already have Live:

We're fine!

Also, Icy...you missed quite the match. We were playing against a bunch of prepubescents, and they rivalled that one match's annoyingness.

Also, they insulted Lazy by calling 'er...*GASP*...it's too horrible to say...so i'll make it really small.



Also, that match that stuck us against a level 8 clan...total bull. BAH!

Prepubescents? Playing Halo 2 on Live? You're joking! Btw: which match are you referring to? We've played many matches against annoying players (or players who just want to come into our base and chat), so I'm not sure which one you're talking about.

As for the level 8 clan, I think we would've pwned those nubs if I was there to help you guys out. What kind of match was it? Was it close?

Sounds like I've missed out on some fun times, but when hasn't playing with Team OCR involved times of funness?

Update: I sent my HDD off to the guy who built my PC, and he said that when he booted it as a slave drive on his PC, Windows said the drive had errors. In its usual, helpful way, it fixed the errors. I'll be getting the drive back tonight, and I'm going reinstall it into my case. If those errors were the problem (instead of Windows), then I should be able to see you guys again sooner than I expected. Problem is, I'll be grounded for a week, starting on the day I get everything up and running again. This is apparently some sort of punishment for not reinstalling Windows when I was told it would be a good idea to do so.

I'll see if I can cut the sentence down a bit, because I'm suffering from withdrawal. Imagine not playing Rocketball on Midship or Warlock for a whole 5 days. The horror!


I just got another job (yay), but I have to work from 7 AM to 5 PM every monday through friday, so I won't be on most nights anymore, becuase you are all getting on at 10 my time, and I need my sleep. Sry 'bout that.


Curse you Marius, curse you to...i dunno, Detroit or something.

On an unrelated note, redchlorine has been upgraded to staff for [mostly] designing/making the badge. So...yep.

Speaking of badges, have we decided on those yet? Input people, INPUT!

I think I can speak for those of us who don't have a router (and thus no way to connect to our PC and Xbox at the same time) and/or already have Live

Oddly enough, Xlink is easier to get running than plugging a mouse into your PC. As long as you have a network card and a crossover cable, you'll be connected instantly.


On an unrelated note, redchlorine has been upgraded to staff for [mostly] designing/making the badge. So...yep.

...one step closer to world domination. :twisted:

Alas, I will be unable to join you this week, what with finals and procrastinated history projects and being at the wrong house. Plus, next week, my grandparents are flying out from Connecticut, [there's a joke in that, somewhere. Hmm.. something about flying Scotsmen?] so I might not get on too often. On completely unrelated note, I got the temp teeth out and brand new porcelain front teeth. See 'em? :D


Tomorrow, the Halo skills I learned with you guys will be put to the test! End-of-the-year Halo LAN party! And the next day, UT2K4! Whoo!


So...yeah. Since nobody's giving any input, I'm just sticking whichever one I feel like into my sig. So there.

Also, note my absense tonight. PH33R IT.

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