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Old news, but thanks for the post :) . I heard it was some glitch that happens if someone joins a game on a severely laggy connection.

New maps now in the preview sections! Me, Lazy, and Sonic were playing in team preview until she had to leave :( after that I just came onto here since that damn headset started hurting my ear too much >.<


i could always hold my halo 2 multiplayer map pack stand thingy with all the magnents in it over my head in a zelda pose, but then, who would take the picture?

this puzzles me to the edge of the universe and back again 27 times before it hits me.

i won't post a pic because i don't look good in green tights... 8O


will be on after this post and when im done with mah ice cream...

i could always hold my halo 2 multiplayer map pack stand thingy with all the magnents in it over my head in a zelda pose, but then, who would take the picture?

this puzzles me to the edge of the universe and back again 27 times before it hits me.

i won't post a pic because i don't look good in green tights... 8O


will be on after this post and when im done with mah ice cream...

That post made absolutely no sense at all :?


Will anyone else be on later tonight? It's getting lonely with NO ONE to play with T-T

Besides, I need people who know how I play and can give me DECENT cover fire. Random people just don't listen to what you tell them -_-

I'm back, still no mic, but i doubt you would want to hear my voice anyways.

Lasakon, Send it.

I sent one awhile ago, but cancelled it due to it..sitting there for a month or two.

But yeah, I'll be on once I see people come on. [Trusty ol' XBList].

So...sometime in the not-too-distant future.

Oh, and our Minor Clan is at lv 8. We WERE at 9, but then we lost. :(


I have internet...but its all screwed up.

I have to have the modem and wireless router in a room across the house, and something with the router won't let me get on Live.

For those of you confused by that,


Basically the same as what I was doing before.

Damn router.

No wait, damn cable not giving me internet in my room.


I have internet...but its all screwed up.

I have to have the modem and wireless router in a room across the house, and something with the router won't let me get on Live.

For those of you confused by that,


Basically the same as what I was doing before.

Damn router.

No wait, damn cable not giving me internet in my room.




L___ = :lmassoff:

Sorry, that just sounded funny to me ^_^

At least I have a software problem (Which might be solved as of this morning...)


We need to agree on a time where we all try to be online. Yesterday consisted mostly of me, Deej, and Wes playing matchmaking. How about 7:00 Pacific?


...Which is the same time that WesPip mentioned in the beginning of this thread.

Also, after much thought, I've decided to join your ranks. :)

GamerTag: Sgt Strykr

I probably won't be on today, but I'll be online tomorrow and from there on out as often as possible, around 10 PM EST.


Well, the cable company is dumb.

They hooked up the high speed to an outlet on the wrong side of the house. Internet in the guest room is not going to help me here in the basement. They will fix it for free on Tuesday, and until then, I'm using my wireless router to get a signal...

...In layman terms, I have returned. 8)

but I have a friend coming over tonight, so i won't be on until tomorrow

And I found out what I am angry at! The cable splitters all have resistors in them, so I am angry at resistors!

Well, thats what I'm angry at right now anyway.

We need to agree on a time where we all try to be online. Yesterday consisted mostly of me, Deej, and Wes playing matchmaking. How about 7:00 Pacific?

Well, Red needs an anime explosive thing... So I may go make him one in a bit. Need to see if my ripped copy of fireworks mx will operate under my PC's horrible condition. IE has fucked up where it won't load (not that i want it to...) and it crashes explorer everytime i try to delete the shortcut off my desktop.

So pic yer poison Red, then I'll try to draw up and celshade the anime person of yer choice with a bomb of some sort.

After that, I'll get a ninja (possibly Oboro from Live-A-Live, check it out on an snes rom since square never released it statewide) and put him onto a pogo stick, make a bouncing animation for Wespip. Ah, the wonders of flash mx...

Besides, the first post said that the meeting time was about 10:00 PM EST. So blah to you, im eating a pizza. Then i may be on to try to get past lv 23... or regret on mythic!


So pic yer poison Red, then I'll try to draw up and celshade the anime person of yer choice with a bomb of some sort.

Aww, it has to be anime? I don't watch tv much anymore, I'm too into UT and NS right now.

Just pick some random anime person who has no major issues. Wait, that eliminates all anime. Hmm...

After that, I'll get a ninja (possibly Oboro from Live-A-Live, check it out on an snes rom since square never released it statewide) and put him onto a pogo stick, make a bouncing animation for Wespip. Ah, the wonders of flash mx...

Heh, awesome. I was just gonna get a rabbit and put a ninja mask on it, 'cause I realized I'm lazy, but if YOU'RE doing that, it's awesome :P

53phy, I'll send you an invite when I'm on later, Lasakon's invite has been sent, and..uhm...yeah.

I think that about covers it for now, yes?

I sure hope my new copy of Halo 2 comes in soon, I miss you guys :(

You know, if I saw you on, we COULD play some CS, though I'm horrid at it.

And everyone knows, by "you guys", you mean me. Everyone always does.


Time to brag, check out mah medals: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/GameStats.aspx?gameID=241971754&player=Deej%20Valen

And yes, anime is awsome so thats why the badge should have an anime character... To show awsomeness!


That, or Madness! Both are awsome.

-2nd edit-

Ok, get this: Pogostick from Commander Keen (go out and dl it, CLASSIC) with Oboro from Live-A-Live on it... I haven't seen you jump around like a bunny yet wespip. I know how to but then again, its hard to fight like that o_o;

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